Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1362: Buy information

After the battle with Verus ended, Yi Shuihan entered a state of healing. The injury he suffered was one aspect, and the most important thing was to sort out the world with him.

Yi Shuihan only took a hundred years to recover from his own injury, but the portable world is not so easy. Even with the company’s resources, Yi Shuihan spent thousands of years before he could bring the aura of the portable world. The recovery to 60% is only 10%.

It would take hundreds of millions of years to completely restore the portable world without increasing investment. This is nothing to the general chaos emperor, and it seems a bit long for Yi Shuihan.

In fact, Yi Shuihan had found something to accelerate the recovery of the portable world, but with his current wealth, he had to hemorrhage in order to buy it, which made him hesitate.

After all, Yi Shuihan has just become the Chaos Emperor, his wealth is not high in the Chaos Emperor, and he can even be considered poor. This can be seen from the fact that he does not even have a Hongmeng Lingbao.

Of course, Yi Shuihan also got a lot of benefits this time. For example, the Hunyuan Great Pill is extremely valuable. If you sell it, you can exchange it for resources to repair the world with only one. In general, Yi Shuihan’s battle It's worth playing, it's earned.

"Will you take a Hunyuan Great Pill?"

Regarding this question, Yi Shuihan seemed a little hesitant. The Hunyuan Great Pill was very effective, and Yi Shuihan was also reluctant. If one was missing, it would take him more than 100 million to break through to the 9th floor of the Tongtian Tower. year.

If because of a Hunyuan Great Pill, his understanding of Dao will be more than 100 million years longer, then he would take out the Hunyuan Great Pill in exchange for repairing the resources of the portable world.

The resources needed to repair the portable world are easier to obtain than the Hunyuan Great Pill, let's put it this way! The Hunyuan Great Pill is hard to find, you can't buy it if you want, but the resources to repair the world of yours can be purchased at any time as long as you pay the price.

By the time Yi Shuihan came out of the retreat, it was already three thousand years later. After his injury recovered and his portable world temporarily stabilized, he spent another two thousand years of cultivation. He also gained himself during the battle with Verus. After a lot of insights, these two thousand years have completely transformed this insight into one's own foundation.

"Master Yi Shuihan, you are out."

A guard was guarding outside Yi Shuihan's retreat. Seeing Yi Shuihan came out, he hurried over to greet him.

Looking at the respectful guard, Yi Shuihan nodded faintly, and then said, "Tell me what happened after my retreat?"

"Yes, my lord, after you retreat..."

This guard is also a caring person, basically speaking clearly about the major events of Yi Shuihan over the past few thousand years since his retreat, obviously he had deliberately collected information.

An hour later, Yi Shuihan left, leaving the guards with joyful faces.

"This stuff is worth a million years of my work."

Looking at the things in his hands, the guard muttered to himself.

After coming out of the retreat, the first thing Yi Shuihan did was naturally to report to the crazy horse. After all, this was his boss, and he was still defending him.

"Are you going so soon?"

Seeing Yi Shuihan, Crazy Horse was a little surprised. In his opinion, it is normal for Yi Shuihan to come out after a few million years. Once the Emperor of Chaos is injured, it is not easy to recover. It can be recovered for a million years at a time. It's a minor injury.

Looking carefully at Yi Shuihan, Madman Ma really didn't find out where Yi Shuihan was injured. He was a little surprised.

"Not completely good, but the rest does not require deliberate cultivation."

Of course, Yi Shuihan will not reveal the things about the world with him.

"That's it!"

Madman horse was thoughtful, but didn't continue to ask, everyone has their own secret.

"If you need anything, you can tell me. After all, you were injured for the company."

Madman Ma said boldly.

This outrageous Yi Shuihan was a little flattered, and he was also moved in his heart, considering whether to reveal the resources he needed.

After thinking about it, Yi Shuihan finally dispelled this idea, mainly because he didn't say that all he needed was the resources to restore the world. If he said it, it would cause suspicion. After all, he had never heard of the need to restore the resources of the world.

I really want to tell the truth, it can explain all of this, but Yi Shuihan does not want to expose his portable world. If you don't tell the truth, the horse lunatic probably suspects that Yi Shuihan is deliberate blackmail, and this is not Yi Shuihan wants to see. Arrived.

"If there is a need, I will speak."

Seeing that Yi Shuihan was unwilling to speak, the Mad Horse did not force him to change the topic.

After staying for a long time in Madman Ma, Yi Shuihan left the company's branch. Yi Shuihan also benefited a lot during this half-day, and received a lot of guidance on cultivation.

The news that Yi Shuihan left the company branch was known to no one except the crazy horse and the guard. They all thought that Yi Shuihan was still in retreat for healing.

"Is this the business alliance?"

Standing in the Commercial League branch of Chaos City, Yi Shuihan looked curiously.

The business league here is more lively than the company branch, at least from the perspective of the number of practitioners, at least dozens of times as much as the company.

"Is there anything you need?"

As soon as he entered the business alliance, a fairy who was only about 10cm in size flew over and asked Yi Shuihan in a sweet voice.

Looking around, many customers are surrounded by this kind of fairy, this is a special shopping guide fairy of the business alliance.

It has to be said that the Shangmeng is really good at doing business, and the fairies have a very good appearance and are easily accepted by customers, at least in his opinion.

"I need to buy some information."

Intelligence, yes. Yi Shuihan came here to buy intelligence. The Commercial League is the most comprehensive force in the heavens and all realms, and intelligence is naturally also sold.

The information Yi Shuihan wanted was naturally his master’s information, mainly his location. In fact, if he didn’t want to expose his relationship with his master, he would be able to obtain information about his master at the company. After all, a great emperor. , The company will definitely pay attention.

"Okay, please come with Xiao Xi, guests, and I will take you to the place where information is sold."

Under the leadership of the fairy, Yi Shuihan gradually penetrated into the business alliance. ,, ..

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