Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1386: Accidentally injured

It’s good to think outside, just come in and see what happened, whether the so-called key is really here, but now too Yi feels tricky, this Nima can’t see anything, and there’s nothing outside. What is the difference.

Not only was he invisible, but there was also no sound. There might be danger around him at any time, and he became nervous too easily.

"not good!"

Suddenly thinking of something, Tai Yi's complexion changed, his feet slammed on the ground, his body was several meters off the ground, and then he fell.

It’s a great thing for ordinary people to be able to jump a few meters high. However, now this jumper is too easy to be different. He is the emperor of Chaos. The most important thing is that he was not actually here just now. Test to increase, but to test whether it can fly.

The answer is already obvious. Tai Yi has once again lost the ability to fly. Now it is impossible to retreat back the same way, and only teleportation makes Tai Yi reluctantly able to remain calm.

After a moment of silence, Tai Yi finally started to act. Now he can't distinguish the direction and position at all. He can only choose one direction at will. Because of the low visibility, Tai Yi moves in the zigzag pattern. Can miss something less.

After walking monotonously for a quarter of an hour, Tai Yi's heart relaxed a little, because although he did not encounter those creative powers, and even the slightest clue to the key, he also did not encounter danger, which means that he did not encounter any danger. His current situation is fairly safe, after all, Key Illusion Island does not need to be prepared for so long to deal with him.

After more than an hour, Tai Yi stopped abruptly and lay there quietly with one arm away from his feet.

This arm is very large, at least because of the fog, it is impossible to see the whole picture. According to the area that has been seen, the arm should be at least 3 meters long.

What you see is only the arm, but it doesn't mean it's just the arm. Maybe the place covered by the mist is a complete body.

Too Yi looked at it for a moment, and then walked carefully a few steps, and found that there was no body, that is to say, only the arms were left.

"This should be the arm of the Northern Curse Yun, and its master's cultivation base should be only the first state. Any enlightenment state must have its own Dao charm, because enlightenment has determined its own Dao."

Judging this point, it can be inferred that this Northern Curse should be the Chaos Emperor who was deceived to this island before, but why only one broken arm is left behind is unknown.

Without too much research on the broken arm, Tai Yi quickly started to act again, and then his frequency of encountering special "things" gradually increased.

"Huh, this is already the 102nd corpse. I didn't expect so many Chaos Emperors to die in just a few years. Normally, a Chaos Emperor would die without seeing a hundred million years. The world is chaotic. !"

Seeing too much, the heart is naturally immune, Tai Yi hasn't even stayed in front of the corpse anymore, just glance at it and move on.

Seeing the increase in the frequency of corpses made Tai Yi understand that there was nothing wrong with the position he chose. The more careful he was, the more he went forward, the stronger the fallen Chaos Emperor seemed to be. According to this calculation, sooner or later he would see Chuang. The existence of Tao just doesn't know whether it is a corpse or a living body.

After a few more hours passed, Tai Yixin was a little depressed because he saw too many corpses. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his field of vision suddenly became wider, as if he had changed from a thousand degrees of myopia to 5.0.

"The fog is gone? Uh, no, there is still."

There are indeed, but these fogs are unique to the fog area. They simply cannot use scanning power. Some sounds and the like can still be heard. What Tai Yi had experienced before was the enhanced fog produced by Illusory Island.

Without the enhanced version of Mist, Tai Yi easily determined where he was, and found that it had entered the core area of ​​the Illusion Island.

There was a constant faint vibration from the ground, and it was accompanied by an aura of destruction that made too easy to startle, obviously it was not safe ahead.

Too Yi thought that he had no room to intervene at the creation level of the battle, and that it was not easy to resist the aftermath, so he appeared very careful and moved forward slowly at a slower speed than before.

"Huh? It's a little different from what I thought!"

It was indeed very different. Before Tai Yi thought that there should be a fierce confrontation between Illusion Island and Innovative Dao Power, the battle was fierce, but in fact fierce was fierce, but there was no fierceness at all.

The great powers of creation are all teaming up to attack a special protective shield, and there is no counterattack in Mirage Island!

The appearance of Tai Yi was immediately issued by a group of creative powers. A great power who looked very inconsistent with Tai Yi’s aesthetics cast a glimpse of Tai Yi, and shot a divine light from his eyes, and went straight to Tai Yi. Come.


Too Yi only came up with such a thought and was hit by the divine light, and then felt a painful sensation of tearing the soul, and fell back to the ground with his head in the pain.

Although Tai Yi was already very careful, he was still careless, especially because he found that things weren't what he thought he was negligent. In addition, he didn't expect the accidental attack of Innovative Dao's power, so he didn't even have time to transmit. trick.

"Ronggu, what do you mean?"

"Guangming, it's up to you to kill a little guy."

"Why is it none of my business? He is a member of my Lord God Space. Are you provoking me? If so, then come and do it."

"I don't know that he belongs to your master divine space, even if it is, when I am afraid you will not succeed."

"Okay, that's the end of this matter. I don't want to see your infighting before I get the key. When you get out of here, you can fight whatever you want."

"The meaning of Old Jian is also ours."

Other great abilities all expressed their opinions, and the Emperor Guangming could only give a stern look at Emperor Rongbone.

The Emperor Guangming paused his attack on the shield and came to Tai Yi to treat him.

After a while, Tai Yi finally got rid of the pain.

"Thank you, Senior Emperor Guangming, for rescuing again."

Tai Yi sincerely thanked Guangming Huang, and at the same time, he remembered that Ronggu completely in his heart, and attacked him for no reason. If it weren't for his fate, he would be gged this time. This hatred is a murderous hatred. , He must report once he has the opportunity. ,, ..

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