Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 176: Strong crossing chemical friends!

Xu Qijing was unprecedentedly satisfied with this ceremony.

Shuai is done!

So now, it's time to go out... Next, he has to find a way to understand the principle of this ‘fighting ritual’. What kind of technology does the Protoss use to transform the body into a pure energy body?

It is impossible to figure out the principle by staying inside the crystal door, and Xu Qiji is not a scientist. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out a way to make relevant people "become friends", and then use this technology from them.

——After all, I received the advance payment from the Muppet Senior, this matter must be taken in mind. Senior Muppets are generous, and the final payment will certainly not disappoint him.

Thinking of this, Xu Qiji's wings moved behind him, and the wings slightly matched the unnamed escape talent. With only 10% of the speed, he instantly swept out of the crystal gate and landed in the center of the ceremony square.

After he appeared, thousands of protoss members sang like thunder!

For some reason, when Xu Qiji ended the ceremony, many members of the Protoss felt a sense of ‘intimacy’, and their liking for the fighting mage continued to increase.

I really want to make friends with him.JPG

This group of audience members of the Protoss has already been affected by Xu Qiji, and in a few days after returning, they will gradually realize the "Daxia System" technique and completely become part of Xu Qiji's Xinghai friends.

On the throne.

The ancestor envoy looked at Xu Qiji with relief, and felt that this beholder had become more pleasing to the eye.

He thought that this should be the look of his protoss camp, and the flowing energy of the same style as his long hair, so he felt more cordial.

After a satisfied nod, the divine ancestor said: "Xu Ba Ba, what kind of talent is your awakened fighting talent?"

He is very curious about what the talent for awakening is for a generation with strong fighting will like Xu Baba?

"My ancestor, what I awakened is a kind of positive fighting talent." Xu Qiji's fighting spirit is high: "From today, pain can no longer hurt me. The more pain, the stronger I am. When I bear it When his pain reaches its limit, he can even set foot in taboo areas."

Taboo areas are the standard for leapfrog challenges.

"Okay, okay!" The divine ancestor envoy repeatedly applauded-such a rigid fighting talent is exactly what he wants.

This is also in line with the imaginary personality of the beholder.

At the same time as he shouted out loudly, the divine ancestor envoy felt his heart agitated.

In the dark, before he himself hadn't noticed, he had actually suffered more spiritual pollution.

The magic seed that Saint Yule had secretly planted in his body began to sprout.

The pollution of Xu Qijing's "Daxia System" also began to increase.

"Do you need me to demonstrate it?" Xu Qijing concealed another talent of his own. He planned to save the talent for escape, and refused to easily show it in front of others.

But this ‘battle talent’ can be used to stabilize the heart of the Protoss and make one more valuable.

"Show? But this skill doesn't seem to be easy to show." The ancestor envoy pinched his chin.

After all, this fighting talent sounds like it needs to be injured by the fighting magic king. The greater the pain, the stronger the combat power can erupt.

"Ancestor, if we need to cooperate, we have a suitable goal here." At this time, a member of the Protoss who looked like a secretary came forward and gave a voice prompt.

"Talk about it." The divine ancestor replied.

"In our Infernal Prison, there are several powerful star beasts that are infected... They have been affected by a new toxin in the final catastrophe and become crazy. We have been studying how to crack this toxin. But so far there is no better solution." The secretary replied.

"The toxin? Will it spread?" The ancestor envoy frowned and asked.

Obviously, he has a strong vigilance against the final disaster.

"It has been tested, and the current toxins are only effective against Star Beasts." The secretary replied.

After a little thought, the divine ancestor envoy said: "Bring it up, and I will personally set up a protective formation on it."

After speaking, he looked at Xu Qiji: "How about Xu Qiji?"

"Returning to the ancestors, I have been fighting." Xu Qiji has already entered the role, playing seamlessly-he suspects that he will continue to enter the play like this, switching between several trumpets, maybe he will act fake ·Multiple personalities come.

Huh? Actually, it's not bad to think so.

Pseudo-multi-personality is not a true multiple-personality, but he himself can instantly enter a certain role in the play. In this way, there are more options for **** between couples.

For example, looking at the mood of Thrush, if she likes the domineering president Fan today, Xu Qiji could be in such a role. If she likes fighting madman fan today, Xu Qijing can enter the drama of Xu Ba Ba...Well, I wonder if the name Xu Ba Ba can be brought back?


