Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1394: Scramble

Yi Shuihan, who burst out with all his strength, attracted a large wave of demons in an instant, but no demons comparable to the creation realm had noticed him.

Baihuaxiang was struggling to manipulate the blue light, and a row of fine sweat gradually appeared on his forehead. Although the other Chaos Emperors also contributed, they played a very small role.

"When did he become so strong?"

Baihuaxiang looked at Yi Shuihan in shock. The more you understand Yi Shuihan, the more shocked it will be. Baihuaxiang still remembers Yi Shuihan, who just became the Emperor of Chaos a million years ago. Although Yi Shuihan's strength at that time was still The Dao-seeking realm is very strong, but it definitely does not rely on the understanding of Dao, other things such as secret methods.

In just a million years, it has directly broken through to the realm of enlightenment, and it is not an ordinary realm of enlightenment. If it hadn't been seen with my own eyes, Baihuaxiang would never believe it.

"He could escape without my help before, right?"

Unspeakable complex emotions, Baihuaxiang was jealous for people for the first time. She was jealous of Yi Shuihan’s talent, just like other people were jealous of her birth. Once she thought she would never be jealous. Emotional, because all the time only others were jealous of her.

"Don't be distracted."

Noting that Baihuaxiang was in a trance, causing the green light to show signs of instability, Yi Shuihan shouted to Baihuaxiang in a low voice.

"He is fierce to me? He actually..."

Before Baihuaxiang had more emotions, because her mentality was unstable and the power of the blue light decreased, several demons broke through the light range of the blue light and came to her in an instant, making Baihuaxiang stay in front of her with their hideous faces.

After all, there is still a lack of exercise. Baihuaxiang actually made a fatal mistake at this time. When the other Chaos Emperor noticed it was too late, they all showed desperate eyes.

If something goes wrong with the potpourri and there is no blue light, there is almost no possibility that they will rush out of the evil spirits, of course they do not include Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan arrived at the moment before Potpourri was about to be poisoned.

"My eldest lady, can you be more reliable, and I beg you."

Looking at Baihuaxiang helplessly, Yi Shuihan was also a little angry. Baihuaxiang was indeed not a good teammate! If she hadn't had a green light, Yi Shuihan thought she might be the least effective one in this team.

"What is it! I'm just a little bit diligent, don't worry, the next step is when I play."

Tsundere said such a sentence, Bai Huaxiang's expression became solemn, and her hand gestured, the light of the blue light instantly strengthened by a few points, blocking those demons from taking care of it.

Seeing this, Yi Shuihan nodded, and turned around to open the road again. He did not show the range of light, so he swept on the edge of the care, so that you don’t need to think about defense, and you can output as much as you want. Those demons take him. There is absolutely no way.

"Just now, he was injured!"

Baihuaxiang looked at Yi Shuihan, who was killing him in front of him, with a strange look. The picture of Yi Shuihan saving him before appeared in his mind. Even though Yi Shuihan killed the demons at that time, his face was obviously pale. , The body trembled slightly, which was seen in her eyes.

Thinking that Yi Shuihan was hurt for his own sake, Baihuaxiang was a burst of guilt.

Bai Huaxiang wanted to say sorry to Yi Shuihan, but she couldn't help it. Fortunately, the current situation is the most important thing to escape. For the time being, there is no need to worry about this matter. The only thing she can do is control the blue lantern as much as possible. .

Yi Shuihan and the others didn't talk about it for the time being, there was a green light with a fragrance of flowers, and they did not fall into a disadvantage in a short time in the face of the evil spirit, but the evil spirit died.

Other Chaos Kings have not received such good treatment. They are surrounded by a plurality of demons whose strength is no less than their own, and coupled with the consumption of the previous siege of the island of illusion, now they have no resistance at all when facing the siege of demons, and various deaths have occurred. law.

Occasionally, the Emperor of Chaos used the same method to kill some demons, but they couldn't turn over any waves, but made the demons even more brutal.

At the center of this incident, the Heart of the Universe is still being contested, and the Heart of the Universe is not willing to be controlled and keeps running away.

Chuangdao once grasped the heart of the universe, but his arm was wiped out by Mo Ming's power in the next moment, and the light on the outer layer of the heart of the universe dimmed.

Everyone is not a fool, and naturally knows that the heart of the universe is temporarily untouchable, but you can't just give up like this, and think of a way to consume the energy of the heart of the universe. As long as the energy is exhausted, the heart of the universe can only be manipulated by them.

Unlike the Innovators, the evil spirits are more courageous. They send weaker evil spirits to consume the energy of the cosmic heart. Even if those weak evil spirits die, they are completely indifferent, so the cosmic heart has no choice but to flee.

While dealing with the evil spirits, the founders were paying attention to the heart of the universe, waiting for the protection energy of the heart of the universe to run out.

The demons naturally saw the ideas of the Innovators, and of course they would not make them feel better. Each Innovator is faced with 4 demons with the power of Innovative Dao, and there are many others who are eyeing them. It's okay to be at a disadvantage. Once Chuangdao is at the upper hand, the number will increase immediately.

The creation of the heavens and the world is actually much stronger than the power of the demons. The reason why the creations are the creations is because they create their own Taos, and although the demons have the strength comparable to the creations, they do not belong to them. For their own Dao, all demons don't cultivate Dao. What they cultivate is destruction. As long as destruction can increase their strength, this type of strength comes fast, but it is far less solid than the creations.

Basically, in one-to-one terms, Chuangdao is definitely better than Chuangdao-level demons. Even if there are one-to-many, Chuangdao can easily escape if you can’t beat it. It’s just that in today’s situation, Chuangdao is not facing a few of the same demons. Level, but dozens of times as many opponents of the same level, coupled with the temptation of the Heart of the Universe, you can't escape if you want to escape, they don't really want to escape!

Everyone is not stupid, knowing that the key lies in the heart of the universe. As long as you can get the heart of the universe, you may be able to save your life. After all, the heart of the universe is important, and the emperor above must be paying attention.

The fact is also similar to this. In the upper dimension of the space, the emperor-level masters of both sides are silently watching them. The reason why they did not take action was because the two sides had reached an agreement long ago.

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