Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1120: condemn

Xiao Chen knew Qin Yijue's means, and when he handed Gao Ling to her, Xiao Chen believed that the other party would be miserable.

Qin Yijue nodded, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and with a wave of his hand, Gao Ling, who had been mentally collapsed, was included in his own small world.

Next, Gao Ling will spend a period of time when life is worse than death but can't die.

This guy dared to hurt Xiao Meng and even almost killed her, how could Xiao Chen let him go easily.

After dealing with Gao Ling's affairs, Xiao Meng in Xiao Chen's arms whispered: "My injury is almost healed, you can let me go!"


Xiao Chen glanced at Xiao Meng in his arms. He was a little embarrassed. He got used to it. There were so many people watching. He could be shameless, but Xiao Meng was a girl, and his face was still very thin. .

Well, Xiao Chen admitted that Xiao Meng actually didn't care much about the difference between men and women, that is, after being educated by Xiao Chen, he began to be wary of men. Only when facing Xiao Chen, would he be defenseless.

Gently letting Xiaomeng down, Xiao Chen turned to Lu Xueqi and said, "Xueqi, you take them back to recuperate first! I still have something to deal with!"

Lu Xueqi nodded, and then led Li Xunhuan and others to Taoism and Buddhism, while Xiao Chen turned his attention to Shang Liang.

"Are you a member of the strategic army?"

Shang Liang nodded hurriedly and said, "Shang Liang, the centurion leader of the army, is ordered by the Queen to protect Taoism!"

Xiao Chen said coldly: "Where is the Heavenly Sage Queen, is she protecting Taoism and Buddhism for me like this?"

Shang Liang heard the words, his heart tensed, and he hurriedly explained: "Young Master Xiao Chen, you have misunderstood. This fact is an accident. The queen temporarily left the Asura Continent because of something, and the people of the gods came again suddenly, so she became The current situation.

In fact, the reinforcements of the Shence Army were already on the way, but I didn't expect that the speed of the Shentian was too fast. It was definitely not the fault of the queen, but the crime of our wait. "

The Queen of Heaven has left the Asura mainland?

Xiao Chen's heart moved, this woman was rather busy, running around every day.

However, it is understandable that the safety of dozens of intermediate continents is carried on the shoulders of the Queen of Heaven alone, so she will naturally be busy.

Thinking of this, the anger in Xiao Chen's heart also faded a bit. After all, this incident was caused by himself, and it was also because there were a few traitors within Taoism and Buddhism. He did not make arrangements when he left the Asura mainland, Xiao Dust will not shirk responsibility.

Even though he thought so in his heart, Xiao Chen didn't make a sound on his face. He said faintly, "Okay, now this seat has returned, and you don't need to be responsible for the safety of Taoism and Buddhism. You go back first and find a way. Contact the Queen of Heaven, I want to see her."

Shang Liang hurriedly said, "Yes, after I go back, I will contact the queen immediately!"


All the Shence troops left, and Lu Xueqi also took Taoist and Buddhist masters back to the mountain gate to recover. Only Xiao Meng and Xiao Chen remained above Chaoyang Peak, as well as Murong Fu, Yue Buqun and Wang Yuyan who had never dared to move. .

The three of them were terrified in their hearts at this time. They were completely shocked by Xiao Chen's powerful strength. They didn't even dare to show up, and they lost the courage to escape, silently waiting for the trial of fate.

Xiao Chen walked slowly to Murongfu's trio with Xiaomeng, and said coldly: "Murongfu, Yue Buqun, Wang Yuyan, shouldn't you three explain why you betrayed this seat?"

Seeing that Xiao Chen didn't kill them immediately, Yue Buqun asked them the reason. His heart suddenly moved. Did Xiao Chen not intend to kill them, he wanted to give them a chance? Thinking of this, Yue Buqun's mind immediately became active.

He said with a smile on his face: "The head, I was bewitched by Murong Fu, and the ghost was fascinated. He has always been dissatisfied with the fact that the head handed the power of the sect to Xiaomeng, so he tricked me into leaving the sect with him. Please spare my life, I am willing to lose my merits!"

With that said, Yue Buqun's face also squeezed out two tears pretendingly, the acting was really quite realistic.

If it were not for his near-zero loyalty at this moment, Xiao Chen might have believed his nonsense.

Worthy of being the number one hypocrite in the world!

However, Xiao Chen did not kill him immediately. Instead, he looked at Murong Fu with a joking expression, and asked: "Murong Fu, Yue Buqun said that you deceived him, so he betrayed the sect. You don't want to say something. What?"

Murongfu gritted his teeth and said: "Murongfu knows that death is inevitable, and he disdains to shirk responsibility. I am not as hypocritical as some people. I just want to ask the head of one thing. This matter has nothing to do with my cousin. Please palm. The door can spare her life!"

A strange color flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes. He did not expect that Murong Fu, who had no scruples about Wang Yuyan's emotions for the emperor's position in Tianlong Babu, suddenly became emotional and righteous in this world.

The most important thing is that he hasn't shirked his responsibilities like Yue Buqun, and his loyalty to himself is still more than twenty. In other words, now Murong Fu just treats him as an ordinary passerby, not an enemy.

His gaze swept across the three of them, Murong Fu's face was calm, Wang Yuyan was bitterly crying, but Yue Buqun was smiling.


The next moment, Xiao Chen suddenly stretched out his finger, and a light of stars pierced through Yue Buqun's forehead.

There was still a thick horror on Yue Buqun's face, and he didn't understand why Shen Yu would suddenly kill him.

Not just him, even Murong Fu and Wang Yuyan didn't understand.

At this time, Xiao Chen said faintly: "You think I don't know, from beginning to end, you are the culprit, and at this time I want to hide it!"


After Xiao Chen finished speaking, Yue Buqun's body fell from the air and hit the mountain below.

Xiao Chen didn't look at him again. Instead, he looked at Murong Fu and Wang Yuyan, and said in a flat voice: "Murong Fu and Wang Yuyan, I think you are bewitched by Yue Buqun, and I will spare you your life.

However, capital crimes are unavoidable, and living crimes cannot escape. Today I will abolish your two cultivation bases. You go to the back mountain of Chaoyang Peak, but you will survive! "

After speaking, Xiao Chen waved his hand slightly, Murong Fu and Murong Fu almost snorted at the same time, and then a trace of blood flowed from the corners of their mouths. At the same time, Xiao Meng dragged the two bodies with spiritual power. The two people in the cultivation base have fallen from the sky.

The cultivation base was abolished, in fact, it was no different from killing them, the life span was only 30 to 40 years left, and they were placed under house arrest in disguised form at Chaoyang Peak, and the two of them had no chance of a comeback in their lives.

However, Murong Fu did not hate Xiao Chen for this, and even the loyalty of the two rebounded at the same time, reaching 70. It seems that the two of them still miss Xiao Chen's grace of not killing.

The two saluted Xiao Chen together, and then slowly fell to the ground, supporting each other and heading towards the mountain.

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