Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1047: Fantasy Road

The severed thunder net did not disperse there, but regrouped under Yi Shuihan's manipulation, turning into a thunder sword suspended in the void.

"Courage, give me strength."

As if it were a solemn oath, a strong light burst out from Hemlary's body, the light spread, and the thunder sword touched by it melted like snow.

Yi Shuihan sensed a power similar to elimination from the earth-colored light, and did not intend to touch it. A few thunders retreated hundreds of miles.

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and Hemlari didn't know when he would reappear in front of Yi Shuihan, a pair of front hooves fell from above Yi Shuihan, as if he was about to trample on Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan's first reaction was to use the power of time, and then he did so, but the power of time didn't completely stop Hemlari, it just slowed down.

With Lei's speed, Yi Shuihan just barely escaped from the magic hoof.

"Lei and Time? Unexpectedly, you can comprehend both avenues so deeply."

It is not the first time that Hemlari was surprised by Yi Shuihan. It is incredible that he became a quasi-emperor at a young age. Now he has shown two ways of understanding that are enough to make a breakthrough. This shows that Yi Shuihan The talent of Yi Shuihan was even more beyond his imagination. In his mind, Yi Shuihan's talent was already at the level of Huang Ama and Shi Fei, and even stronger.

"If it's not in the game, I would like to make friends with you."

This is the truth. For the enchanting genius like Yi Shuihan, Hemlari really has a heart for friendship.

"Me too, speaking of which I don't have a centaur friend."

Feeling Hemlari's kindness, Yi Shuihan also responded with kindness.

"We are already friends. There is a saying in your human race that you don't know each other if you don't fight. This is the situation!"

"I recognize you, friend."

Obviously they were fighting in a match, but the atmosphere between Yi Shuihan and Hemlari was so friendly, and the audience watching them was inexplicable.

"As a friend, I will fight reasonably with my strongest power. Then you have to be careful."

After saying this, Hemlari's entire temperament has changed, becoming devoid of emotion, just like losing his wisdom and becoming a machine.

"So familiar temperament."

It is indeed very familiar. Yi Shuihan found out from his memory why he was so familiar, because the current Hemlari is exactly the same as his incarnation of Heaven in the prehistoric battle. If he didn't know in advance that Hemlar was not the incarnation of Heaven, he Estimated to admit mistakes.


Yi Shuihan's thoughts were confirmed in the next moment. Hemlari was really like the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, using various Dao attacks on him, just as he really incarnates the Heavenly Dao, controlling the three thousand Dao.

Of course, in fact, Hemlari is still some distance away from the incarnation of the heavenly path, how can I say? It is a little weaker than the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, there are only a few hundred types of Dao, and there is a trace of incongruity when connecting.

"What kind of Tao does this guy understand? It stands to reason that he only understands one kind of Tao. Is it similar to a simulated Tao?"

To deal with this form, Yi Shuihan has his own experience, and he can see Hemlari's disharmony, so although he can only defend completely for a time, he has not suffered any substantial damage.

This is the fourth stage of the battle at Dian Peak, which left the audience stunned.

"It's amazing. It's the first time I have seen Hemlary in this state. He didn't show it in the last Big Bi. It must be a trick created recently."

"Oh my God, what did I see? He actually used hundreds of different ways. How did he do it?"

"The Tao that Hemlari enlightened is the Tao of fantasy. Just thinking about it can transform the things in the fantasy into substantive things. He now completely fantasizes himself into the Tao of Heaven, and then uses the power of the Tao of Heaven. Of course, It's very simple. It's really too difficult and too difficult to do this. I have to say that he is really a genius."

"Is it the only thing I noticed that the rookie king is against the sky? Faced with such a fierce attack, he can still defend, and it is so perfect, as if he had encountered this situation before."

"In any case, the rookie king's winning streak is about to end, and the rescue will be lost. He has no chance."

What no one noticed is that the Chaos King who presided over the game also looked at it. Obviously, the power that Hemlari exploded even the Chaos King looked sideways.

"No way, his strength was stronger than mine. Now he has a big move. I can hold the limit for a short time. Without borrowing the power of the portable world, even if I know his weakness, I still can't use."

This is like knowing that the weakness of a zombie is the head, but without a gun in his hand, it is impossible to make a headshot.

After the stalemate continued like this, the situation would not change. After realizing this, Yi Shuihan began to practice the portable world, and the power of the portable world gradually blessed him.

In the eyes of the audience, everything has not changed, but in fact it has been different. Yi Shuihan's power and speed have been enhanced, and he has the ability to hit the "weakness".

Suddenly there was a pause, a light hand, an attack dissipated in front of him, and the next several attacks also rammed together inexplicably, there was a short gap in Hemlari's attack.

Taking advantage of this gap, Yi Shuihan came to Hemlari's front, and then shot Hemlari out of the state of heaven.

"has it ended?"

Hemlari's eyes regained their agility. Judging from his words, he didn't have much memory of the previous state, at least not completely sober.


The ke cough made Yi Hemlari see Yi Shuihan on the side, and also let him know his situation. After looking around, Hemlari's eyes showed the color of comprehension.

"I don't know how you did it. After the competition is over, we will have a good chat."

Hemlari chose to admit defeat.

"What happened just now, why was Hemlare defeated inexplicably?"

"I don't know, in short, something magical should have happened."

"It seems that our rookie king will continue to be a dark horse. Even Hemla Rui can win. Maybe he can enter the final top ten."

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