Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1378: Successful attack

O'Neill was still very cautious. He did not take the initiative in the first time. Instead, he created several demons with the power of the erosion demons. The aura of these demons is huge, comparable to the Emperor of Chaos.

Of course, O'Neill didn't expect these demons to deal with Yi Shuihan, he just wanted to try the true level of Tai Yi, or he wouldn't mind a sneak attack if he had the opportunity.

The evil demon quickly fought with Taiyi. It was not difficult to deal with them with Taiyi's strength, but he needed to put most of his energy on O'Neill, so he couldn't solve them quickly.

"It turned out to be better than I thought."

Seeing Tai Yi easily deal with demons, O'Neill flashed a look of unwillingness. This unwillingness was aimed at Tai Yi's talent. You must know that before Tai Yi did not become the Chaos King, his combat power was far beyond Tai Yi. Yes, he didn't even consider Tai Yi as an opponent of the same level.

Now, even with the help of the Corruptor, he asked himself if it would be difficult for him to win too easy one-on-one.

O’Neal still underestimated Too Yi, because of Yi Shuihan, Tai Yi is also the pinnacle of search, the 9th floor of Tongtian Pagoda, of course, he only showed the level of 8th floor, and O’Neill is only 8th floor at this time. Without the help of the Corruption Demon, he might still be the seventh floor now.

After all, the erosion demon is a demon, and it is still a little bit worse in terms of detection, and it did not see that too easy is hidden. Of course, this has a certain relationship with its lack of seriousness. It can't escape the palm of its hand.

"Come on, kill him, isn't he the guy you hate the most? What are you waiting for, as long as you kill him, you are the most talented Chaos Emperor in the main **** space, and you are no longer the second and first potential. It belongs only to you, he took your first place and killed him."

A bewitching voice sounded in O'Neill's consciousness space, and the erosion and demonization turned into a cloud of ever-changing black fog that shrank and fluctuated in O'Neill's consciousness space. Unlike the beginning, O'Neill's consciousness space has now become gray. It is the result of being infested by the erosion demon.

Without getting rid of the Erosion Demon in the first time, O'Neill's self has become more and more unable to maintain. As time goes by, sooner or later he will completely become a slave to the Erosion Demon.

"You don't need to remind, I will definitely kill him."

The tone seemed a little impatient, but the body honestly acted according to the words of the erosion demon.

O'Neal chose to attack in a direction that Yi Shuihan was not easy to find. In the end, he was born in the main **** space, even if he had an absolute advantage.

"You are waiting."

However, no matter how careful O'Neill is, he is ultimately unprepared for this magical thing like the portable world. He will never think that Taiyi is just a clone, but the deity has long been waiting for him to get the bait.

Yi Shuihan exploded with all his strength. If viewed openly, this blow would be equivalent to an ordinary enlightenment level. It was just that the timing was accurate, and with mental arithmetic and unintentional, the effect would be far from O'Neill. Super ordinary enlightenment state.

O'Neal himself didn't even have time to react, so he could only watch Yi Shuihan's attack. The Erosion Demon in his consciousness space was able to react, but it did not have enough authority to operate O'Neal's body, and he had no time to evade, so he could only force defense. .

I have to say that Yi Shuihan's timing was too good this time and he directly hit O'Neal.

"Unfortunately, I didn't kill it!"

Yi Shuihan sighed when he sensed O'Neill's still-existing aura, and then cooperated too easily to get rid of those demons.


O'Neill struggled to stand up. This action seemed a bit strenuous. One can imagine how hard he was hit. After all, he himself is a chaos emperor from the ground up, not the one where sin is the top level. , Facing an attack comparable to the Enlightenment Realm of the Second Realm, not dying is already considered a miracle among miracles.

"How did he appear? Why are they together?"

O'Neill was puzzled, and couldn't figure out why Yi Shuihan appeared here at this point, and it was too easy to help.

Not to mention O'Neal, the Erosion Demon was silent at this time, and he was just as confused as O'Neal.

"Go, leave temporarily."

"No, if you let him go, I won't have a place in the main **** space after he returns."

O'Neill subconsciously opposed the Corruptor's proposal, and he was not ready to completely devote himself to the evil side.

"Idiot, in order to protect you, I consumed too much this time. Now I don't have the power to fight them. We can't live here if we stay here. Let's go."

The hysterical voice resounded in O'Neill's consciousness space, and the Eroder didn't care if O'Neill was still in the main **** space.

The power that Yi Shuihan had shown before had surpassed that of True Eye Emperor in the secret realm. He was afraid, even if he still had the power to fight again, he didn't want to fight again, and he didn't even consider temptation.

O'Neill now has only the Erosion Demon. Without the power of the Erosion Demon, he would not be able to deal with Tai Yi and Yi Shuihan anyway. With him, either of Tai Yi and Yi Shuihan can easily kill him.

At the insistence of the Eroder, O'Neal knew that he had no choice and had to leave even if he was unwilling.

Unfortunately, O'Neal wanted to leave, but Yi Shuihan would not let him go. When O'Neal was born with the idea of ​​fleeing, he had already discovered that Yi Shuihan and Tai Yi had surrounded him one after another.

"Too Yi, you colluded with the people in the company. You know the relationship between the space and the company. If this matter is discovered, you will have no way to survive. Today, you will let me go. Take the oath."

"Is there any last words to say, I will give you three more seconds."

Taiyi looked at O'Neal like a fool, and generously gave O'Neal 3 seconds to show his mouth.

"In fact, we really don't have any grudges. I am willing to apologize, and I will never do anything to you again, as long as you let go..."

"Three seconds are up!"

Said that 3 seconds is 3 seconds. After the time was up, Tai Yi and Yi Shuihan shot at the same time, and two bright lights blasted O'Neill. ,, ..

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