Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1393: Picture poor see

In the world known to the heavens and the world, there are actually only eight worlds that have experienced immeasurable calamities at most, and this kind of world is actually comparable to the existence of the Dao emperor in the hierarchy. If it can integrate the power of a world, Then it is not impossible to deal with the emperor of the Dao Dao.

In fact, if you take the path of the Lord of the World, if you can keep the world under your control through the calamity, you can surpass the Chaos Emperor through the seventh calamity. In his home game, the world's strength is comparable to the weakest Dao Emperor, and he will survive the first The Eight Tribulations can be comparable to the average Dao Emperor in this world, and if they can survive the ninth immeasurable Tribulation, their strength can be regarded as the Dao Emperor invincible in this world.

Being the lord of the world, the way to cultivate the world to cross the calamity looks good, but in fact there are very few world lords who have survived the seventh immeasurable calamity in the heavens and all realms.

It is very few rather than not. The reason is that the power of the world lord who survived the seventh calamity is the Dao emperor, and the power of the world lord is only incidental to them.

As the master of the world, no matter how much you can overcome, you can’t take away your strength. You still have to rely on yourself to get out of your own world, and it is more difficult to help the world to overcome the calamity than to cultivate to the corresponding strength by yourself. Instead of spending energy To help the world overcome the catastrophe, it would be better to practice yourself.

Not to mention the difficulty of helping the world to overcome the catastrophe, you can only stay in your own world, as long as you have a little common sense, you will not choose this path.

Only if the strength reaches the Dao Emperor, and there is no power to advance, can I cultivate the world with leisure. After all, if we cultivate a world that has survived seven immeasurable catastrophes, as his lair, the Dao Emperor of the same level will come to him. It can't help him.

The known world has experienced the most immeasurable calamities only eight times. Now Yi Shuihan is facing the heart of the universe that has passed through nine immeasurable calamities and has been sublimated to the extreme. There must be something strange in it.

"There has never been the slightest sign before, knowing that it has only leaked out now. Only the superior who have the ability to train through nine immeasurable catastrophes, perhaps only have been cultivating the world, hoping to cultivate the heart of the universe, until now it is completely The success of this is because I don’t know who cultivated this cosmic heart, whether it belongs to the evil demon or the heavens and all realms?"

Yi Shuihan gradually sorted out a line in his mind, and inferred a cause and effect based on this line, but it was unclear whether it was the truth or not.

Regardless of the origin of the heart of the universe, Yi Shuihan now does not have the energy to continue thinking.

When the heart of the universe appeared, the mist in the misty area completely dissipated in a short moment, and the heart of the universe was completely exposed to the heavens and worlds, and the demons ambushing around also appeared in everyone's sight.

"Kill them all, the heart of the universe belongs to our demons."

"It's ridiculous, these stupid practitioners still want to grab the heart of the universe with us, now they are dumbfounded!"

"Eat them, so that there will be no chaos emperor in the heavens and all realms."

When we met, it was the moment when I saw it. The demons roared and killed them from all directions.

"Everyone, the heart of the universe must not be taken away by the evil demon. How about we compete for the heart of the universe by our ability after we have divided the victory and defeat with the evil demon?"

"I agree."

"I agree."

"Swallow, dare you, stop it."

The frightened body was affected, and a giant snake with heads on both sides suddenly bit towards the heart of the universe.

The name of the giant snake is Swallowing, it is a great power of creation, majoring in swallowing the avenue. The dao of its creation is the return of swallowing. After swallowing, it can return to the origin. If he can become the king of the avenue, the heavens There will be a avenue called Return to the Source in Ten Thousand Realms.

The strength of Swallow also ranks among the top in Innovative Path, but it is not the first here today, at most in the top ten.

Originally, if Devour did not make a move to **** the heart of the universe, then the situation could stabilize, and all the chaotic emperors belonging to the heavens and the world could unite to resist the evil spirits, but now, it has started, and other pioneers I can stretch my hand to the heart of the universe regardless of being passive or active.

"A disaster is in the face, and I am still fighting for the heart of the universe. What should I say?"

Yi Shuihan naturally saw the contention of the founders and was a little speechless.

"Sister Baihuaxiang, we, what shall we do?"

A chaotic emperor with the appearance of a little loli asked Baihuaxiang with a panic face.

The other chaotic emperors, even the Enlightenment Realm, are looking at Baihuaxiang, no way, whoever makes Baihuaxiang hard in the background and strong in life-saving ability, this time must hold her thigh.

"We go south, there are fewer demons in the south, and the main goals of demons should be the Heart of the Universe and the Power of Creation. We should be able to run away as long as we keep a low profile."

Indeed, as far as demons are concerned, Baihuaxiang and their group of path-seeking and several enlightenment realms have not been focused on the key goals, although they will certainly not simply break through, nor will there be a few demons comparable to creation. To deal with their situation, there is a green light of potpourri, and the possibility of breaking through is still very high.

To be honest, if Baihuaxiang regardless of Yi Shuihan and they run alone, they can easily run away. After all, demons are not stupid. As long as Baihuaxiang takes out her treasures, they can naturally guess her origin, even if it is a hostile, evil spirit. We estimate that the person behind the potpourri will put some water on the face.

Baihuaxiang chooses to be with Yi Shuihan and the others. Those demons won't let them go so easily. After all, letting go of one is completely different from letting go of a dozen. One can be said to have not paid attention. You will be blind if you don't.

The demon's movements were very fast, and Baihuaxiang had already arrived in front of Baihuaxiang and the others as soon as he finished speaking.

The Baihuaxiang gave out the blue light for the first time, and a blue fire floated from the blue light. In an instant, the evil spirits were emptied of a large area. All the evil spirits contaminated by the blue fire did not escape the fate of death.

"The defense is so strong, but the attack is not weak!"

After seeing several demons with an aura comparable to Taoism being killed in seconds, Yi Shuihan also had a new assessment of Qing Deng.

"Everyone follow me."

With a loud shout, Yi Shuihan finally fully demonstrated the strength of the Enlightenment Realm. At this time, if he hides it again, he will die.

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