Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1121: Go to the holy city

Chaoyang Peak, asked Daoya.

This was originally the residence of Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng. After Xiao Chen left Shura Continent, Lin Qingshuang moved here and lived with his master Xiao Meng. Now that Xiao Chen comes again, this girl is naturally very wronged and unwilling. Was driven away.

"Eight Wizards, how are your injuries?"

In the attic on Wendao Cliff, Xiao Chen asked with concern, looking at the eight wizards in front of him.

The Sword Master of the Big Dipper opened his mouth and said: "Thank you for your concern, I'm already fine."

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "I came to you today to help you improve your strength. I know that you all have the talents to advance to the three realms of the gods, but lack the power of the fairy spirit. Now this seat will give you one. The way to replenish the spirit of the fairy.

I asked Qin Yijue to take you to another world. That world is already my territory. After arriving in that world, someone will take you into a special small world where there will be enough fairy energy for you. absorb. "

The Eight Wizards and Qin Yijue were both born in the world of sword spirits, and even the Great Sword Sage Qian and Qin Yijue were childhood sweethearts. Chen Su'er, who had been summoned by Xiao Chen, was also a disciple of Yang Kun, who were familiar with each other.

Moreover, Qin Yijue was there, traveling between the Qingluo Continent and the Asura Continent, and it took less than half a day.

When the eight people heard the words, their faces were full of surprises, and then they all bowed and said, "Thank you, the head!"

Xiao Chen waved his hand, and after all the eight had retreated, Xiao Chen turned to Xiaomeng and smiled, "Xiaomeng, how is the injury?"

Xiao Meng, who was practising cross-legged, opened her eyes and said calmly: "It's already good, you've asked it many times."

Well, Xiaomeng is still the same Xiaomeng, the talent for chatting is so bad that he can chat to death if he is not careful.

Xiao Chen changed the subject and said: "Xiao Meng, this time I came to the Asura Continent, I actually reached an agreement with the Heavenly Sage Queen to take over the Asura Continent, but this matter is probably not that simple. I have to go to Heaven. The holy capital of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

This trip may encounter some troubles, so I can’t take away the Taoists and Buddhists for the time being, but your strengths are a bit weak. After I leave, I may not be able to protect myself, so I plan to help you improve your cultivation. , And then you guard here first. "

Xiao Meng frowned slightly when she heard Xiao Chen's words, she didn't like the feeling of parting very much.

But she nodded and said: "Don't worry, leave it to me, how can you help me improve my strength!"

Xiao Chen was a little speechless when he heard the words. Xiao Meng was too calm. Shouldn't he be tired and crooked first and express his feelings of reluctance? Why didn't you say anything, just asked yourself how to improve your strength?

Sure enough, Xiao Meng's brain circuits cannot be contemplated with the eyes of ordinary people.

Xiao Chen shrugged helplessly, and then said to the system in his heart: "System, carry on the exercises to Xiaomeng!"

There are many ways that the system can help others become stronger. In addition to the most important blood transplantation, the inheritance of martial arts and the inheritance of martial arts are the inheritance of martial arts. When Yan Lingji first improved in strength, he used the inheritance of martial arts. .

However, compared to blood transplantation, the effects of the inheritance of kungfu and martial skills are not stable. Perhaps the inherited kungfu and martial skills are not high-level. As a result, it will not be able to improve the strength of the inherited.

Xiao Chen just tried it. If it could improve Xiaomeng's strength, it would be best. If it couldn't, then transplant blood.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for extracting the emperor-level high-grade exercise technique Kyushu Misty Technique!"

"Kyushu's ethereal formula, a top-level technique, anyone who practises this technique can mobilize the power of Kyushu, and it is in harmony with heaven!"

"Ding, please host Xiaomeng into the system and accept the inheritance!"


Whoops, luck is not bad, unexpectedly got the emperor-level high-grade exercises, this level of exercises, second only to the legendary god-level, even in the Association of Travelers, it can be regarded as extremely incredible exercises.

If Xiaomeng had accepted the systematic inheritance of the exercises and learned the Kyushu Misty Technique, then her strength would definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and slowly stretched out his right hand, and then sucked Xiao Meng into the small world of the system.

After a while, the voice of the system rang in Xiao Chen's ear again.

"Ding, the Xiaomeng technique was successfully passed on!"

"Xiaomeng, from the world of Qin Shimingyue!"

"Race: Terran!"

"Talent value: 82!"

"Charm Value: 95!"

"Cultivation Base: Early Stage of True God Realm!"

"Gong Method: Kyushu Misty Technique!"

"Special accessories: Qiu Li sword!"

"Talent: Enlightenment of Dao and Tongshen (the ability to understand Dao far exceeds that of ordinary warriors

"Loyalty: 100!"

Sure enough, as Xiao Chen predicted, if you want to complete the inheritance of the top-level exercises of Jiuzhou Misty Technique, the system must unconditionally strengthen Xiaomeng's talent, otherwise it will not be possible to inherit this top-level exercise with Xiaomeng's talent.

This can be regarded as a big brother of the system! Xiao Chen took advantage of this tyrant brother, but took a lot of advantage.

After releasing Xiao Meng from the system, Xiao Chen only felt that Xiao Meng in front of him was a little more beautiful than before.

The fact is indeed the case. After Xiao Meng's cultivation level increases, her charm value also increases.

No wonder there are not many ugly women in the world of warriors. Xiuwu is also very helpful to the appearance.

While Xiao Chen was secretly teasing, Xiao Meng's eyes suddenly opened, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

After a while, a rare trace of surprise appeared on her face, that she had reached the initial stage of the True God Realm.

In the past, she was only a five-star Wu Zun, and instantly surpassed six or seven big realms. This kind of magical thing, even Xiao Meng, who was so heartbroken, could not accept it with confidence, it was simply incredible.

Xiao Chen smiled faintly: "Xiao Meng, are you satisfied with this result?"

Xiao Meng raised her head, looked at Xiao Chen in surprise, and asked, "How did you do it?"

Xiao Chen smiled mysteriously: "When you were in the small world in my body, didn't you already have the answer? There is a powerful old senior in my body who helped you improve your cultivation."

It was still the same old rhetoric. When the system helped Xiaomeng improve her cultivation, it also transplanted such memories for her as usual.

Xiao Meng didn't doubt that he was there, and nodded and said, "When will you leave for the holy city?"

Yes, as soon as she helped this girl improve her cultivation, she started to rush people.


Xiao Chen did not stay in the Taoist school much. After Qin Yijue sent the Eight Wizards and others back to the Qingluo Continent, after rushing back, he, Lu Xueqi and Qin Yijue went to the holy city of the imperial capital of the Heavenly Sage God Dynasty. Away.

One of these two is the True God Realm Consummation, and the other is the latter stage of the Reincarnation Realm, enough to suppress the scene.

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