Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 712 The despair of the black emperor, the death of the ancestor broke out!

This memory is too weird.

All creatures can only see the appearance of the trident.

But I don't know where it came from and where it went.

Through countless time and space, the trident appeared again. in front of the ancestors.

The old remnant clock appeared again.


Time makes the old get older.

Space, let the residual clock be there and not.

The trident went straight through the bell, and went straight to the heart of the ancestor.

"Do not!"

The black emperor's eyes were full of despair.

The dry hands finally moved.

Seeing this action, the eyes of the ancestors of time and space turned cold.

Countless stars in the sky stopped for one, water and air stopped flowing, everything stopped.

Time disappears at this moment.

But the arm still moved.

After crossing countless time and space, in the end, his fingers lightly tapped on the tip of the halberd.

The trident with supreme divine power actually stopped.

The first ancestor actually used his broken body to fight against two terrifying opponents.

The two looked at each other, and Sea God's face was full of shock.

His supreme power was actually blocked by such a light finger?

The air was silent.

But after a while, a drop of crystal clear fairy blood dripped from the fingertips.

Immortal blood fell to the ground, dripping in this world.

The broken wall began to slowly grow a stone wall towards the sky.

In the dead world, there are creatures born.

Green plants grow from the ground.

One drop of blood, all things revive!

Looking at the changes around him, the ancestor finally moved.

Like this world, his body is also recovering.

First the first drop of blood flowed from the heart, then the second, the third...

The meridians in the body are like dry rivers.

Immortal blood exuding coercion nourishes this dry body.

The wrinkled face like an old man is slowly becoming firmer, and the muscles of the limbs are bulging.

After the soul is revived, the first ancestor returns.

Slowly raising his head, a handsome face without sorrow and joy appeared in front of the two of them.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that pair of eyes.

The eyes of the ancestors seemed to be full of years.

The vicissitudes only left traces in his eyes.

Seeing such an ancestor, Hei Di couldn't bear it any longer, and threw himself into that body regardless of the enemy.

On the ancestors, he kept tossing, and tears of excitement flowed from Hei Di's eyes.

How many years!

The ancestors are back!

The Gold List of the Real Land is shaking again!

This time is different from the previous ones, and no new people are on the gold list.

On the already formed Huigen Golden List, golden light blooms, and bursts of sound can be heard.

On the seventh place, the name of the first ancestor was written and it began to shake!

On the golden list, the appearance of the first ancestor now appeared in front of all living beings in the real place.

Looking at the young man with long black hair and a shawl, but with the sun and the moon hidden in his eyes, all the creatures in the real land boiled.

"Isn't that the ancestor?!

"My God! This legend is real!



【the fifth place!】

【Name: Ancestor!

[Affiliation: Covering the Heavenly Immortal Domain!)

[Huigen: Innate Holy Womb Dao Body!)

[Potential Realm: Tenfold Dao Realm!

[Probability of breaking through the origin realm: 32%!)

Seeing the golden list that suddenly moved two steps together, the eyes of all living beings in the real place were full of disbelief.

What kind of existence is this ancestor.

And most importantly, what happened?

another place.

Looking at the two people in front of him, the ancestor looked indifferent.

Seeing the trident in front of him, he frowned slightly, as if he was a little unhappy, and he waved it casually,

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