Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 664 Ye Di's understated appearance, once the immortal court is supreme, now scribbles o

But not too far.

It's just that An Xian didn't give him this time now.

The other party is already preparing a large army at this moment, and they will kill them soon.

However, the Lord of the Great Wilderness is not afraid, and even looks forward to a battle with that Anxian, maybe he can step into the eighth-level sacrificial Dao realm under the influence of pressure!

Taixuan Immortal Court.

Immortal Master Taixuan has long lost his former high spirits, and the temperament that seems to be invincible in the world has also dissipated.

He finally realized the reality.

Knowing that he is now looking at the real place, he is no longer the top powerhouse, even if he is still a fairy master-level powerhouse that is looked up to by all living beings.

In the eyes of the real strong.

The Immortal Lord level is already inferior to theirs.

Unable to stand with them at the top and end of the avenue.

"Lingzu is also on the list. He has been fighting with me for many years. He once swept the world and made all living beings avoid it. Unexpectedly, the final result is no different from mine. 19

Immortal Master Taixuan smiled lightly, as if he was excited, as if he was happy.

After all, the opponents in the past did not exceed too many, and they were still the potential of the seventh-layer sacrificial Dao realm.

This way.

His mind seemed to be quite balanced.

Because there have been many wars between Lingzu and him, the Taixuan Xianting under his command and the Lingzu were even more indistinguishable in the ancient years.

Both of them are super geniuses who awakened at the same time.

In that vast era, they collided constantly, and the number of battles between the two alone was tens of thousands of times, and there were winners and losers.

The war has been going on for a long time, the forces under the two are also constantly conflicting, many lives have died, and the attack between the two superpowers has even caused dramatic changes in the real place.

until later.

Suddenly, there are many more powerful people in this world.

Some were born locally and some came from the illusory world.

They are also incomparably powerful and unparalleled in talent, rising rapidly in an extremely short period of time, re-changing the pattern of the real land.


The truce between the Taixuan Xianting and the Spiritual Race will not be so soon.

"Ah, what if other people have more talent than me? An Xian has the meaning of unifying the real place. We will eventually meet and kill all of you. What can I do with my talent? .!"

Immortal Master Taixuan with a ferocious face, sat on the empty Xianting Hall, roaring angrily.

Although he has now accepted the fact that he is ranked by Huigen.

But he wasn't willing to be at the bottom of the list.

He wants to kill, to kill those who are in front of him.

If you can't kill yourself, then join forces with An Xian, and you can always kill so many!

Covering Heaven.

Ye Di did not have any surprises or surprises when he saw the ranking of Lingzu.

He has naturally heard of Ling Zu, the powerhouse who used to shake the real land.

However, the potential of the Seventh-layer Sacrificial Dao Realm simply could not enter his eyes.

The other party has gone to the extreme on the avenue as far as he can go.

Can't go any further.

(Manuo's) However, the seventh-level sacrificial Taoist realm is the seventh-level sacrificial Taoist realm army.

Compared with Yae, there is a huge gap, and this gap is difficult to bridge.

Even if the spiritual ancestor is only a little away from the Huigen talent of the eighth-level sacrificial Taoist realm.

But this trace is enough to create eternal hatred.

"The masters of the three superpowers have more or less shocked the real place, and are looked up to by all beings as gods, but now they scrawled out on the Huigen Golden List, and I don't know how they feel.

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