Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1057: All parties come

In fact, when he knew that the secret realm was not in school, Yi Shuihan concealed the idea that the secret realm was not exclusive to the school, and the news of the clone now completely confirmed this.

Different forces will definitely not be so harmonious, and it is normal to have competition at that time, unless the secret realm is completely controlled, and the resources obtained by each entry are the same.

Yi Shuihan is not afraid of competition. As long as he is competing with him, only the true sage, no matter how many true sages are, there is no way to take him. He has this self-confidence, which comes from his own strong strength.

Continuing to spend time in the palace, finally reached a certain day, specifically the 321st day of the 999th year of entering the palace. Yi Shuihan remembered clearly, and only he would be bored to calculate this.

The King of True Eyes appeared again and gathered everyone together.

"The secret realm is coming soon. Taking advantage of this time, I will confess some feelings. This time it is not only the students from our school who have entered the secret realm. In other words, besides you, there are other quasi-emperors who want to enter the secret realm. Sure, but it should be no less than one hundred."

"You are the ten strongest students in the school. Yi Shuihan, Huang Ama and Shi Fei all have the power to fight against the Chaos Emperor. As long as you unite, you will definitely be a powerful force in the secret realm."

"What you need to pay attention to is the reincarnations from the main **** space. The reincarnations are a group of lunatics. You never know what they are thinking. If you can, it is best not to have any contact with them. Others such as Wanjie Skills Co., Ltd. , You can contact appropriately."

When talking about the company, Yi Shuihan felt Jue's real eye and glanced at him deeply, obviously knowing that Yi Shuihan is behind the company.

"...Finally, I hope you will show up as the Emperor of Chaos when you come out."

After talking for about an hour, Real Eyes stopped.

As if pinching a point, only a few dozen seconds after True Eye Emperor stopped speaking, the palace suddenly stopped, and the secret realm finally arrived.

Following the True Eye Emperor, he walked out of the palace and appeared in the chaotic void.

"That is......"

The sight not far away caused Yi Shuihan's pupils to shrink slightly, and a black hole resembling a doughnut structure swallowed everything around, even the chaos.

A baby universe is being swallowed by the black hole, at a very fast speed, it is estimated that it will be completely swallowed up in a few hours.

"The secret realm will be near the black hole?"

Yi Shuihan couldn't help but had such a question, and immediately began to look for a place that might be a secret realm.

After searching for a while, Yi Shuihan finally did not find a trace of the secret realm. There is basically no possibility that the Emperor of True Eye deceived them to come here, so the secret realm definitely exists, and it can only be caused by Yi Shuihan.

"Yes, if it's that easy, this secret realm might be discovered, and we will wait until now."

It is normal that it is not easy to find, so Yi Shuihan is not too disappointed, anyway, he will definitely enter the secret realm after a while, and will naturally know where the secret realm is.

"True eye, I didn't expect you to be the first to come."

Accompanied by the voice of Yi Shuihan, the void in front of them suddenly fluctuated, and a battleship appeared in sight.

Can call the real eye emperor true eye without adding emperor, obviously this is also a chaos emperor.

"This time you asked the Demon Army to lead the team! Saber, so the seedlings you brought are very good?"

There was a smile on Real Eye Emperor Lian, and the blade tooth in his mouth was the one who had opened his mouth before, the blade tooth Emperor, looking at his appearance, should be familiar with the blade tooth Emperor.

"Compared to your Ten Thousand Realms United College, you have three yao sins!"

As he spoke, Bladeya Huang looked at Yi Shuihan, Huang Ama, and Shi Fei, with a little amazement in his eyes.

Yi Shuihan couldn't tell what it was, but it was an old man who was no different from an ordinary human race.

In the hou of the emperor of the blade tooth, there are 10 demons wearing uniforms of the same standard, and 3 of them are the same race as Yi Shuihan.

These demon army exudes amazing murderous aura, and at first glance they are the kind of characters that are not easy to provoke. As a demon army who often fights evil demons, their combat effectiveness is beyond doubt.

The genius of the Demon Army is less than that of the Ten Thousand Realms United Colleges. This does not mean that there are no geniuses. What Yi Shuihan sees now is the genius cultivated by the Demon Army. In Yi Shuihan’s perception, these geniuses No worse than Hemlari and the others, the strongest estimate is comparable to a crazy demon.

Unlike the geniuses of the school, the Demon Army is an army, which means that they are better at group battles, and they must cooperate more tacitly. It is normal to have a joint attack formation. If they all unite, they should be able to threaten Huang Ama. This level.

Yi Shuihan noticed that the quasi-emperors of the Demon Army were very familiar with their own side. They should have known each other before. This is because they are mainly concerned with Yi Shuihan, Huang Ama and Shi Fei. figure it out.

"The candidates for the school are determined in the school competition. It can be said that they are well known. It is not surprising that we are recognized."

The school competition is very grand. Basically, most of the heavens and all worlds know that there are tens of billions of spectators on the scene. There are countless people watching the competition in their own world. Ask the magic army to know about Yi Shuihan and their situation. It's normal. On the contrary, if you don't know, then it's really abnormal.

Even if it is Yi Shuihan's clone, the main **** space has provided information about the school's top ten.

Speaking of it, if there really is a conflict, the school will still suffer. Everyone knows some of Yi Shuihan's information, but Yi Shuihan and the others don't know who they are facing.

True Eye Emperor and Bladefang Emperor walked to the side to talk about something. They used a special communication method, and Yi Shuihan and the others couldn't hear what they said specifically. Anyway, the atmosphere between the two is still good.

After a period of time, the participants of the secret realm rushed under the leadership of the chaos emperors, and soon there were more than a hundred quasi emperor dian peaks, and the chaos emperors also exceeded ten digits.

This was the first time Yi Shuihan saw so many Chaos Emperors, with so many Chaos Emperors around him, Yi Shuihan was under a lot of pressure, and he couldn't help but tensed up.

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