Three months passed in a flash.

During these three months, Xiao Yun did not go out, but stayed at home, personally instructing Little Sister Shia in cultivation, and helping Little Sister lay a solid foundation.

"In the future, you can cultivate step by step, but you must remember that the fundamental method I passed on to you, as well as the breathing method, should not be passed on to others. Even if you get married in the future, you can only teach the fundamental method, and the breathing method must not be taught. Yes, only the kind of breathing I gave Mild."

Xiao Yun looked at Shia in front of him and asked again.

He knows the truth of the innocence and the guilt of the common man. If Shia exposes the fundamental method and breathing method, it will definitely attract the spy of the enemy.

"Big Brother, I know, but won't you come back in the future?" Shia looked at Xiao Yun in front of her pitifully, with a look of reluctance.

Xiao Yun touched her head and said, "This time I have to cross many oceans, and I don't know when I will come back, maybe a year or two, maybe ten years. But don't worry, Big Brother will definitely come back, Big Brother promises. "

Xiao Yun can indeed guarantee this. After all, his 'Tianmen' is still at Baron Lake's castle. If he wants to open the 'Tianmen', he must come back.

"Big Brother, don't worry, I will work hard to cultivate and protect yourself. You should also protect yourself when you are outside. By the way, Big Brother, can you have a baby with Chris Big sis before you leave?" Shia said.

Xiao Yun was a little relieved to hear Shia's words in front of her. She felt that her Little Sister was finally sensible. Suddenly, when she heard Shia's words change, she almost fell down.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xiao Yun glared at Shia and shouted, "Who taught you to say such things? I'm leaving, what kind of child do you have? Besides, is it easy for you to have a child?"

"Is there anything difficult? Isn't it just the two of you sleeping together?" Shia said innocently.

Xiao Yun's forehead was covered with black lines, rolled his eyes and said, "You are still young, you don't understand these things, don't worry about it."

"But Big Brother, if something happens to you outside, wouldn't our family lose our heritage?" Shia looked worried. To be honest, she didn't like Kris either, but for the sake of the family's heritage, she felt Big Brother can make sacrifices with reluctance.

"I see that you are full of energy. Please continue to cultivate for me, or else I won't give you a meal at night." Xiao Yun reprimanded with a dark face.


A few days later, on the '8th', Xiao Yun and his group came to the residence of the pair of 'Purple Gems' princesses.

Catherine saw Xiao Yun and said with a smile: "The mysterious person has arrived in Stowe City, right in the City Lord's Mansion. Let's go to take the test now."

"Yeah!" Xiao Yun nodded.

Afterwards, the group went to the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, there was already a long queue at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, all of them young people, the youngest were 15 or 16 years old, and the oldest were no more than twenty-five years old.

But they all have one characteristic, that is, they dress luxuriously, and they look like the second generation of wealth.

"These people are all here to test, most of them are noble children of Stowe City," Catherine said.

Xiao Yun was not surprised by this, because he needed to pay a magic stone to participate in the test, and he didn't even have a big knight, so it was impossible for ordinary civilians to participate in the test.

"Palmer, did you succeed? Ah, failed?"

"Fitzgerald, did you even fail?"

"I suspect we've been deceived. I haven't seen anyone testing wizard qualifications yet."


Some young people walked out of the city lord's mansion from time to time, all of them looked downcast, and at a glance they knew that the test had failed.

Moreover, there were so many people like this that Xiao Yun frowned when he saw it.

Is the qualification of a wizard really so scarce?

Then his civilian body may not have the qualifications of a wizard.

"Hill, we are called the Land Abandoned by Gods. Legend has it that we have been cursed by the gods, so few of us here are qualified as wizards." Catherine seemed to see Xiao Yun's thoughts and whispered.

Xiao Yun looked at Catherine, and then at Princess Sophia behind her. After several encounters, he knew that Princess Catherine was very thoughtful. Although she wasn't scheming, she was rather shrewd, not the kind of silly sweetheart.

On the other hand, the Little Sister Princess Sophia behind her is a pure idiot and sweet, a well-behaved girl who usually seldom speaks, with the attitude of a well-behaved Little Sister listening to Big sis.

Therefore, from Catherine's eyes, Xiao Yun didn't see anything. But from Sophia's eyes, he didn't see the slightest worry. Sophia didn't feel the slightest anxiety about those around who failed the test, as if she was confident in her next test.

"Your Highness Princess, you seem to be very confident? Are you sure that you have the qualifications of a wizard?" Xiao Yun couldn't help asking.

Catherine raised a jade hand, pointed to a purple gemstone ring on her middle finger, and said with a smile, "Our Kenyan royal family has also given birth to wizard apprentices before, and this purple gemstone ring is the token left by that ancestor. It can sense whether our Kenyan royal bloodline has the qualifications of wizards, and I and I, Little Sister Sophia, have been recognized by it, so we must have the qualifications of wizards."

Xiao Yun glanced at Sophia's jade hand, and sure enough, she also wore a purple gemstone ring on her hand.

"Unfortunately, this thing is only useful to our Kenyan royal family, otherwise, it can help you test the qualifications of wizards in advance." Catherine explained again.

Xiao Yun nodded with a wry smile, then looked at the City Lord's Mansion and continued to wait.

After about a dozen more were eliminated, Xiao Yun finally heard an excited exclamation from the city lord's mansion.

Apparently, someone finally tested the wizard qualifications.

Xiao Yun waited and calculated silently. There were about seven or eight such exclamations, and then it was Xiao Yun's turn.

"The chance is really low!" Xiao Yun and Catherine entered the City Lord's Mansion.

He roughly calculated that there were a total of hundreds of people who came to test, and only seven or eight were successful. The probability is really low.

You know, in fact, the hundreds of people who came to test have already been carefully selected by those nobles, and they were not sent for testing casually. After all, magic stones are very precious.

It can be seen that there are really very few people here with the qualifications of wizards.

"Earl Hayden, is there anyone else?" A clear and pleasant voice came from the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

"There are also two princesses from the Kingdom of Kenya. I heard that some of their ancestors once became a wizard apprentice in Bauhinia Paradise." A low and slightly majestic voice sounded.

Xiao Yun walked into the hall, and immediately saw a middle-aged Fatty in luxurious clothes, and a slender, blond young beauty in a green robe, sitting at the top.

There are eight excited young people next to them. Obviously, they are the lucky ones who passed the test just now.

Xiao Yun turned his gaze to the blond beauty in front of him. His powerful Mental Energy told him that this woman exuded the aura of law, and the energy intensity in her body far surpassed that of the Great Knight.

Obviously, this is a wizard.

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