Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 713 Collision of sacrificial soldiers, ancestor bronze bell, sea god trident!

The trident was bounced off like garbage.

The anger in Sea God's eyes boiled again.

Although he is the ancestor, he cannot be underestimated.

With one foot on the bottom of the ocean current, everything in the endless waters shook.

Sea God looked furious and raised his hands heavily.

Watching him move it looks like he's holding something heavy.

With the action of the sea god.

All the oceans floated in the "five, six, seven" air, as if being lifted by him.

Seagod's long hair stood on end, and there was only endless blue in his eyes, stepping on the ocean current.

At this time, he is the sea god!

Following the action of the Sea God, countless sea water sputtered towards the ancestor.

As soon as the ancestor raised his hand, the ancestor of time and space did not reappear, and time and space paused at this moment.

This ominous power can stop time and space, but it cannot completely immobilize the ancestors.

Facing the power of this time and space, the ancestor's hand was still moving slowly.

It's slow, but it arrives.

In the endless sea, the roaring sea climbed the cliff and rushed towards the two of them.

In this wrathful sea, the ancestor and the black emperor were like two dusts.

The first wave hits.

When the sea came, the hand of the ancestor had also been stretched out in front of him.

In the palm of the hand, there are simple bronze-colored rays of light lit up.

The bronze light illuminated the palm of the ancestor, reflecting the appearance of a small bell.


The sound that shook the world sounded, stimulating the eardrums.

A quaint bronze bell appeared in front of the ancestor and protected them both.

This bronze bell is extremely dilapidated, and only half of the bell remains.

The ancient clock is full of exquisite patterns, but it is a pity that it is covered with patina, revealing an ancient atmosphere, which makes people unable to sigh the power of time.

Only when the sea of ​​fury hits, can people know the power of this bell.

The heavy sea that could crush the cliffs under their feet pressed down on the two of them.

But before the bronze bell, there was not even a slight fluctuation.

Seeing this scene, Sea God's face twisted, and he roared into the sky, as if to vent his anger, and pointed forward with both hands.

The seawater in the endless seas gradually merged into one.

When this sea water flows through the void, even cracks appear in the void.

Heavy sea water slapped on the bronze bell, ringing one after another dull bell 0..

The bronze bell is like a reef by the sea.

No matter how much the sea water beats, it still stands proudly in the sea.

Only slowly, with the beat of the sea water, changes appeared on the bronze bell.

I see.

The patina that has been there since ancient times was washed away.

Those gorgeous patterns on the bronze bell also came into view.

The pictures of ancient times, the hunters chasing their prey, the flowers and plants, the sky and the earth, are lifelike.

The pattern engraved on it seems to come alive.

Seeing that the ancestor not only did not decline, but the breath on his body was still increasing, and the ancestor of time and space could no longer see it.

He stretched his hand to the sky and grabbed it in the air.

The 5.1 ominous cloud in the sky turned into a small cloud and appeared in his palm.

The flow of time in this world became normal again in an instant.

The ancestor of time and space said something in the mouth, and after half a moment, the unknown cloud in his hand suddenly flew into the air.

A small ominous cloud hung in the air.

If you look inside carefully, you can see countless faces crying silently in pain.

But as a scarlet lightning bolt came out of it,

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