Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1344: Seal the existence of the erosion demon

O'Neill was "a blessing in disguise". With the help of the Erosion Demon, the gate of the Chaos Emperor was opened to a slight gap, and the situation of other quasi-emperors in the same secret realm was not so good.

As the mysterious aura in the Chaos Qi became less and less, the satiety springs now lost their meaning because they could no longer feel hunger.

Some quasi-emperors were unwilling to do so, so they left the area of ​​the full-belly spring to find other opportunities. Of course, they were destined to be disappointed, staying in place obediently, and using their own power to break through the reality that was still to come.

Of course, there will always be exceptions. When the 80,000th year is approaching 90,000 years, a new Chaos Emperor was born, not O'Neill, but Huang Ama.

It’s not surprising that Huang Ama will become the Emperor of Chaos. As a **** clan, his talent is really terrifying. Even without the mysterious atmosphere in the secret realm, he is still very likely to become the Emperor of Chaos. It’s only a little time. So a little earlier.

The birth of a true Emperor of Chaos has brought a certain degree of confidence to other quasi-emperors, and they have also practiced hard enough, hoping that the next breakthrough will be them.

A hundred years before the period of one hundred thousand years, the second Chaos Emperor was born, but it was not Shi Fei, but a quasi-emperor from the Arena of Ten Thousand Realms, with a very common name called Miu Mill, strength The incoming quasi-emperor is also very ordinary, that is, the middle level, and the ranking of the school is about the same as the eighth rank.

In terms of strength and talent, it shouldn’t be Maumil’s turn to break through, but sometimes the world is so strange. He broke through, and the breakthrough was inexplicable. Even he himself couldn’t find the reason why he broke through. He was at a loss when other quasi-emperors asked him how to break through.

After all, he has become the emperor of Chaos. Even if he was a quasi-emperor before, his status has changed drastically. He has become the third strongest in the secret realm. As for the first and second, it is naturally Yi Shui. Han and Huang Ama, shortly after Huang Ama broke through to become the Emperor of Chaos, it was revealed that Yi Shuihan had become the Emperor of Chaos long before.

During a trip to the secret realm, three quasi-emperors became the emperor of chaos. This is quite surprising. It used to be difficult for a emperor of chaos to go against the sky. What's more, there are several in a short time. At their level, tens of thousands of years are really short and pathetic.

Time flies, and finally comes to the time when the secret realm is about to be closed. Even if the quasi-emperors are unwilling to come to the entrance of the secret realm, they don’t want to stay here. If staying here can help the breakthrough, maybe there are still quasi-emperors willing. Staying at the risk, and now, after so much time, they also know that the opportunity has been consumed, and there is no need to stay.

All the quasi emperors in the secret realm came to the entrance of the secret realm. There were 81 quasi emperors, 4 chaos emperors, and the other two chaos emperors were Taiyi and O'Neill.

During this period of time, Tai Yi has been wandering in the secret realm with Dudu, and it was not bad. In fact, he planned to go out too when he knew that the erosion demon had been eliminated, but he chose to stay in the secret realm in the end, because Yi Shui This deity Han has passed on to him the information on how the Chaos Emperor cultivated, and he knew that even if he went out, he would stay with the leader of the main **** space, and stay with the old Chaos Emperor instead of staying in the secret realm.

"It's too easy, I didn't expect you to break through."

O'Neill was not in a good mood when he saw the other three Chaos Kings. He thought that he could break through and saw the three at once. As for Yi Shuihan, he knew from the Eroder that the other party had already Make a breakthrough, be prepared.

O'Neill can still accept Huang Ama’s breakthrough. After all, he has always heard of the other’s name, and his talent is stronger than him. If it weren’t for the special environment and growth rate of the main **** space. Faster, it is estimated that his combat effectiveness is a grade lower than Huang Ama.

From the bottom of his heart, O'Neill recognized Huang Ama and regarded Huang Ama as his opponent, so it was not difficult to accept Huang Ama's breakthrough.

As for Maumil, he listened to the other party's breakthrough, and knew that the other party was relying on luck, so he didn't mind very much. That is to say, he felt good luck in his heart.

Tai Yi’s breakthrough made O’Neal feel surprised and threatened. Yes, it was a threat, because only they belonged to the same organization. If he only had one breakthrough, the degree of attention he received would be completely different from the two breakthroughs. The resources obtained will also be different.

"It's just a fluke."

If it was before, Tai Yi would have to keep a low profile, after all, his strength was a little weaker than O'Neal, now! He was not afraid of O'Neal at all, so naturally he answered very well what to do.

Hearing Tai Yi's answer, O'Neill flashed a gloomy color in his eyes, and he was somewhat dissatisfied with Tai Yi.

"who is she?"

Just thinking about how to deal with Taiyi, when he saw Dudu next to Taiyi, O'Neillton's expression changed. He sensed the danger from Dudu, and there was a disgust that seemed to come from instinct.

"Kill her, kill that little girl, kill her quickly."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the mad roar of consciousness from the erosion demon urged O'Neill to do it.

O'Neill resisted the desire to do it, and shouted at the Eroder in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Do you want to die together? If you do it here, even if you kill them all, the emperor outside will be suspicious, instead of killing them all. , Will still be suspected, and they will definitely investigate then, are you sure you can still deal with those kings who almost killed you?"

The erosion demon compromised, but still chattering, let O'Neal find a chance to kill Dudu after he went out, for which he promised certain benefits.

"Tell me who she is, why do you hate her so much?"

O'Neill had guessed that his instinctive disgust was actually affected by the Eroder.

"She is the existence that sealed me, now in a state similar to reincarnation, and at the same time she is also the true master of this secret.

The faint voice made O'Neal extremely shocked, and almost jumped up excitedly.

Fuck, it's fortunate that I haven't done anything. Even if the Erosion Demon has sealed the existence, even if it is reincarnated, it is not easy to be reincarnated. It is still in the other party's territory. What will happen if you move your fingers! Really cheating teammates. ,, ..

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