Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1072: Picturesque

In this situation, Ba Che was completely unable to call the shots, and couldn't help but cast his eyes on Yi Shuihan, who had not spoken.

The other quasi-emperors also followed Ba Che's gaze, and the atmosphere became a little serious.

Yi Shuihan looked around for a week, and every quasi-emperor he was staring at felt as if everything was seen through, and his whole body was a little cold. No one dared to look at Yi Shuihan at all.

"Damn, it's so strong."

O'Neal was also under a lot of pressure and realized that he still underestimated Yi Shuihan. With this hand, Yi Shuihan's strength was stronger than he thought.

In fact, if Yi Shuihan had not broken through to the Emperor of Chaos, it would be impossible to achieve the IOP Emperor in such an understatement.

"The company wants to monopolize a quarter. Who approves and who opposes?"

He spoke lightly, and his tone was filled with a domineering smell.

"Why? No? If it doesn't, this will be the case."

After a while, no one took the initiative to stand up, Yi Shuihan continued.

"and many more!"

After all, O'Neal was the first to stand up. He secretly cursed that the quasi-emperors were not brave enough, but he did not expect that he would not stand up if he had not been humiliated by Yi Shuihan before.

"I disagree."

O'Neill opened his head and gave the other quasi-emperors some courage. The 6 reincarnations next to him also spoke the same way. In addition to the ten reincarnations, in addition to Tai Yi, 2 others were not caught by O'Neill because they went to the full belly fountain. Notified.

"I don't agree."

"me too."

"And I."

The reincarnations on the scene of the main **** space unified the front, and other quasi-emperors also sporadically expressed their opposition. Of course, some quasi-emperors did not speak, but their expressions could already explain everything.

"Okay, then you can do it! As long as it hurts me a little bit, I won't intervene in this matter."

As soon as these words fell, there was an uproar at the scene. Most of them felt that Yi Shuihan was too arrogant, and clearly did not take them in their eyes.

Those who can enter this secret realm are the most powerful true sage quasi-emperors of the heavens and all worlds. Which one is not a follower, countless admirers, and enjoys the treatment of top geniuses. All parties are drawn together. There is basically no experience of being underestimated. Yes, so no matter how good your temper is, you will feel angry.

A pair of angry eyes looked at Yi Shuihan, even if there was no such thing as a full belly spring, they still wanted to let Yi Shuihan know the price of underestimating them.

O'Neill was also angry, but he was more happy than he was angry. He wanted to see such a situation. He was really afraid that Yi Shuihan would be so confessed!

"What you said is true, as long as we cause any harm to you, you don't care?"

During the questioning, O'Neill wanted to see even the slightest bluff from Yi Shuihan's body, but it was in vain.

I couldn't tell from Yi Shuihan, O'Neal looked at the company's quasi-emperor vaguely, and found that except for Ba Che, the other quasi-emperors were all worried and calmed a lot.

"Of course it is true. If this is all satisfied, I can still give you a preferential treatment. I will never avoid your attacks. How about it? Be moved! It is better to take action. It is good for everyone to finish things earlier."

"Let me come, I can't, I can't hurt him at all."

With a loud shout, a figure rose into the sky, and after rising above it, it quickly fell towards Yi Shuihan.

"It belongs to the drill bit family. It is rumored that the whole body of the drill bit family can be turned into a drill bit. With the help of the power of rotation, it can explode dozens of times the attack power. The disadvantage is that it takes a lot of preparation time to maximize the attack power. give them."

Said the knowledgeable quasi-emperor.

"He is Drilling Heaven, the strongest of the young generation of the drill bit family. It is said that he used a drill bit to break through the blockade of the Heavenly Dao and escaped from the Heavenly Dao's hands. At that time, the Heavenly Dao wept blood."

"Yi Shuihan has grown up. If he fights head-on and drills the sky without time to launch a super attack, even if he launches Yi Shuihan, he can avoid it. After all, he has cultivated the way of thunder and the way of time, and now he can't avoid the attack. It’s impossible to avoid any injury at all."

In the expectation of the non-corporate quasi-emperor, and under the worried gaze of the company's quasi-emperor, the drill bit of the incarnation of the sky finally came to Yi Shuihan.

"Even the true Emperor of Chaos will be hurt by me."

Zhuan Tian's heart already showed Yi Shuihan's anger and anger after being injured, and the other quasi-emperors admired him, which was an excitement.

"The bit clan, the weird race, it is a pity that it is not the bit that Tianyuan broke through, and it is estimated that even that bit can't do anything to me! If you are still a true saint, it is really a little big, but unfortunately, I am no longer true. Holy."

In the eyes of Yi Shuihan, who had already become the Emperor of Chaos, this attack power that surpassed the true saint was nothing at all. He even found tens of thousands of flaws in a short time.


"this is......"

"What happened just now?"

All the quasi-emperors were stunned, because at the moment Zhuan Tian and Yi Shuihan were about to come into contact, Zhuan Tian suddenly fell down, and then everyone saw Zhuan Tian that was photographed into a piece of paper.

"I've tried this trick a long time ago, it's picturesque, and it's really beautiful."

Yi Shuihan looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, admiring it very much.

Being picturesque is a golden skill. It comes from a world of fairy tales. What needs to be comprehended is the way of painting and reducing the enemy to a painting. At the end of cultivation, the world can become a painting in your hand.

What Yi Shuihan used was his skill. When he reached the Chaos Emperor, this beautiful and picturesque skill was already a skill he could easily create. Of course, he could only deal with enemies whose strength was much lower than him.

"It seems that he is still a little bit worse, whoever of you will go next, I suggest that we go together, don't hesitate, don't waver, come quickly!"

Yi Shuihan watched these quasi-emperors say in an encouraging tone.

"Don't get close to him, use long-range attacks, so that he can't hurt us, don't be confused by him, his strength can't be so strong that we can't even cause any harm."

"Yes, don't be bluffed by him, let's attack from a distance."

O'Neill's words dissipated a lot of the fear of Yi Shuihan from the quasi-emperors, and they were no longer reserved, and they took out their own long-range methods to start attacks.

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