Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1363: Get what you want

Yi Shuihan was taken into a small compartment. There was only a small table in the compartment. Behind the table sat a masked "person".

"My lord, when we are here, Xiao Xi will be waiting for you outside."

As the goblin spoke, he left the compartment, and suddenly there was only Yi Shuihan left in the small space, as well as the existence of the masked face, unable to see the figure.

"If there is a crystal ball on the table, it will be the scene of a witch telling a fortune!"

The familiar scene made Yi Shuihan a little relaxed.

As soon as he entered here, Yi Shuihan had already discovered that this small compartment was not ordinary, at least it was very good in isolation and exploration. In it, Yi Shuihan’s mental power was not difficult to explore outside, and it could only be limited to this small space. In the space.

Moreover, Yi Shuihan couldn't know exactly what Yi Shuihan was under that black robe. Obviously, the black robe was also a treasure that cut off breath.

"Guests, please sit down."

A cold voice came out, but the figure under the black robe did not move at all, or even raised its head.

"It's quite mysterious."

With a smile in his heart, Yi Shuihan sat on a stool that was obviously reserved for guests.

"Want to know what?"

"The information of the emperor of Dadao."

"The Great King!?"

The shock in the voice was easy to hear, and he was obviously shocked.

"Yes, it's the Emperor of the Great Dao, don't you say no?"

There was a moment of silence, and the voice sounded again

"Yes, of course there is, but it's not cheap when it comes to Daowangwang. Are you sure you can make a starting price?"

"To know the basic information of all Dadao emperors, what price?"

"Is it just for basic information? We have three versions here, the primary version, only the names of these emperors and the cave mansion, these information can be known as long as you inquire about it, but ours is more comprehensive. Among them; the intermediate version, including 90% of the Dao emperors, and their lives, things that they are good at, interpersonal relationships among disciples, etc.; The final high-level version, 90% of the Dao emperors are in it, with my business alliance inquiries. Top secret information arrived."

It’s not surprising that Yi Shuihan’s information about the emperor of the Great Dao in the Commercial League is not surprising. The fact that it is divided into three versions makes Yi Shuihan a little surprised. Shouldn't it be said that he is in business?

"For the primary version, one hundred chaotic crystals are enough, the intermediate version, one hundred thousand chaotic crystals, as for the advanced version, one hundred thousand chaotic crystals, and you have to make an oath to never reveal the information."

Chaos crystal is an indispensable resource for the chaos emperor's cultivation. A chaos crystal is equivalent to the chaos emperor's meditation and practice for millions of years.

Yi Shuihan's current wealth is actually just a few hundred Chaos Crystals, which was rewarded by the previous hundreds of Verus Company.

"Can you only afford the primary version? I don't know if it will be enough."

The reason why Yi Shuihan bought all the information about the emperor of the Dao Dao, instead of directly naming his master, was just to confuse the business alliance.

"If I only need the address of the emperor of the Dadao, what price?"

"A simple address does not guarantee that the King of Dadao will be there. The price varies depending on the situation. There is less than 1 Chaos Crystal and no more than 100 Chaos Crystals. You can tell which address you want."

"I'm just asking, just give me a preliminary version."

Yi Shuihan could feel that when he said this, the voice master under the black robe paused momentarily.

A few seconds later, there was a movement under the black robe, and a crystal ball that could be held in one hand was taken out.

The one holding the crystal ball is a smooth jade arm, and the scent of it is naturally transmitted.

Yi Shuihan stretched out his hand to take the crystal ball, but when he touched the crystal ball and wanted to take it away, it didn't move, and the opposite side didn't let go.

"Chaotic Crystal."

The owner of Yubi reminded.

Yi Shuihan felt a little embarrassed and touched his nose. He put the ring with the chaotic crystal space on the table.

The other jade arm stretched out from under the black robe and took the ring away. After a while, the hand holding the crystal ball moved forward, indicating that Yi Shuihan would take it away.

This time, I finally took the crystal ball in his hand smoothly. Yi Shuihan didn't wait for the crystal ball to be in his hand. He immediately started to read the information in it.

After a while, Yi Shuihan showed a relieved smile. He was really afraid that there was no information he needed. Fortunately, the situation he was worried about did not appear.

"It seems that you have got the information you want. Do you still need to trade other information? If you don't have the information to trade, please leave here."

amount! Is this driving me away? I'm a guest, okay, do you want to be so arrogant, don't you know that the guest is God?

God! God seems to be nothing here, this one might be stronger than God!

Suddenly, he thought that God is not what he is now. If it is true that God will get the same treatment here, Yi Shuihan wants to smile inexplicably.

Taking a deep look at the black robe, Yi Shuihan turned and left the small compartment.

After Yi Shuihan left the compartment, the black robe that had been tightly covered was indeed removed by one of his hands, revealing a slightly older face underneath.

"Yi Shuihan? The guardian of the company only defeated Verus not long ago. Why did he recover so quickly, and what is his purpose in buying the information of the Dao Emperor? It is strange."

The voice is old, completely different from before.

If Yi Shuihan knew that he had thought that the beautiful person under the black robe was like this, he would be disappointed.

"Guest, do you want to buy anything else? Xiao Xi can take guests there. I'm familiar with it here."

The little fairy looked at Yi Shuihan expectantly, cutely tight.

For these shopping guide goblins, they take customers to buy things, and the more customers they buy, the more benefits they can get. Naturally, they hope that the customers they bring are big ones.

"Then you take me to see the place where Lingbao is sold!"

Originally, Yi Shuihan planned to leave directly to his master's dojo, but now he has the mind to wander around again.

Later, under the leadership of the little fairy, Yi Shuihan looked at spirit treasures, elixir, and various exotic treasures, including things to repair the world. In short, after seeing a lot of things, he naturally bought some. The last flower's Yi Shuihan Chaos Crystal has only single digits. ,, ..

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