After successfully inspiring the "Seed of Life" and becoming a peak knight, Xiao Yun quickly restrained his own aura, and he didn't want to expose it in a short time, after all, it was too eye-catching.

No matter where you are, if you are too sharp, you will be hated by others.

This is not Chaos Sacred Land, but no 'old seniors' will protect him from growing up.

This world is relatively chaotic. Although Kenya is a unified kingdom, this western kingdom is different from the ancient feudal dynasties in China. The feudal dynasties have a strong centralized power, while the Kenyan kingdom is formed by countless nobles. Control over the country is not very large.

The Kenyan royal family is only one of the powerful nobles, and has been elected as a royal family by many nobles, but his control over other nobles is not strong, and many small nobles will fight each other for the chassis.

The big nobles also occasionally fight, and each noble territory is almost independent.

It is conceivable that once Xiao Yun's name of genius is spread, it will inevitably lead to a lot of trouble.

He is not the Xiao Heavenly Emperor of Wudi now, even if his strength is comparable to that of a great knight, he is still a mortal after all. He can fight against a thousand with one, but facing an army of tens of thousands of people is a dead end.

Low-key is king.

Xiao Yun didn't come here to fight for hegemony. His purpose was to find the 'Transcendent' power that surpassed the limits of ordinary people.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a sudden rush of galloping horses outside the door. Xiao Yun stopped cultivating and walked to the window. Through a gap, he saw a soldier in black armor, riding a fierce horse. He came rushing from the street where he was, and then disappeared in the direction leading to the castle.

"Black Armored Army?" Xiao Yun frowned.

Like this soldier in black armor, dressed like the knight instructor Mild, this is the strongest army under Baron Lake - the Black Armor.

Mild is actually the commander of the Black Armor Army, but when there is no war, he acts as an instructor and trains apprentice knights.

After all, only full-fledged knights can act as knight instructors, and there are only two full-fledged knights in the entire territory, Baron Rick and Milder, so the Baron can't be allowed to teach those apprentice knights.

"Except for a centurion of the Black Armored Baron's Guard in the castle, the other Black Armored armies are guarding the 'frontier' of the territory. Unless something important happens, these Black Armored armies will never return easily." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

He felt that there might be a war on the 'frontier'.

This is also normal, after all, his predecessor 'Hill' died of serious injuries.

"We have to inform Shia to come back, it's best not to let her go out during this time." Xiao Yun thought for a moment, then pushed open the door and left.



A strong man with gray hair in silver armor was looking serious, meticulously looking at a silver bowl on the table.

There is a mermaid the size of a baby's palm in the silver bowl. It has a human head and hands, but the legs of the lower body are replaced by a fish tail, and its face is extremely beautiful, it is simply a miniature version of a mermaid in a fairy tale.

"This is the legendary mermaid elf. In order to get it, 125 people of my black armored army died, and hundreds of other non-brand soldiers died." The majestic voice sounded, and the strong man in silver armor raised his head and looked at Mir next to him. De, obviously such a strong body, but his face looks a little old.

He was Baron Lake.

Mild was still wearing black armor, like a silent God of War, standing beside Baron Lake, his eyes also fell on the mermaid in the silver bowl, and said lightly: "Just over a hundred black armored troops. Soldiers, plus a group of untouchables, can be exchanged for a full knight, I think it's worth it!"

"Hahaha!" Baron Lake laughed when he heard the words, he looked back at the mermaid in the silver bowl, nodded and said, "An elite apprentice knight who eats a mermaid elf can stimulate 100% of the 'seed of life' and become a mermaid. A full-fledged knight."

In the hearts of Baron Lake and Mild, the value of a formal knight is far more than that of more than one hundred black armored troops and several hundred pariahs.

Although more than 100 Heijia troops and hundreds of pariahs really fight, it is absolutely possible to fight to the death of a formal knight, but on the real battlefield, the breakthrough power and mobility of the formal knight is the most terrifying.

As long as the official knights charge and tear apart the enemy's line of defense, and the remaining troops follow closely, victory can be easily won.

What's more, the official knights are not fools, they will confront you head-on, they are fast, and they can escape even if they can't beat them.

Therefore, nobles like to cultivate knights, and the number of knights also represents the background of this noble.

"Lord Baron, who are you going to give this mermaid to?" Mild asked, looking at the mermaid in the silver bowl.

"Huh?" When Baron Lake heard the words, he glanced at Mild strangely.

"Didn't it already be decided that it was Nord?"

Baron Lake looked at Mild and asked with some doubts: "Do you have other candidates?"

Although there are also elite apprentice knights among the apprentice knights and the Black Armored Army, in terms of talent, Nord is the highest, and has the most training value, and will have the best chance to be promoted to the peak knight in the future.

Of course, the most important thing is that Nord is not a commoner, but a desolate noble with the blood of a noble flowing in his body.

"I didn't have one before, but now I have one!" Mild looked at the baron in front of him and said solemnly, "It's your new apprentice knight 'Hill', who became an elite apprentice in just over two months. Knight, Talent is far beyond Nord, and he will definitely become a top knight in the future."

"Hill? The pariah who was lucky enough to survive on the battlefield?" Baron Lake was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of contemplation, he thought of who this 'Hill' was.

Although Xiao Yun has shown a strong Talent, he is a pariah after all, and Baron Lake has an innate disgust.

I saw Baron Lake frowning and said: "His Talent is really good, and he will have the opportunity to be promoted to a full knight in the future, so there is no need to waste this mermaid. What's more..."

After that, Baron Lake took a deep look at Mild and said solemnly: "Strength is important, but we need a loyal official knight more. How long has that Hill joined us? Once he has gained a strong strength , How loyal do you think he is to us? Other nobles might be able to draw him away from us by paying some price."

"And Nord, he not only has noble blood, but we have grown up with him. What's more, he and my daughter Chris already have a marriage contract. After he is promoted to a full knight, I will hold a grand ceremony for them. A wedding, such a knight, is worthy of our focus on cultivating."

At Baron Lake's words, Milder sighed incredulously.

Indeed, in terms of blood, intimacy, and loyalty to the baron, Nord is more suitable than Hill.

If Mild was Baron Lake, he would also choose to do so.

After all, instead of cultivating your own future son-in-law, you should cultivate an outsider who is not very loyal? Silly!

Mild was just a little pity on Xiao Yun's strong talent, and he just mentioned it casually.

"Call Nord over here!" Baron Lake had just finished speaking when a loud shout came from outside.


A Heijia Army soldier rushed in, holding a blood-colored command flag in his hand.

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