"Bah, what am I thinking at this time?" Xu Qiji has no hands, otherwise he will have to slap himself.

At present, the enemy doesn't know what he is thinking. This is to be placed on the real battlefield, he has been cut into pieces by the enemy...

"It seems that I still need a secret method that can cut my body into many pieces, but can protect you from death." For the sake of safety, Xu Qiji had such a thought in his heart.

With such a secret method, even if he suddenly thinks of his wife on the battlefield, he doesn't have to worry about being cut into pieces by the enemy. Even the pain after being diced can make him burst out.

Pain can make him shed tears-tear cell surgery. Immediately after stimulating the golden hoop talent, an instant burst of 2-10 times the combat power.

Then take advantage of the moment when the enemy thinks that he will cut himself into pieces and relax his vigilance, cast his escape technique to instantly escape to the enemy's side and stab him!

The prototype of a set of even tricks has been perfected in Xu Qiji's heart.

"Roar~" At this moment, waves of crazy shouts came from a distance.

I saw a group of protoss warriors escorted from the metal cage, and there were layers of energy shields beside the metal cage.

This metal cage is actually meaningless, it's just for decoration...After all, the star beast is also an energy body, which can be directly escaped from metal products.

The divine ancestor looked at this star beast.

This is a high-ranking star beast, with precious 5 levels of strength. It is also the best among the star beasts. It is basically not used to send death, only to perform some special tasks, or to keep as a stallion, breed offspring, and leave better star beast genes.

As a result, he became violent and restless, his eyes flushed, as if he had been infected with rabies virus.

"It's a pity..." The divine ancestor sighed, stretched out his hand and pointed, several spells fell on this high-level star beast. These spells are just in case.

"Okay, send it to Xu Baba." The divine ancestor envoy issued the order.

Protoss members escorted the star beast into the arena.

Then, energy walls rose in the center of the square, turning the square into an Colosseum.

Xu Qiji stood opposite the star beast.

The star beast stared at it with scarlet eyes.

Three eyes meet each other.

The moment Xu Qiji stared at each other, Xu Qiji did not hesitate to throw away a pupil technique of ‘the friend out of nowhere’.

Regardless of whether the pupil technique can be effective against crazy enemies, it is rare to look at each other, and I am sorry if I don't shake one. With such a pupil technique, the consumption is very small.

He didn't use the'Tear Prison Technique'. After all, this spell has become the standard feature of the'Killed Xu Qiji'. Once it is used, the Protoss will see its flaws.

After a ‘comrade in nowhere’ pupil technique passed, the original crazy aura of the star beast on the opposite side was reduced a lot. The open mouth was slightly closed.

Xu Qiji: "Huh?"

Really effective?

Not only Xu Qiji, but all the members of the Protoss present were also staring.

From their point of view, this violent, highly aggressive poisoned star beast entered the arena without showing its aggressiveness. After being glared at by the fighting mage, it quieted down?

This is the legendary domineering?

Can a beast surrender with one look?

As a result, even more enthusiastic applause sounded, and Xu Qijing's popularity among the Protoss further increased.

[Unfortunately, it seems that the effect of the Friend in Nothingness alone cannot suppress the toxins on this star beast... In other words, the effect of the Friend in Nothingness has a limit. In the future, I will have to find a secret method that works with ‘friends from nothing’, and I will do both. ] Xu Qiji wondered in her heart.

For example, the legendary method of Buddhism crossing people?

Buddhism is predestined, and as long as you have value, you are destined.

If there really is such a secret technique in the world, then he is performing the method of crossing people while cooperating with the pupil technique of ‘the friend from nowhere’. These two tricks will fall in one breath, and maybe it will have an effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

This is very inhumane, but it meets Xu Qiji's requirements.

[Next time I met Mr. Shang Mo, I asked him if there is a similar exercise? After all, the glasses are already in hand, and it's time to find Mo Xianzhu. ] Xu Qijing is now emboldened and old.

"Xu Ba Ba Dharma King, I'm going to open the cage here." The member of the Protoss who was in charge of operating the Beast Cage prompted aloud.

After that, he stretched out his hand and pressed it, the cage around the poisoned star beast opened, and the layers of energy shields opened simultaneously.

At the moment of gaining freedom, due to the pupil technique of the ‘Friends in Nothing’, a slight depressiveness was released immediately. The poisoned star beast roared and rushed towards Xu Qiji.

