Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1073: Daoli

More than fifty quasi-emperors attacked Yi Shuihan together. The scene could be said to be earth-shattering, with an aura to destroy a world.

The colorful brilliance illuminates the sky. For a while, Yi Shuihan is like the protagonist under the spotlight in the center of the stage. Of course, the light comes from the quasi-emperors and carries a fatal danger.

Meiru Picturesque launched again, treating all attacks as a painting, and then turning imagination into reality, interfering with ideas, and turning fiction into reality.

Under the almost stunned gazes of the quasi-emperors, their attacks plunged into the void as if colored ink splashed on the drawing board, gradually reducing the dimensionality from three-dimensional to two-dimensional.

A huge picture scroll is quietly suspended in the void, like an abyss blocking Yi Shuihan and the quasi-emperors, allowing the quasi-emperors to see that they cannot touch Yi Shuihan's hope.

"It is absolutely impossible for him to use this ability all the time. If he continues to attack, he cannot consume us."

O'Neal shouted unwillingly. Just now he just used 30% of his strength with him. This time he decided to go all out.

The quasi-emperor who launched the second round of attacks were less advanced than the first time, but this time it did not have to be worse for the first time. On the contrary, the second time was more difficult to deal with, because most of the quasi-emperors had real skills.

"Will it be unharmed if you change to me?"

Huang Ama did not join the team that attacked Yi Shuihan. Before that, he was a member of Yi Shuihan's support, but now he vaguely believes that Yi Shuihan can do it, which makes him feel heartened. It was very restless, because he knew he could not do it, even if he broke through to the Chaos Emperor, he was not sure he could do it.

There is another painting in the void, and then there is a third and a fourth...

Half an hour later, the quasi-emperors completely stopped their attacks. They all looked at Yi Shuihan in amazement and continued to attack with all their strength. They all felt exhausted, but Yi Shuihan had nothing to do, but became more and more energetic. Completely overturned O'Neill's view that Yi Shuihan was expensive.

In the past, I just knew that I would not be Yi Shuihan’s opponent, and I didn’t have too much thoughts. Now that I have experienced it myself, I will inevitably be affected by the shadow of Yi Shuihan. If I can’t get rid of it, I want to get closer. Don't even think about breaking through to the Emperor of Chaos in one step.

Seeing Yi Shuihan’s unreasonable power, these quasi-emperors have already regretted it. What did they do to trouble Yi Shuihan? If they knew this was the case, how about letting the company occupy a quarter of the full stomach.

"We and him are really in the same realm? Perhaps only he is qualified to break through to the Chaos Emperor!"

They didn't know that Yi Shuihan had broken through to become the Emperor of Chaos, so they were even more desperate.

"If you don't come yet, I will attack if you don't come. Don't worry, I allow you to hide, hide whatever you want, I will make a move. If even one of you can hide, I will not interfere in this matter."

If these words were placed half an hour ago, this group of quasi-emperors would definitely be overjoyed, now! Basically, none of them had any big response. Their attention was no longer on the full belly spring. Even if the full belly spring was not distributed to the company, it would not be as much as the losses they have suffered now. Loss of self-confidence.

Yi Shuihan didn't give them so much time. He started after he finished speaking. He is not a **** and likes to be beaten. Before, he wanted to try picturesque skills that he once wanted to buy. Now If he wants to try another skill that he once looked at.

At the Chaos Emperor, Yi Shuihan is already considered a strong one at the gold level. Many low-gold skills previously seen in the skill store can be analyzed and used instantly.

"Dao Li"

With a soft drink, the quasi-emperors seemed to have come to the beginning of the universe. When the world was born, everything was chaotic and chaotic, and even the way was incomplete.

The eyes of all the quasi-emperors who had attacked Yi Shuihan before became dull, as if they had lost their minds. The quasi-emperors who had not been affected in this scene were all cold, and they wished to stay away from Yi Shuihan immediately.

After a while, the affected prospective emperors all recovered their sanity, thinking that their faces had changed drastically before, and then began to check themselves.

Dao Li is naturally not a golden skill that just confuses the mind. Like its name, its main effect is to strip Dao. In detail, if Dao Li is attacked, then the attacked person will have some insights about Dao. Disappeared directly.

The skill of Dao Li is equivalent to the advanced version of knocking down the cultivation realm. It directly knocks out all the Dao insights. It is necessary to know that the cultivation is still an entity, which is the energy collection in the body. It is very simple to knock down the cultivation realm. The body or soul of a person is fine, but the perception of defeating the Tao is as difficult as reaching the sky. After all, the Tao is invisible, and even a mortal can understand the Tao, which has nothing to do with the body and soul.

"What's the matter? Could it be that he really didn't do anything just now, but actually just wanted to scare us? That's right, even he can't completely offend us all! He's not stupid."

A quasi-emperor did not find any problems during inspection for a long time, muttering to himself.

"Oh my god! My way of fire has dropped from the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower to the sixth floor. How could this happen? This is not true, not true."

A scream, accompanied by the cry of a certain prospective emperor, made all the prospective emperors who were thankful that they had no loss stayed.

A few seconds later, one after another screams sounded, and they all found that their perception of Tao had more or less disappeared.

Of course, like the one who fell directly from the 7th floor to the 6th floor of the Tongtian Tower, only the unlucky person at the beginning was the only one who was stranger. He was the last one who reached the standard and became the pinnacle of the quasi emperor. Consolidation, the most shallow foundation, will be knocked down to the 6th floor.

Dao Li’s downfall was not temporary, it was to completely turn the opponent into a state before he broke through to the 7th floor, which means that he could only break through once, and this breakthrough was not less difficult than the previous one. There are no bottlenecks like rebuilding.

Not all quasi-emperors are Yi Shuihan. This quasi-emperor estimated that he would not be able to return to the peak of the quasi-emperor until the secret realm was closed. So far, it was completely impossible for those who wanted to use the secret realm to break through to the Chaos Emperor.

This result made the quasi-emperor present never dared to fight Yi Shuihan again. Even O'Neal had no intention of confronting Yi Shuihan at this time. Although he still maintained the seventh-level sentiment, if he did not fight again. After being here by Yi Shuihan so many times, he couldn't guarantee that he would not fall to the 6th floor. Compared with the hope of breakthrough, all hatreds could be ignored temporarily.

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