Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1377: Dongming

Ye Dongsheng wants to recover, even with the help of the system, it will not be able to recover completely in a short while, so Yi Shuihan's plan is to find a place to retreat in Taiyi, and simply raise his realm to enlightenment.

The deity of Yi Shuihan stayed at Taiyi, but the clone that stayed on Xiaochi's side slowly returned to the original path in the direction of Xian Daozong, and also notified Shimen of this matter. Shimen replied People will come to meet Yi Shuihan and them.


In the void, Yi Shuihan's clone suddenly opened his eyes, and then he saw a black shadow not far from his home. He didn't find any breath from the black shadow, as if it didn't exist at all.

The avatar staying here is not too easy. It doesn’t have that much contact with Yi Shuihan’s deity, and he doesn’t even have the authority to carry around the world. At that time, Yi Shuihan was really walking in a hurry. I didn’t expect this, otherwise Yi Shui Han can actually catch him and send the coordinates back.

Facing the sudden appearance of black shadows, Yi Shuihan’s clone seemed very nervous. He didn't care much about himself. After he was broken up, he would not have much influence on the deity. At most, he would cultivate for a while. What he cared about was small. The life and death of the disciples of Chi and their descendants, if they were to die, he couldn't make it through his heart.

The black shadow did not answer Yi Shuihan, but its face gradually became clear. After a while, the black shadow disappeared, and it was an old man in his 60s who replaced the black shadow.

"Huh? Didn't you mean you are a clone? How come you can't tell at all."

The old man looked at Yi Shuihan's clone in surprise. As soon as he said this, Yi Shuihan was taken aback, and then relaxed, he had guessed the identity of the man in front of him.

"Are you Senior Brother Dongming San?"

If you know, you still have to confirm it.

"Yes, I'm Dongming, Junior Brother, I have learned about your situation from the master, and when I saw it today, it was really extraordinary!"

Dong Ming said this entirely from the heart, he really thinks so, because he is a magnificent creative realm, even Yi Shuihan's clone can not be seen through, if he did not believe in his master, it is estimated that now He would never believe that what was in front of him was just a clone of Yi Shuihan.

Dongming left the world of good fortune as early as tens of billions of years ago and preached outside. Anyone who entered the path of creation would choose this way, walking in the worlds of the heavens and the world, and letting his own way flourish. In this realm, just Staying in one place won't make the slightest progress.

For Chuangdao, only by allowing Tao to spread across the heavens and worlds can they have a chance to become stronger. Until one day, when their Tao completely grows up, the Emperor of the Tao will be within reach.

Dongming’s whereabouts was in the Yi Shuihan Gate, and only Salama, who was the emperor of the Dao Dao, knew about Dongming’s whereabouts. When Yi Shuihan told about the accident, Salama simply let Dongming **** him, because Dongming happened to be there. The surroundings, coupled with his creative strength, made Salama very relieved.

Even Ye Dongsheng, who was at the peak of the search for the path, had an accident.

Unlike Yi Shuihan, Salama knows more as the king of the Dao Dao. In fact, many evil demon lairs have appeared in the heavens and the world for no reason. Many areas of the heavens and the world have fallen into war. There is basically no danger for the Chaos Emperor to travel, and now he dare not go on the road alone even if he is seeking a way.

The chaos emperor's level is nothing. What's even more amazing is that the demons that appear in the heavens and worlds this time have the rank of the Dao emperor.

As a special purpose to deal with evil demons, the Demon Army has suffered heavy losses some time ago. Now this situation is no longer a situation that the Demon Army can handle. A group of Great Dao emperors have already gathered in the heavens and worlds, and they have begun to investigate this matter The cause and effect of the incident, once the matter is clear, Salama may also personally take action.

In this situation, the Chaos Emperor staying outside has no security at all, and the major forces have begun to recall their own Chaos Emperor.

With Dongming escorting, Xiao Chi and the others returned to the world of good fortune without any risk, and Yi Shuihan's clone also completed the task and disbanded directly.

In this way, the deity of Yi Shuihan continued to make breakthroughs without worries, but Tai Yi was sent out by the main **** space to perform a seemingly ordinary task.


"Too Yi, you don't seem surprised to see me!"

"Surprised, I am surprised."

Tai Yi's answer was obviously out of O'Neill's accident, and the chat was almost lost. Fortunately, O'Neill didn't come to chat.

O'Neill has been monitoring Tai Yi since he returned to the main **** space. While monitoring Tai Yi, he secretly sought recovery resources for the erosion demons possessing him. Nowadays, the erosion demons on his body have recovered a lot. With his strength, plus himself, he thought that even if he could deal with an ordinary enlightenment easily, he finally decided to deal with too easily.

After being possessed by the Erosion Demon for so many years, O'Neal still did not get rid of the Erosion Demon, but was completely grasped by the Erosion Demon. Now he is regarded as a spy for the Evil Demon to infiltrate the heavens.

In fact, this mission of Tai Yi is all related to O'Neill, in order to create opportunities for Tai Yi to get out of the main **** space headquarters area for easy hands-on.

Yi Shuihan’s mission is to find out if there are traces of the evil devil’s lair here, and then bring the specific information back. The truth is naturally not. The evil traces that appear here are all forged by O'Neill. Well, in fact, it can’t be said to be a forgery, after all. These traces were made by the Erosion Demon through O'Neill's action. Strictly speaking, they can be regarded as real.

"Blame you for being involved with her, don't worry! I will send her to see you soon after I kill you."

O'Neill naturally refers to Dudu. After so many years, he and the Erosion Demon have almost judged Dudu's virtual reality. As long as Yi Shuihan is not hindered, he can handle Dudu quite well.

Tai Yi did not listen to O'Neal's words at all. The first time he saw O'Neal, he contacted Yi Shuihan and sent Yi Shuihan over. Now Yi Shuihan has stayed in the portable world, ready to play the key. one strike.

O'Neal wants to kill Tai Yi, so why doesn't Tai Yi want to kill O'Neal? ,, ..

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