Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1385: The fog highlights

The streamer flickered, and a large area of ​​tentacles was cut off by Too Yi, but this did not play a big role. The severed tentacles grew again at a speed visible to the naked eye and continued to spread toward Too Yi.

If there is only one tentacle monster, Tai Yi still has a way to deal with it, at least not afraid, but when he noticed that the chaos emperors were directly covered by a beam of light as soon as they approached the island, and then they remained motionless. Yi didn't have any thoughts to continue working with the Tentacle Monster.

Resolutely contacted the portable world and communicated its power for transmission.

"Cracked animal."

At this moment, a loud shout sounded, and then Tai Yi saw that the tentacles in front of him turned into light spots and disappeared, and they never grew back.

"Things have changed?"

Too Yi decisively suspended the transmission, intending to see what happened.

"It's okay! Kid."

The void in front of Yi Shuihan suddenly fluctuated, and then the spots of light gathered into a figure.

"It's him, Emperor Guangming!"

At a glance, he recognized the identity of the person in front of him. After all, he was the Emperor of Chaos who belonged to the main **** space. The scene of this person asking questions about the Emperor of the Dao was still vivid.

"It's too easy, I have met Senior Emperor Guangming."

Tai Yi respectfully bowed to Emperor Guangming.

This attitude made the Emperor Guangming nod slightly, which seemed to be quite satisfactory.

Before Tai Yi and the Emperor Guangming continued to say something, when the roar sounded, dozens of huge figures flew out from the island, all of which were tyrannical existences of Enlightenment Realm.

Not only that, Tai Yi suddenly felt his body sink slightly, and the pressure on his body expanded rapidly.

Fantasy Island had actually come to the front, and it was about to enter the airspace of Fantasy Island.

Without hesitation, Tai Yi chose to retreat. He knew that the power of Illusion Island had a limited range, so as long as the distance was increased, it would be fine.

"What are you waiting for, let's shoot together."

Unlike Taiyi, the Emperor Guangming did not retreat but instead advanced, charged towards the phantom island, and at the same time shouted loudly,

So under the expression of too easy surprise, several figures appeared in the void, each with a majestic breath, belonging to the level of creation.

"The big scene!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Chuangdao, Tai Yilian's retreat speed subconsciously dropped a little.

Those Chaos Kings who rushed out of the island were not the opponents of a group of Innovative Dao at all, and the effort to face each other was solved, and then the attacks belonging to Innovative Dao completely attacked the phantom island.

A violent explosion sounded, and a large area of ​​the phantom island was directly annihilated.

The weird wailing sound was transmitted from the phantom island, and the phantom island was trembling constantly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

"Don't let it escape."

I don't know who yelled such a sentence, all kinds of lights flickered, and there were more fluctuations in the formation of the sealed space.

Tai Yi just felt that the surrounding space suddenly became a lot more stable. If it was just a layer of paper before, it would now be a layer of wood.

"It shouldn't be solved so easily!"

For no reason, Tai Yi had such thoughts. After all, it was very difficult for his deity to escape from the Island of Illusion. Although his deity was not a creation, when the ability to escape is absolutely unique in the realm of search, the most important thing is the current one. The Illusion Island is much bigger than it was before.

The feeling of Too Yi was quickly verified, that group of creative powers are indeed powerful, and the phantom island is constantly being destroyed, but this does not mean that the phantom island is not as good as the creative way.

A cloud of mist rose rapidly from the phantom island. This mist was exactly the same as the mist in the mist area. In areas covered by mist, the Innovators would not respond to their attacks, as if they were swallowed by the mist.

The fog in the fog area completely surpassed the level of the chaos emperor. Even the great road emperor can't do anything with the fog, so the attack of the creation realm can't help the fog seem to be completely free of problems.

The point of the question is naturally not whether Innovative Dao can help the fog, but the key is that the phantom island can affect the fog.

"Does it really have to do with the key?"

It is not easy not to think so, after all, the appearance of this mist is to increase the difficulty of finding the "key", and now this phantom island can actually affect the mist.

A group of Innovators could see the phantom island defending in this way. Their attacks failed. Not only were they not disappointed, but they were completely agitated. They all looked like they were beaten with blood. Let Tai Yi Du see a little doubt whether they are also controlled by Illusory Island like those Chaos Kings before.

The mist soon completely covered the phantom island, and the phantom island was no longer visible in Tai Yi’s field of vision. The many creative talents were also bold and bold, all of them rushed into the mist, and in the blink of an eye, they were out of Tai Yi’s sight. Disappeared in the middle, obviously, they are on the phantom island.

"What should I do now?"

Standing alone on the void, Too Yi was a little dumbfounded, because the possibility of discovering that the phantom island is related to the "key" increased, he actually wanted to go to the above to study it, and he did not hesitate without seeing other people's creations. Are you up?

However, Chuangdao returned to Chuangdao. His Taiyi's strength was far inferior to Chuangdao. Once on the island, he couldn't help the island. Instead, he had to be careful of being controlled by the island, which was very embarrassing.

The surroundings were very quiet, and there was no sound at all, which made Tai Yi unable to judge what happened on the phantom island covered by mist. It was a curiosity in his heart.

Too Yi can't believe that nothing really happened inside, and the mist covering the island may have another mystery, which merges into interrupting energy fluctuations.

The fog can't stop the movement of the battle, but the fog in front of you is obviously different, so it can't be judged by common sense.

"Forget it, just go in and look at it. Anyway, there are so many Innovative Dao powers against it. It shouldn't be mainly aimed at me. It really doesn't work, isn't there still transmission?"

As soon as his head heated, Tai Yi rushed into the mist.

Unlike other fog in the fog area, even if you enter the fog outside the island, the visibility is still very low. Basically, it is too easy to see the area within one meter of him, which is simply blind.

"Already on the island?"

With his feet completely on the ground, Tai Yi realized that he had completely landed on the island. ,, ..

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