Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1345: Settle after Autumn

It was not only O'Neill who noticed Dudu. In fact, the Quasi-Emperor and Chaos Emperor at the scene noticed Dudu beside Taiyi, showing a curious or puzzled look.

After staying in the secret realm for so many years, they have never seen a living body other than them that can move. They thought that this secret realm does not exist, but now they know that it is not the case when they see Dudu.

"His ability to break through to the Chaos Emperor is related to her?"

Involuntarily remembered in this direction.

There is a reason why everyone can believe that Dudu belongs to this secret realm at a glance. Although the space objects that can hold living things are also available to them at this level, but this secret realm is different. There is a quota limit. If anyone can use space objects to smuggle it, that would be fine.

Obviously they didn't think that Tai Yi had the ability to successfully smuggle under the eyes of the chaos emperors. Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the smuggling was successful, it shouldn't be so fair and square to appear in everyone's sight.

Eliminating all the impossibility, even if the rest is unbelievable is the final answer, Dudu is the native of this secret realm.

Fortunately, Tai Yi is now here as the Emperor of Chaos. Those quasi-emperors dare not express any thoughts about Dudu, and Huang Ama, who has become the Emperor of Chaos, has little interest in Dudu. , He was too arrogant, and now he didn't even put his mind here, so easy to become the Emperor of Chaos, so he took one more look at the beginning.

Another Miumir who became the Emperor of Chaos by luck is self-aware, knowing that he can't afford the cruel reincarnation too easily, and chose to ignore Dudu.

O'Neill cared about Dudu the most and was most qualified to play Dudu's idea. He would never have been so quiet if the Corruptor had told him Dudu's true identity.

In the weird silence, the quasi-emperors began to leave the secret realm entrance in an orderly manner, just like when they came, all three at once.

Outside of secret,

The waiting emperors of Chaos discovered the changes in the entrance, and immediately withdrew from their own affairs, and rushed to the entrance one after another, preparing to **** their descendants. Of course, they were also expecting their descendants to come out as the emperor of Chaos.

With Yi Shuihan's slogan, the leaders of the Chaos Emperor are optimistic about the number of successful breakthroughs this time.

"Are they all out? How could it be possible, there are others?"

A chaos emperor shouted loudly, because none of his junior disciples came out, he was a little hard to believe that they all fell inside.

There were dozens of people who died in the secret realm. When they knew how these quasi-emperors died, they all fell on the leader of the main **** space, Shayinghuang.

"Emperor Shaying, you have to give everyone an explanation about this matter. Those who can enter the secret realm are our core disciples. Now so many have died."

"Yes, Shaying, if you don't give an explanation, we can't deal with you, but all the little guys you brought will stay."

"A joke? I need to explain it to you! You dare to do it. Once you do it, you will become an enemy of our Lord God Space. You know the consequences."

Facing the questioning of seven or eight chaotic emperors, the Shaying Emperor was not at all false, and he went back directly, not asking at all about O'Neill and the others' method of robbing the full-bodied fountain and killing the killers.

In the end, it is the Chaos Emperor who belongs to the main **** space, and he is cruel in his bones. In fact, the Shaying Emperor does not feel wrong with O'Neill's actions, but appreciates it very much. It is the reincarnation of their main **** space.

O'Neal and the others are not without brains. Most of the killers are the quasi-emperors of small and medium forces. The chaotic emperors led by these forces are also relatively weak. The Shadow Emperor is not afraid at all. If the true eyes are condemned, the Shadow Emperor will be another one. Attitude.

The conflict between the emperor of Chaos, even if it was just a matter of momentum, made the quasi-emperors feel numb in their scalps, all of them were shocked. The same is true for the quasi-emperor like Shi Fei, who is infinitely close to the emperor of Chaos. Those who have become Chaos Emperor.

"Emperor Shaying, don't deceive people too much, the main **** space is strong but not invincible, Emperor Bladefang, don't you stand up and say something fair?"

The chaotic emperor of the small forces began to seek foreign aid, wanting to get Sabre to support them.

The Bladefang Emperor represented the Demon Army, and they discovered the mystery this time. It can be said to be the organizer. At this time, it is most suitable to find him.

"Saying, this is your fault, so what if you let the little guys apologize?"

The apology is not to let the Emperor Shaying apologize. The Emperor Bladefang still gives Shaying face, after all, Shaying is indeed a higher position in his heart.

The Chaos Emperor who asked for help heard the words of the Emperor Sabertooth and his face flashed unwillingly, but in the end he didn't say anything. Obviously he agreed with this statement. As long as the little guys like O'Neill apologize, this thing will pass. They also did it before. For a moment, if they really want to be right with the main **** space, they don't have the courage.

Regardless of the fact that the Emperor of Chaos is a real master in the heavens and all realms, it is still only low-key to face the behemoth of the main **** space. It is not difficult to kill a few Chaos emperors with the power of the main **** space. People generally don't dare to offend the main **** space.

Shayinghuang did not speak, but gave O'Neal a look, and O'Neal and the others understood the meaning.

"This senior, we are reckless in the secret realm, and we shouldn't be a killer."

"Yes, I was so impulsive at the time, I'm really sorry."

"Next time, they will definitely be saved."

Although it was an apology, it was not very sincere. It was just a superficial effort. Some of them didn't sound like an apology. What is meant by that I would definitely save my life next time? This is simply provocation.

A chaotic emperor with a more violent temper immediately exploded. Although he did not do anything directly, the momentum that belonged to the chaos emperor was released toward them.

Taiyi and O'Neill are the Chaos Kings who can naturally resist, and the other Samsaras are uncomfortable, each of them pale and mentally shocked.


The Emperor Shaying reacted with a loud shout, and his vigor rushed towards the Emperor of Chaos, and the Emperor of Chaos suddenly groaned, and stepped back half a step, unexpectedly falling into the wind easily.

After that, Shayinghuang didn't do anything again, and the matter ended temporarily so strangely. ,, ..

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