Although the gods and Buddhas here can overwhelm the emperor, his speed is very fast, and his mastery of space has reached a terrifying level, avoiding the attacks of the gods and Buddhas one after another.

Moreover, Xiao Yun could see that although this god and Buddha had reached the level of Heavenly Venerate, he did not seem to be good at fighting, and his combat experience was simply not comparable to that of the Underworld Emperor in front of him.

"The supreme artifact... I didn't expect you to have a supreme artifact. I have been in this world for more than a million years, and I have never seen a supreme artifact, even the strongest human race 'Heavenly Emperor', never had one. The supreme artifact..." Emperor Ming saw the Donghuang Bell bombarded over, and his eyes showed despair.

He did not expect that this somewhat backward big world would actually have a supreme artifact, which was really unexpected.

If he had known that Jiuxiao Continent had a supreme artifact, he would have to find a way to get it.

"Little friend Xiao Yun, I will be in charge of suppressing him, and you are in charge of attacking." The god and Buddha shouted, and his body was full of golden light. A monkey-faced golden Buddha appeared behind him, suppressing the void of heaven and earth, and imprisoning the surrounding space.

The Emperor Ming, who was traveling through the void, suddenly changed his face, and suddenly fell out of the folding space, and was hit by the Eastern Emperor Bell.


Emperor Ming vomited blood, and the silver light on his body dimmed a lot.

In the front, Xiao Yun had already slashed fiercely with a sword.


In a hurry, Emperor Ming held the blade of space in both hands, blocking Xiao Yun's sword power, but was smashed by the Donghuang Bell again and vomited blood and flew out.

"What a powerful space law, it completely canceled out the power of my sword moves. If it wasn't for the Eastern Emperor Bell, I wouldn't be his opponent." Xiao Yun was shocked as he urged the Eastern Emperor Bell to bombard the Underworld Emperor.

With his current peak Heavenly Emperor's Cultivation Base, coupled with the attack power of kendo, he is definitely qualified to be comparable to the strongest Heavenly Emperor.

But it couldn't hurt the underworld emperor in front of him.

"Be careful, this person is also at the level of Tianzun, but he seems to be injured and has not recovered yet." The god and Buddha transmitted a voice to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun nodded and looked at the Emperor Ming in front of him. He didn't dare to be careless and continued to urge the Donghuang Bell to attack the Emperor Ming.

A wounded god.

Xiao Yun was a little fortunate in his heart, if it weren't for the presence of gods and Buddhas, even if he could defeat the Emperor Ming, it would be difficult for him to kill him.

The opponent's grasp of the laws of space is even more terrifying than that of the King of the Underworld. He is definitely a strong person who has understood the laws of the original space. If it is not for the gods and Buddhas to suppress the space here, it is estimated that the Underworld Emperor has already escaped.


Not far away, Emperor Ming was once again hit by the Eastern Emperor Bell and vomited blood, and the terrifying laws of chaos and time and space were also constantly destroying his body.

Emperor Ming felt that his old injury was about to break out, and his heart had sunk to the bottom.

"Damit, if I wasn't injured, if I also had a supreme artifact..." Emperor Ming's eyes were full of unwillingness and resentment.

After waiting for countless years, I was about to succeed, but I didn't expect it to be planted in the hands of a junior.

"Why did I fall in The Netherworld, where there is no living body, otherwise, after so many years, my injury would have recovered long ago." Emperor Ming roared up to the sky.

He was so unhappy.

When he was defeated by the master of light, he used the forbidden move super-dimensional storm to escape into the deepest chaotic space, and then escaped the pursuit of the master of light.

But the deepest chaotic space is too dangerous, and there is no way to locate the world coordinates. He can only choose a strange world to break into.

If it is a living world, then he can quickly recover from the injury.

But who knew that the world he broke into was actually The Netherworld, a subsidiary of Jiuxiao Continent. This is a world of undead, and there is no living body. He can only suppress the injury, but cannot recover.

After that, he planned to enter Jiuxiao Continent.

In the Primordial Era, there were strong people such as the 'Heavenly Emperor' and the Dragon Emperor. He didn't dare to do it. Later, another Chaos Emperor came out. After the Chaos Emperor left, he began to plan to enter the Jiuxiao Continent.

It was about to succeed now, but met Xiao Yun.

Emperor Ming's heart was full of unwillingness. He looked at Xiao Yun who was not far away, looked at the Donghuang Bell that was about to be blasted, and shouted: "Super-dimensional storm!"

In an instant, the surrounding space suppressed by the gods and Buddha exploded again, and countless space fragments blasted out.

Moreover, what shocked Xiao Yun was that in the turbulent flow of the broken space, there was actually a deeper space bursting, and a terrible chaotic space storm raged out.

"Not good—" The god Buddha's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had discovered something terrible, he roared, and his whole body burned with golden flames, squeezing the broken space around him with all his strength.

At the same time, the voice of the gods and Buddha also sounded in Xiao Yun's mind.

"Little friend Xiao Yun, this is the deepest space, a chaotic space, even if the Heavenly Venerate is in it, it can't hold a few breaths, but you have the Donghuang Bell, you should be able to kill him, I will support the space for you crack."

To be honest, if it was someone else at this time, he would definitely not dare to enter the chaotic space to hunt down the Emperor Ming.

In case the gods and Buddha deceived him, Xiao Yun, who has not yet reached the Realm of Heavenly Venerate, would not be able to come back even if he could survive in the chaotic space.

But between the light and flint, Xiao Yun didn't think too much, and went straight into the Eastern Emperor Bell, chasing the Emperor Ming to kill.

He doesn't want to let the Emperor Ming go. If the Emperor Ming makes a comeback in the future, he can't stay in Jiuxiao Continent every day.


The terrifying chaotic space storm raged everywhere, making the Donghuang Bell tremble, Xiao Yun let out his spiritual sense, and was instantly strangled by this terrifying space storm.

He trembled in his heart, it was too terrifying here.

If there is no Donghuang Bell to protect his body, he is afraid that his body will be torn to pieces in an instant.

"Xiao Yun, even if you have the supreme artifact, you will still be lost in the chaotic space. Do you want to die with me?" The Emperor Ming felt that Xiao Yun was chasing after him, and he was shocked and hurriedly roared.

"No, only you will die!" Xiao Yun sneered, controlling the Donghuang Bell, constantly bombarding the Emperor Ming.

The Emperor Ming was attacked by the Eastern Emperor Bell and made a shrill scream. The divine body could no longer resist the raging space storm around him, and was destroyed in just a few breaths.

Even the soul of the Underworld Emperor was annihilated, leaving only a silver diamond-shaped crystal and a palm-sized blood-colored token.

Xiao Yun hurriedly scooped up the two items, and immediately rushed to the crack in the space not far away.

After Xiao Yun flew out, the god and Buddha breathlessly recovered his strength, and the originally shattered space gradually recovered.

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