Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1040 2 Underworld Emperors

Hundreds of Heavenly Emperor Realm's powerhouses, thousands of Great Emperor Realm's powerhouses, those terrifying breaths rose from the chaotic Sacred Land, shocked the army of the heavens and the sky, and stunned the countless cultivations of Jiuxiao Continent. It was even more frightening that the Emperor Ming was sweating profusely.

Emperor Ming wasn't stupid either. At this time, he finally understood that Xiao Yun was taking the bait on him.

Otherwise, Xiao Yun would not need to take action at all, and the group of people in the sky would have been killed by Chaos Sacred Land long ago.

"This, this, this..." In the sky in the distance, the ancestor Wu surnamed widened his eyes, and was unable to speak in a hurry.

"Is this an illusion?" Chu surnamed ancestor looked at the great Di Tian emperors of Chaos Sacred Land in a daze, and fell into a sluggishness.

As for the vast armies in the distance, their faces were dull and their bodies were stiff.

"Where did Chaos Sacred Land come from so many Di Tian emperors?"

"How do you fight this?"

"They were playing tricks on us before."

"Just a few decades... this is absolutely impossible, is it a strong man from Immortal Road?"


The powerhouses in Tianwaitian now feel like a clown. They are completely played by Xiao Yun. At the same time, they are not stupid. They know that Xiao Yun is doing this to attract the powerhouses of The Netherworld.

And they are beyond the sky, from beginning to end, it is estimated that they have not been put in the eyes of that Xiao Heavenly Emperor.

"It's ridiculous that we still want to rule the Jiuxiao Continent, hahaha..." A heavenly emperor laughed at himself.

"That kid Wu Hao has become a Heavenly Emperor too." In the crowd, some Wu family members recognized Wu Hao. When they found out that Wu Hao was also promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm, they were secretly delighted.

Fortunately, there were still people in their Wu family who had taken refuge with Xiao Yun early, otherwise they would have been exterminated by now.

The Zhou family is also a little fortunate, because they have a female emperor in the Zhou family who married Zao Wou-Ki. With this kind of relationship, it should not be wiped out.

"Ancestor Xiao Yun is really amazing, he is indeed the first genius of our human race." Those with not wanting faces are already calling the ancestors of Xiao Yun, especially those who used to be the same generation as Wu Hao, now they all look envious Jealousy and hate.

Wu Hao, this waste material, was sent to Jiuxiao Continent early because he was too wasteful. I didn't expect it to become Heavenly Emperor now. It's really unfair.

Isn't that just being a grandson? We can too!

Many people have already made up their minds, and they will kneel down and beg for mercy later, the ancestor Xiao Yun should not kill them all.

Some people in the royal family have already regretted it. Before, Lei Zu and the immortal ancestors came to them to marry, but they were rejected. The main reason for the marriage was Zhao Wuji, not Xiao Yun.

If it was Xiao Yun, they would definitely agree, that way, the seniority could be pulled back. But Zao Wou-Ki was nothing, he was just Xiao Yun's sidekick, and the people of the royal family naturally looked down on him.

Now they are regretting it.

Because they found that Zao Wou-Ki was also a high-rank Heavenly Emperor, and looking at the breath, it seemed that he had surpassed the eleven ancestors.


In the sky, after being quiet for a while, Emperor Ming looked at Xiao Yun opposite him with a bit of bitterness, and sighed: "If I said that I was here to join hands with you to deal with the people from the sky, would you believe it?"

In the distance, the ancestors of the heavens and the sky suddenly glared at the Emperor Ming.

Xiao Yun sneered, looked at Emperor Ming and said with a smile: "Anyway, he is also a Celestial Venerable. Needless to say, since you have come to Jiuxiao Continent, you don't need to go back."

After that, Xiao Yun turned his head and said to Zao Wou-Ki: "Go to the True Dragon's Nest to deal with the two The Netherworld powerhouses. It is best to catch them alive."

"No problem!" Zao Wou-Ki also knew Xiao Yun's purpose, if he couldn't solve the Emperor Ming and let him run away, then they would go to The Netherworld, so they had to capture a strong person from The Netherworld alive, just in case. one.

