Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 663 The Immortal Lord of Taihuang, the Unparalleled Anxian, the Eightfold Sacrificial Dao!

But it's just that.

Created a sky and a place.

Even though the main-level powerhouses look at the real place, they are still extremely terrifying powerhouses, standing in the hard-to-reach area for almost everyone.

But if you really put it in the top group of people in the real place to compare.

I'm afraid it's not qualified enough, I can only go one level to the rear, I can't be in the first echelon, it is probably almost the appearance of the second echelon.

Taikoo Immortal Court.

Today's Primordial Immortal Court can no longer be compared with the past. It is much stronger than it used to be. After the other two immortal courtyards were merged into Primordial Ancient, the strength of Primordial Immortal Courtyard has almost doubled, and at the same time more The addition of two immortal master-level powerhouses.

An Xian knelt down with countless troops.

He 02 are all strong, and there are many creatures at the level of sacrificial Dao, and some of them are on the Huigen Golden List, and they have extremely good potential.

As for the others.

The last time is the existence of the Immortal Emperor, and there are no weaker creatures.

Weaker creatures are no longer qualified to participate in this battle to conquer the real land.

After seeing the new ranking.

In An Xian's mind, the memory of the ancestors appeared.

That is the ancestor of the Spirit Clan, one of the three major ethnic groups in the real land. His strength is also an extremely powerful existence in the level of the Immortal Lord.

"Lingzu? Although this person's strength is inferior to mine, it is still a great help. After I capture the Taihuang Xianting, it will be the next target!

An Xin is full of arrogance and is already planning his own route, preparing to subdue the Spirit Race after the war with the Taihuang Xianting is over.

Have to admit.

His ideas are beautiful.

It's a pity that it's not known whether it can really do what he wants.

Too Wild Immortal Court.

Since the Lord of the Wilderness hooked a real dragon out of the lotus pond, his eyes have become very sharp, changing from the previous laziness, as if the stars are flowing in his eyes, and hundreds of millions of stars are ups and downs in the galaxy.

"Lingzu, this person is only a little away from the potential of the eighth-level sacrificial Taoist realm, and the next person who wants to come to the list may have the potential of the eighth-level sacrificial Taoist realm.

The gap between the eighth-layer sacrificial Dao realm and the seventh-layer sacrificial Dao realm is huge.

This is clear to everyone.

Now that Lingzu is on the list, the evaluation said that he already has the ultimate talent of the seventh-layer sacrificial Dao realm.

So those who want to come to the list in the follow-up should have the potential to reach the Eightfold Sacrificial Dao Realm.

That is to say.

The major powerhouses who have not yet made the list in the real land.

All of them have the talent of the Eighth-layer Sacrificial Dao Realm or above.

"Ah, this real place is really getting more and more interesting, so that An Xian may have now reached the level of the eighth-layer sacrificial Dao realm, otherwise he would not suddenly want to fight in the real place.

The Lord of the Wilderness had a 490 ray of light in his eyes, and he had roughly guessed An Xian's situation.

Most of them have already broken through to the eight-fold sacrificial Dao realm.

Or, like him, he already has half a foot in that realm.

That's why it suddenly expanded, and its rapid time annexed the other two immortal courtyards, and at this moment led the army to kill him directly, to annex his Taiyuan immortal courtyard.

"It's not that easy to annex my fairy garden!"

The eyes of the Lord of the Wilderness carry extremely terrifying pressure.

He is also a powerhouse with half a foot at that level, and his heart is still very firm in his own way, even if he can't officially set foot in the eighth-level sacrificial Dao in a short time,

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