This star beast light looks very powerful and domineering from the outside. On the whole, there is a faintly mixed appearance of ‘dragon’ and ‘kylin’, which is very strong and conforms to Xu Qiji’s aesthetics on the whole.

If possible, Xu Qiji quite wanted to turn this star beast into a mount.

The poisoned star beast, the star beast, had already pounced in front of him in an instant, and Xu Qijing did not dodge.

Therefore, he secretly operated the golden body and resisted this claw.

When ~ Xu Qijing's body and the claws of the star beast collided slightly, and then they passed each other...Both sides are like imaginary things, souls, able to contact each other, and instinctively avoid each other.

However, the painful feeling of ‘thumping’ was left behind.

"Woo~" When the moment passed by, the poisoned star beast opened its mouth, and it was a breath of shock.

With its crazy beast instinct, its combat effectiveness has increased a lot.

Xu Qiji only raised his cloak slightly. The handsome cloak said it was condensed into a shield, blocking most of the energy of this breath... Only a small part of the breath fell on him with Xu Qiji's permission.

The pain this time is much stronger than last time.

The golden hoop talent is activated.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to see a golden halo appearing on Xu Qijing's head-some resembling the halo on the head of the legendary ‘angel’.

The golden halo twisted and changed, and finally shrouded Xu Qijing's head.

Boom~ Xu Qijing's momentum exploded, more than twice as high...As his momentum exploded, the dazzling sea of ​​stars appeared again, covering the Colosseum like a realm.

Xu Qijing himself was taken aback, he didn't understand why his star sea had appeared again.

Could it be because of the stimulation of the Golden Hoop that after doubling one's overall combat power, the Xinghai projection function was activated?

[This is a field that can only be mastered in six realms, right? 】

[Isn't Xu Ba Ba Dharma King only 5 levels of strength? 】

[No, the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King was originally a 6-level elite, but he fell to the 5th level when he was seriously injured when performing a mission. Now he is broken and standing, returning to the 5th realm to be able to display the power of the 6th realm, he is worthy of being the man who has been favored by the Eye Ancestor. 】

The members of the Protoss below are discussing.

Many members of the Protoss look at Xu Qiji’s gaze, and there is a little bit of "super friendship" in the eyes of the Protoss—because the Protoss is a pure energy body structure, in fact, their view of love has completely transcended the boringness of the appearance. The difference. They pay more attention to inner, bold and powerful.

The divine ancestor envoy on the throne narrowed his eyes in satisfaction and found the treasure!

After the sea of ​​stars spread out, Xu Qiji felt that he was in this sea of ​​stars, with a feeling of'do whatever you want'.

On the other hand, the crazy star beast was restricted everywhere, and it was very difficult to move.

"Although it's a pity that you are in line with my aesthetics, but you still have to be dealt with at this time." Xu Qiji has already estimated the ratio between the outburst of his'golden hoop talent' and'pain'. UU Reading

This star beast has completed its mission.

The cloak behind Xu Qijing condensed again and finally turned into a simple scabbard.

He curled the scabbard with his hair and did not use the sword technique. Instead, relying on his own explosive power, he stabbed a sword with speed and strength and stabbed it into the restricted star beast.

The restraint of the 5th realm in the 6th realm is reflected here. The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker.

Only the domain can confront the domain.

Although Xu Qijing has no realm...but his Xinghai has already played a similar realm effect.

The scabbard enters the body.

"Give out your runes." Xu Qijing's eyes were soft.

There are still two holes in his scabbard.

This 5th stage fierce beast will definitely contribute a good rune.

"Woo~" The star beast on the opposite side seemed to have softened his eyes, and his fierceness was not there.

Under the restraint of Xinghai, after being stabbed by Xu Qiji again, the poison in its body seemed to be suppressed?

At the same time, the energy in its body operates automatically.

An instant introduction to "Daxia System".

After Mr. Mo's improvement, this infectious "Daxia System" completely suppressed the toxins in the star beast!

This is not detoxification, but a more overbearing poison that suppresses weaker toxins.

The poison that made the star beast crazy before was not worth mentioning in front of Xu Qijing.

At the same time, Xu Qijing had a rune on the scabbard quietly condensing. It is the ‘blessing rune’ extracted from the body of this star beast-Royal Dragon Talisman.

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