Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1048: Defeat a madman

Yi Shuihan's defeat of Hemlari is estimated to be the most unexpected battle in the fourth stage of the match, and most of the audience can't understand what happened.

Even the host who was watching this battle was only faintly aware that Yi Shuihan was blessed by a huge force in the end, but did not recognize that it was a blessing of the world, but thought it was a secret technique.

It’s not that there is no true sage to become the lord of the world, but their world cannot be moved so easily like Yi Shuihan. Yi Shuihan’s portable world is special, even in the heavens and all realms, no one really has such a portable one. Powerful world.

A true saint has the ability to carry a small world, but the powerful world like Yi Shuihan possesses is completely beyond their capacity.

The Lord of the World possesses powerful power, but that is only in their world. Yi Shuihan is an exception, and his portable world is an exception. He carries it with him, which can be said to be in the scope of the portable world all the time.

This is a miracle. It is Yi Shuihan’s magical system that causes the miracle. Without a system, the portable world cannot grow up at all. To be more precise, the portable space cannot evolve into the portable world. The system has some power. Let this become reality.

If there is no system, even if you have space and things to grow, everything will not go so smoothly.

The lord of the world is not only Yi Shuihan, but the lord of the portable world, especially bie, is the only example of being a saint in the portable world.

Defeated by Yi Shuihan, Hemlari was unable to enter the Heavenly Dao mode for at least a short period of time, which affected his state, but even so, the average contestant would still not be his opponent. He could eventually hit the top ten. The powerful Quasi-Emperor, even if there is a certain weakening of the state at this time, at least he can easily maintain the top 50 in the fourth stage, and then in the fifth stage, he can almost recover his strength, and there will still be an impact on the top ten. opportunity.

The battle continued, and the opponents Yi Shuihan encountered were getting stronger and stronger. Without using the power of the portable world, it became more and more difficult for him to win.

In fact, Yi Shuihan can give in occasionally, as long as he guarantees the top 100, then he will be directly challenged in the fifth stage, and the first place will still be his.

It's just that Yi Shuihan didn't do it deliberately. It was unnecessary. For him, not deliberately surrendering was just a little effort, and the ending would not change in any way.

Little by little, the blessing of Yi Shuihan's body strength was getting higher and higher, rising from 11% at the beginning and stabilizing to 30%.

With 30% of the power of the portable world, Yi Shuihan's combat power has exceeded the real sage's range, but it is still a little short of reaching the Chaos Emperor.

In the 934th game, as soon as Yi Shuihan entered a new battlefield, he saw a scarlet light coming towards him.

This scarlet knife light was so bitter, as if it was about to cut the world into two.

If he didn't have the power to bless the world, he would be caught off guard, and Yi Shuihan would have been hurt. However, now, he just raised his hand and caught the blade of light that had killed thousands of contestants.

With a light squeeze, the light of the knife shattered in Yi Shuihan's hands. Only then did Yi Shuihan have time to look at his opponent.

"Well, what a bluff look, full of scorn."

What Yi Shuihan had to admit was that this was the purest life he had seen with killing intent. It was not that he had never seen a ruthless person before, but he did not have the ruthless one he was facing now.

If I really want to say it, Yi Shuihan Gan felt that this one was not actually killing for the sake of killing. Perhaps the concept of killing is completely different from other people in the other person’s heart, as if killing is wrong in our eyes, but in the other person’s mind. In the eyes, killing is like an ordinary person who wants to eat or drink water.

"The right whetstone."

The fanatic Xu's eyes were full of enthusiasm. For the fanaticism of Dao Dao, from Yi Shuihan's body, he felt an unprecedented crisis, comparable to Huang Ama and Shi Fei, he might not be an opponent.

It is precisely because of the crisis that Xu Fanatic is enthusiastic. Crisis is what makes his swordsmanship stronger.

There is no words, and no words are needed, Xu Fantu's knife slashed over.

A knife is faster than a knife, and a knife is stronger than a knife. The power of each knife is focused on destroying a world.

To be honest, Xu Fanatic's combat effectiveness in this state has surpassed Hemlari in Heavenly Dao Mode, but for Yi Shuihan, it is still within the range that can be handled.

Yi Shuihan, an opponent who became stronger as he fought, was not unheard of, but it was the first time he had encountered someone who became stronger like Xu Fantu.

Gan can clearly feel the enhancement of each knife. If it is digitized, each knife is about 10% stronger than the previous one.

After dozens of knives, Yi Shuihan's attack power had already made Yi Shuihan not dare to insist, unless he once again increased the blessing power of the portable world.

In order to end the battle directly, Yi Shuihan changed the power blessing of the portable world from 30% to 50%. He also reversed the situation, not only shattering Xu Fantu’s knife, but also not powerful. How much less rushed to Xu Fantu.

This knife was enough to kill Xu Fanatic, at least Yi Shuihan thought so.

The ending was a little different. Xu Kuangtu blocked the knife, but his knife appeared cracks, and even the phenomenon of loss of force appeared.

Yi Shuihan wanted to make up for it, because Xu Kuangtu's first cut was for the purpose of killing. From that cut, he knew what kind of character Xu Kuangtu was like. Since the other party had all killers, Yi Shui Han must make the same response.

"Admit defeat."

Xu Fanren didn't react too slowly, surrendered immediately before being beheaded, and was then transferred from the battlefield by the Chaos Emperor's power.

"Even a mad demon was defeated, and the rookie king really wanted the dark horse to fall to the end."

"It's too strong! Even Huang Ama didn't crush it like that when he defeated a mad demon."

"It's a shame that the crazy demon almost died in the hands of the new king."

After defeating Xu Kuangtu, only 3 contestants remained in a winning streak, Yi Shuihan, Huang Ama and Shi Fei. When Yi Shuihan and Xu Kuangtu fought, Huang Ama’s opponent was sword. Emperor, Shi Fei’s opponent is also a suspected quasi-huangdian peak contestant.

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