When Xiao Yun and Catherine came in, everyone's eyes were on them.

Seeing Catherine and Sophia, the two beautiful twin princesses, everyone in the hall lit up.

The middle-aged Fatty directly above squinted, a fiery desire flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly suppressed.

After all, there is a wizard sitting next to him, and even if he is an earl, he does not dare to be presumptuous.

As for the seven boys among the eight lucky ones next to them, they all stared at the two twin princesses with purplish gems, and they were almost demented.

"Two beautiful little Sisters, you are from the Kenyan royal family?" The blond beauty looked at Katherine and the two with admiration.

No one hates good things.

Even the blonde beauty is a beauty in her own right.

"Catherine, Sophia, I have seen the wizard!" Catherine and Sophia hurriedly bowed to the blonde beauty in front of them.

Xiao Yun also saluted.

The blond beauty ignored Xiao Yun and kept her eyes on Catherine and Sophia. When she saw the two purple gemstone rings on the hands of the two women, she suddenly smiled: "It seems that you have obtained our Bauhinia Paradise Wizard. The recognition of the token means that you all have the qualifications of wizards, and you can directly enter the Bauhinia Paradise without testing."

"Introduce myself, my name is Katerina, I'm a senior wizard apprentice from Bauhinia Garden."

Katherina looked at Catherine and Sophia, and she seemed to have a friendly smile because the other party held a token of Bauhinia Paradise, and continued: "Although you can pass the test directly, you still need to test the qualifications of wizards, after all, the qualifications of wizards It is also divided into high and low, and for outstanding talents, our Bauhinia Paradise will focus on cultivating them."

Having said that, Katerina took out a crystal ball and handed it over.

"Put your palm on it, and the crystal ball will sense your wizard aptitude."

Catherine immediately stretched out her palm and touched the crystal ball lightly, and then a hot reddish halo appeared on the crystal ball.

Xiao Yun watched from the side and found that after Catherine touched the crystal ball, the transparent crystal ball suddenly turned into a light bulb and lit up.

"Your wizard attribute is biased towards the fire element, but unfortunately the aptitude is a bit low, and the affinity of the law can only be regarded as low and high."

Katherina glanced at the crystal ball and said regretfully to Catherine.

Katherine's face turned pale when she heard the words. She had been taught some wizard knowledge since she was a child. Of course, she knew what the evaluation of 'low-level high' meant that she could only become a wizard apprentice, and it was almost impossible to become a real wizard. .

However, Catherine finally went through the hardship of annihilating the country and the family, and her willpower has strengthened a lot. She bit her red lips lightly, resisting the urge to cry with sadness, and said to Sophia behind her: "Little Sister, you go to test."

She can only put her hope in Little Sister now.

Seeing Catherine's sad look, Sophia became nervous at the moment, grabbing the skirt with one hand and reaching for the crystal ball with the other trembling.

This time the crystal ball released a green halo, and the halo was much brighter than Catherine's red.

Seeing this, Katerina smiled and said: "Yes, your wizard attribute is a relatively rare life system, which is very valuable for training. Moreover, your wizard qualification is 'above average', although it is not a genius, but hard work Now, it is still possible to become an official wizard."

Catherine and Sophia were both happy when they heard the words.

"Okay, you guys go to the side first, that kid is left, it's your time to test." Katerina turned her attention to Xiao Yun at this moment.

As for the others, they didn't even look at Xiao Yun at all, they were always looking at the two princesses Catherine and Sophia.

A young man who thought he was handsome had already approached Catherine to win over a relationship.

Even Katerina just stared at Xiao Yun indifferently at the moment.

Xiao Yun didn't care, and directly reached out to touch the crystal ball in front of him. At the same time, he stimulated the life seeds in his body, and transferred the life essence to his eyes, barely activating the 'Double Pupils'.

Immediately, the crystal ball in front of him released a dazzling red light, much brighter than the red light from Catherine before.

Everyone in the hall was also attracted at this moment, and looked at Xiao Yun solemnly for the first time.

Obviously, everyone is not a fool, knowing that Xiao Yun's wizard qualifications must be very good, definitely not low.

Katerina also showed a surprised smile, looked at Xiao Yun in front of her with some surprise, and smiled gently: "Yes, I didn't expect a 'superior' talent to be born in the Land Forsaken by God, even if it is placed in the wizarding continent, This is barely considered a genius, and the chance of you being promoted to a full-fledged wizard in the future is at least 50% or more."

Xiao Yun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He had watched Katherine and Sophia's tests before, and through the powerful Mental Energy, he already knew what the so-called test was.

The so-called law affinity refers to the degree of fit between the body and the law. Xiao Yun probably does not have a body, so he can only reluctantly open the 'Double Pupils' to have the 'superior' aptitude.

"The test is over, you all go back and prepare first, and follow me to the Hailunwan Pier tomorrow." Katerina waved her hand, indicating that everyone can go back.

Just after leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Xiao Yun was invited to dinner by Catherine.

Xiao Yun felt that she could test this time, and Catherine helped a lot, so she did not refuse.

What's more, Catherine invited Mild, Shia and the others together.

After dinner.

The maids brought tea, Catherine leaned lazily on the chair, looked at Xiao Yun opposite, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect Your Excellency Hill to have the qualifications of a 'superior' wizard, and I hope that when I enter the Bauhinia Paradise, I hope that Your Excellency, please take care of one or two."

Xiao Yun waved his hand and smiled when he heard the words: "Your Highness Princess is polite, don't forget, I still owe you three conditions."

"Haha, Your Excellency Hill is joking. That's because I underestimated His Excellency Hill before and thought you didn't have the qualifications to be a wizard. Since you have the qualifications to be a wizard, then the three previous conditions will be waived." Catherine seemed very polite, Obviously much more enthusiastic than when I contacted Xiao Yun before.

Apparently, geniuses are respected enough wherever they are.

"His Royal Highness, I promise a lot of money. Since I promised you three conditions before, I will definitely do it." Xiao Yun said with a serious face, joking, when did he Xiao Heavenly Emperor not talk anymore?

After hearing this, Catherine admired Xiao Yun even more, and then seemed to have thought of something, and waved to the driver beside her.

Immediately, the driver took out a box, put it on the table, and pushed it towards Xiao Yun, then opened the box cover, and a stream of colored light emanated.

There are ten magic stones in this box.

"Your Highness Princess, is this?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Princess Catherine opposite.

Catherine said with a smile: "Among the wizards, the currency used for each other's transactions is magic stones. We newcomers will inevitably need some magic stones when they enter. These ten magic stones should be lent to Your Excellency Hill first. You It's not too late to return the magic stone to me in the future."

Xiao Yun stared at Catherine in front of him for a while, then smiled slightly.

This Princess Catherine is really good at being a human being. She doesn't say giving the magic stone, but borrowing the magic stone. This is for Xiao Yun's self-esteem, which makes people feel good about her unconsciously.

"Thank you, Your Highness, Princess." Xiao Yun accepted the ten magic stones without rejecting them. After all, he might actually use the magic stones next.

Besides, I already owe Catherine three conditions, and it doesn't matter if I owe more. It's enough to take care of her in the future. Xiao Yun is still very confident in his own strength.

After leaving Catherine's mansion, Xiao Yun and his party returned to their residence.

While packing up, Xiao Yun asked Mild and Shia again, and then he was completely relieved.

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