Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1058: Enter the secret

One or two Chaos Emperors, Yi Shuihan certainly doesn't care. After all, he himself has the strength of Chaos Emperors. Although his strength as Chaos Emperors is certainly the weaker one among the Chaos Emperors, but at least it is The Emperor of Chaos can easily escape.

There were more than a dozen Chaos Emperors, basically none of them were weak. Yi Shuihan estimated that even if he could draw a one-on-one tie, it would be good, and more likely to be defeated.

With someone who is stronger than himself, the best way is naturally to keep a low profile and not attract attention. It’s just that Yi Shuihan wants to keep a low profile but can’t keep a low profile. It’s not that he doesn’t want to. It’s that his school is more than the number one. It was too loud, and most of the people present focused on him, as if he were a big star.

Everyone is obscurely observing Yi Shuihan, and if it is too obvious, they are afraid of being noticed by Yi Shuihan, and they don't want to offend Yi Shuihan, a yao evil genius.

It's a pity that Yi Shuihan's spiritual sense is too sharp, no matter how careful they are, Yi Shuihan still feels that he is sharp and uneasy.

For this situation, Yi Shuihan could only endure, and in his heart he hoped to enter the secret realm soon.

"Too Yi, why do I feel that you are a bit like that Yi Shuihan?"

In the main **** space camp, beside Yi Shuihan's clone, a face looked pale, as if an over-indulgent man said in a vague tone.

"It's a keen feeling."

I was slightly surprised in the body and mind, but on the surface it was calm, making people invisible.

"Then what do you think we are related to?"

"He is your big brother?"

"Hehe, if I had his big brother, I wouldn't be standing here today."

"Also, if he is really your elder brother, or has something to do with you, you should be accepted in the Ten Thousand Realms United College instead of fighting in the main **** space."

The Samsara who communicates with Yi Shuihan is nicknamed yin deficiency. Yi Shuihan feels that kidney deficiency is more suitable for him. He has a bit of hatred with Yi Shuihan, because Yi Shuihan steps on the upper position of yin deficiency, so yin deficiency often targets Yishui cold.

The relationship between the reincarnations in the main **** space is intricate, and the 10 reincarnations who came to the secret realm this time have a lot of grudges against each other. If it weren't for a chaos emperor on it, the internal fighting would be normal.

Of course, as a reincarnation who has experienced many battles, he has experienced all kinds of torture in the main **** space. He knows how to judge the situation and will cooperate, but he will be a little unreliable at critical times and will not give his back to others.

The most important thing for a reincarnation is not combat power, but the ability to save life, because as long as they are alive, they can come back together. It can be said that among the hundreds of quasi-emperors present, these reincarnations are the most difficult to kill.

"This mystery was discovered by my Demon Army. I originally wanted me to ask the Demon Army for its exclusive use, but the purpose of my Demon Army was to educate the Demon. It can train a few more chaotic emperors for my worlds. , To enhance our strength. This is what I want to see from the Demon Army, so you will come."

The emperor Bladefang's voice spread, and only then did Yi Shuihan realize that the discovery of the secret realm was to ask the demons.

"You can come here, it shows that you have the potential to become the Chaos King. I don't ask you anything. I only hope that you will kill a few more demons after you become the Chaos King. If anyone does not want to kill the demons after becoming the Chaos King, You can say it now, you don’t need to enter the secret realm."

Evil demon can be said to be the negative of the heavens and all realms. As long as it is not the kind of beings who want to destroy the heavens and all realms, they will not have a good impression on them. Therefore, killing demons is very easy for the quasi emperors to accept. At this moment, naturally, there will be no brains who don’t want to kill demons.

The Emperor Saber nodded, then flew out, flew towards the black hole, and came to the periphery of the black hole under everyone's surprised eyes.

The suction power of the black hole is not small, but a chaos emperor can still handle it.

The Emperor Bladefang stopped moving after arriving at a certain place outside the black hole, and then he took out a key-shaped object and threw it out.

Very strange, the key is not affected by the huge suction, but slowly merges into the void, where the key merges, the light starts to flicker.

A vortex slowly appeared, from small to large, and finally formed a vortex large enough for three people to pass through.

"That is the entrance to the secret realm!?"

It is easy to determine the true body of the vortex.

I have to admit that this secret realm is really hidden deep, not to mention near the black hole, the entrance needs a special method to open, and I don't know how the Demon Army found this secret realm.

The entrance appeared, and the chaos emperors also took action, escorting their quasi emperors to the entrance of the secret realm.

The suction power of this super black hole is still very large. Without the **** of the Emperor of Chaos, the quasi-huangdian peak is also in danger.

"The entrance can only last for one hundred thousand years, and it will automatically close after one hundred thousand years. You must come out before that, otherwise, even if you break through to the Chaos Emperor, there is only a dead end."

Blade Yahuang said solemnly.

The danger level of the secret realm where even the Emperor of Chaos can fall can be imagined. Suddenly, a kind of quasi-emperor has been energetic and remembered the period of one hundred thousand years.

"In order to prevent accidents, it is best to leave the secret realm early."

It took a hundred thousand years for the quasi-huangdian peak to break through to the chaotic emperor, but the situation is like this, and many quasi-emperors are helpless.

Yi Shuihan was very calm, because he felt that his breakthrough in ten thousand years would be almost the same. It would not take one hundred thousand years for an accident to happen, and there was more than enough time.

The entrance to the secret realm is not big, and it is not possible to enter all together. Only three people can enter each time, and the quasi-princes enter in batches.

Yi Shuihan and the others belonged to the top of the batch. After the Demon Army entered, it was their turn to join the Ten Thousand Worlds United College, and Yi Shuihan was the number one in the competition, naturally the first one to enter the school.

In this way, Yi Shuihan was considered the 11th to enter the secret realm.

Yi Shuihan was in a secret realm when his eyes were black and bright.

The first feeling is nothing special, except that the Chaos Qi is stronger.

"So is there anything here that can increase the probability of breaking through the Chaos Emperor?"

If anyone knows, it must be the Demon Army. Yi Shuihan began to find the trace of the Demon Army, intending to learn from experience.

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