Looking at the blood-colored command flag held high in the hands of this Black Armored Army soldier, both Baron Lake and Mild's expressions changed.

This is the blood command flag, which only appears when there is war.

At the same time, Baron Lake also stipulated that the soldiers holding the blood order flag should not be blocked by outsiders, and they could meet him directly.

"What happened to the frontier?" Baron Lake asked in a deep voice.

The black armored soldier in front of him knelt down on one knee and hurriedly said, "It was the Tyre family's spear army that attacked and has taken away our village."

"It's them again? That idiot Ted was defeated by me last time, why did he dare to provoke me?" Baron Lake clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, obviously he had a deep hatred with this Ted.

Mild frowned and pondered: "The last time we robbed the mermaid elf, the Tyre family was defeated by us. This time he dared to invade us. It is estimated that he has invited some help."

"Help? Could he still invite a formal knight?" Baron Lake sneered.

He knew all the barons around him, and no one could spare his hands at all.

The average baron also has only one official knight, basically they are themselves, only the more powerful Baron Rick, who has the official knight Mild under his command.

Because of this, Baron Lake is also the strongest among the barons.

As for the other barons, even if someone befriends Baron Ted, they will not come to help him. After all, once they leave their own territory, they will no longer have official knights to sit in. What if something goes wrong? Which baron has no enemies? Who dares to leave their own territory without authorization?

"Lord Baron, why don't I go over there." Mild also felt that Baron Ted couldn't ask for 'help'.

"No, you're not his opponent, I'll go over." Baron Rick shook his head, a bloodthirsty coldness flashed in his eyes, this time he was going to kill Baron Ted in one fell swoop, even if it cost some Shouyuan. No hesitation.

This Ted had thoroughly pissed him off.

Before, he was worried that his lifespan would be consumed too much, and it would be difficult to resist other barons around him in the future, but now that he has a mermaid elf, Nord can immediately become the second official knight under his command, so he has no worries.


"Xia, from today onwards, you are going to carry out knight cultivation with Big Brother." In the stone house, Xiao Yun looked at Little Sister Xia in front of him with a serious face.

In the past two months, because of eating some beef with white bread, Shia's complexion has improved a lot, and she is not as malnourished as before, and her knight cultivation will not hurt her body.

Xiao Yun hopes that Shia's strength is stronger, at least he has the capital to protect himself. Then he can leave alone and find a stronger 'Transcendent' power, otherwise it will be too troublesome to bring a fuel bottle.

"Big Brother, do I also have the qualifications of a knight?" Shia looked at her own Big Brother in disbelief. She didn't understand anything. There were no female knights in this world, but there were only a small number of them, and most of them were nobles. Nurtured since childhood.

Commoners like them, who can't get enough to eat, are malnourished, and women are already thin, so they have no chance to become knights.

Even if Shia's health is much better now, it can only be regarded as sub-health. It is almost impossible to perform knight cultivation, and forced cultivation will only hurt the body.

"Don't worry, Big Brother won't hurt you." Xiao Yun smiled slightly, touched Shia's little head, and comforted.

Indeed, normally, Shia cannot become a knight.

However, Xiao Yun's self-created "Tai Chi Xingyi Fundamental Law" is extremely efficient and has no side effects. As long as the body is not disabled or seriously ill, he can basically become an elite apprentice knight.

At that time, with Xiao Yun's modified knight breathing method, it will not be too easy to stimulate the 'seed of life'.

Xiao Yun calculated that even if Shia's qualifications were poor, five years would be enough for her to become a full-fledged knight. Even if Shia is willing to spend her life, it is not a problem to inspire the second 'seed of life' to become a great knight.

"Okay, I'll listen to Big Brother." Shia nodded, completely trusting Xiao Yun.

"By the way, don't let others see your cultivation technique, and don't tell anyone." Xiao Yun thought about it for a while, and then warned that his self-created cultivation technique and breathing technique were too strong. That would definitely lead to countless killings.

This is like the peerless magic in Martial Forest, once it is born, it will cause a bloody storm.

Xiao Yun, these two Cultivation Techniques, can ignore the qualifications of a knight, and almost everyone can become a knight. In this world, it is a peerless skill.


in a house.

Chris, who was wearing a long blue dress and had snow-white skin, said to Nord with a silver bowl, "Nord, this is the mermaid elf, my father asked me to give it to you, and soon you can become an official knight. "

"Then we will be able to hold the wedding!" The Nord knight showed a sunny smile as he glanced at the mermaid elf in the silver bowl, with a touch of fiery excitement in his heart.

Listening to Nord's words, Chrissy's face flushed with blush, and then she remembered something, looked at Nord and said seriously: "Nord, you grew up in a castle since you were a child, and now your father takes this mermaid again. The elf gave it to you, and I hope you will always remember all this, always be loyal to our Lake family, and serve my father and Little Brother."

When Nord heard the words, his face became serious. He raised his hand and swore: "I, Nord, will always be loyal to the Lake family. If I betray, I will be cast aside by the gods."

Seeing Nord make such a poisonous oath, Kris showed a satisfied smile on her face. Then she put down the silver bowl and said with a smile: "You can take the mermaid spirit quickly, I am waiting for the good news of your promotion to a full knight."

After all, Chris is ready to leave.

Just when he stepped over the door, he glanced at the maid who was kneeling on the ground beside him, frowned and said, "Raise your head."

The maid raised her head in fear, revealing an ugly face full of pockmarks.

Chris took a few steps back in disgust, looked at Nord and said strangely, "Nord, how did you find such an ugly maid?"

Nord's face was still full of a sunny smile, he looked at Chrissy affectionately and said, "I only have you in my heart, she is only responsible for cleaning my room, so it doesn't matter to me whether she is ugly or beautiful. the difference."

Chris was very happy to hear that, Nord chose such an ugly maid, which shows that his private life is very clean.

Such a knight with a strong talent, excellent quality, and noble blood, is simply the perfect prince in her mind.

"Nord, I'm waiting for you to be promoted to a full knight." Kerry Ribbon left with joy.

Watching Kris's back disappear, Nord turned his attention to the mermaid elf in the silver bowl, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

At this moment, a pair of delicate arms passed through Nord's waist and caressed softly on his body.

"Nord Big Brother, it seems that Miss Chris is very affectionate to you, and Baron Lake also takes you very seriously." The maid's coquettish voice came from behind.

Nord turned around, hugged the maid's waist with one hand, and took off the human skin mask on her face with the other hand, revealing a charming peerless face, and kissed it fiercely.

"Baron Lake is very good to me, and Chris is also very good to me, but unfortunately..."

"Unfortunately she has a Little Brother."

"The future here belongs to her Little Brother, to the Lake family."

"I am different from Mild, he is just a pariah, and I have aristocratic blood, I will become a real noble, not a current member of the Lake family."


The maid suddenly gently pushed Nord away, took a few steps back, and said with a tender smile: "But if you betray the Lake family, you will be cast aside by the gods. This is the oath you just swore."

Nord said disapprovingly: "I once read it in an ancient book, we are a land abandoned by the gods, the eyes of the gods will not be placed in this place, how can they notice me as a small person."

"Giggle, you are so cunning!" The maid was pushed down by Nord with a smile, and started the vigorous movement to become a full-fledged knight.

In the silver bowl on the table, the mermaid elf was still swimming around in horror.

Suddenly, one hand grabbed the silver bowl, and in the despair of the mermaid elf, drank it all.

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