At that moment, Zao Wou-Ki rushed to the True Dragon's Nest with more than a hundred Heavenly Emperor Realm's powerhouses.

Although with Zao Wou-Ki's strength, one person can kill those two The Netherworld powerhouses, but if they can fight in groups, why do they need to be singled out? The point is, I Zhao Heavenly Emperor don't want to line up?

Watching Zao Wou-Ki and his party go away, the Emperor Ming's face in the sky quickly turned gloomy. He knew that Weiler and Mikal were dead. Although they were the Heavenly Emperor Realm, they were definitely dead ends to compete with a hundred people from Zao Wou-Ki. one.

The point is, there is no escape.

The depression in Emperor Ming's heart, damn it, why did they destroy the gate of The Netherworld, otherwise they could escape back.

This is the way out.

"Amitābha!" The god and Buddha suddenly rose in golden light, and the whole person instantly appeared not far away, and slapped the void with a palm, shaking the Emperor Ming out.

As for the Emperor Ming before Xiao Yun, his expression changed.

"Clone?" Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes, waved the long sword in his hand, and slashed fiercely at the Emperor Ming in front of him with an incomparable sword glow.

Sword Ray permeates all around, and the void within a radius of ten thousand miles is shattered.


A black long sword appeared in the Ming Emperor's hand in front of him, and with a single swing, hundreds of black devil snakes shot towards Xiao Yun.

Peak Heavenly Emperor? No, it's the strongest Heavenly Emperor!

Xiao Yun looked shocked. It was obvious that there was an Emperor of the Underworld there. The Emperor of the Underworld in front of him originally thought he was just a clone, but who knew that he was actually the strongest Heavenly Emperor. Is this a clone?

"East Emperor Bell!"

Before he could think about it, Xiao Yun was worried that the Emperor Ming would escape, so he immediately took out the Eastern Emperor Bell and urged it with all his strength to suppress the Emperor Ming on the opposite side.

"What! The supreme artifact? How is it possible?" Emperor Ming's pupils shrank when he saw the Eastern Emperor Bell. He only felt a terrifying power of time and space imprisoned the surrounding void, and then a terrifying power of destruction swept across. Come.

In an instant, the Emperor Ming's body shattered like shards of glass, leaving only a diamond-shaped black crystal suspended in the void. He wanted to escape, but was imprisoned by the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"What? It seems that the soul fluctuations are hidden in it..." Xiao Yun frowned, the Emperor Ming's body was blown up by him, but he left behind such a thing, which didn't look like Magic Treasures, which made him a little puzzled .

Moreover, it seems that there are soul fluctuations in it, which are somewhat familiar and come from the Emperor Ming.

The key point is that there is another Underworld Emperor not far away who is fighting with the gods and Buddhas, and looking at the energy fluctuations, it is only inferior to the gods and Buddhas. It is even stronger than this clone. It is obviously the deity of the Underworld Emperor.

"Interesting, what kind of Cultivation Technique did this Underworld Emperor cultivate?"

Xiao Yun urged the Eastern Emperor Bell to suppress the black diamond-shaped crystals in the void, and the powerful power of the Origin Law of Chaos intruded into it, obliterating the soul hidden in it.

" are a junior, you actually have the supreme artifact, what kind of ghost world is this, I'm not reconciled..." From the black diamond crystal came the unwilling roar of the Underworld Emperor.

Unfortunately, without the physical body, Emperor Ming's soul could not stop the annihilation of the Eastern Emperor Bell, and soon lost his life.

On the contrary, the black diamond-shaped crystal was still suspended in mid-air, and it blocked the full-strength blow of the Eastern Emperor Bell again.

"This thing is so hard?" Xiao Yun was a little shocked.

He pushed the Eastern Emperor Bell with all his strength, and even the most powerful Heavenly Emperor, the clone of the Emperor Ming, was blown up with one blow. It is estimated that it is enough to deal with the powerful Heavenly Venerate. At least after the bombardment of the Heavenly Venerate, the Heavenly Venerate will also be injured.

However, the black diamond-shaped crystal in front of him actually blocked it, and there was no trace of injury on its surface, which made Xiao Yun feel a little incredible.

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