Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 175: The stars are wings, fighting against the king

Can be soft or rigid, practical and handsome.

More importantly, if Qi Yishan’s ‘Battle Armor’ is not completely remodeled and his chest still has the characteristics of a female model, then after the ‘dress’, he can still wrap himself in a cloak...

In this way, at least no one can see that they are actually wearing women's armor.

It can also maintain a certain degree of mystery.

[That's it! ] Xu Qiji secretly said in her heart.

As his heart moved, the scabbard received the master's mind and began to change. The sheath of the scabbard melted like a liquid, and quickly spread into a fluid cloak with a metallic texture, like it was made of mercury.

After the cloak was transformed into shape, the two sword holes that were originally created by Teacher Su were buckled on both sides of Xu Qiji's shoulders, allowing the cloak to hang perfectly on the shoulders.

More perfect than Xu Qijing imagined!

On the throne.

The divine ancestor has been paying attention to Xu Qiji’s changes. When he saw Xu Qiji in the'Crystal Gate’ transformed into a cloak, the ancestor looked confused: "What's the situation? The cloak? Are you going to be a beholder?"

In the process of energizing, it can indeed be reshaped.

I think that their protoss was very satisfied with their form back then, and when they evolved under the leadership of their ancestors, they all chose to energize the general appearance of their own clan—if they were dissatisfied with their form, they could also take the opportunity to make adjustments. But basically Witt is in the shell of the Protoss, it is impossible to turn himself into a cat and a dog.

In the case of Xu Ba Ba evolution, it is reasonable to say that Werther would be familiar with the appearance of the beholder, and at most some elements of the Protoss will be added, which will help it to integrate into the large group of Protoss.

But what the **** is turning into a cloak now?

The divine ancestor suddenly reached out and touched his shoulders. His shoulders were indeed empty, and he did not have the habit of wearing a cloak... Could it be that he had brainwashed Xu Baba too much? The other party was grateful and saw himself. There is no cloak, so you want to turn into a cloak and hang on yourself, always with you?

Wouldn't I be greedy for my body?

Thinking of this possibility, the divine ancestor envoy shuddered severely.

What it wants is the kind that can be fought by a protoss protector. But I don't want the whole cloak to come out.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the operation interface of the throne, considering whether to forcefully intervene in the evolutionary process of the demon, so that he can transform into a form that conforms to the ‘fighting king’?

Just as the divine envoy hesitated, a new change occurred in the crystal door.

Within the ‘cloak’, another spherical energy body was born. After a while, a piercing eye appeared on the spherical body.

It looks like a devilish eye.

【so far so good. Seeing this scene, the divine ancestor envoy was relieved.

It really couldn't accept that the Protoss' new "Fighting King" was a cloak, and it was more pleasing to the eye after changing to the look of a beholder.

But unfortunately, it would be better if there were more Protoss elements on Xu Ba Ba's new body.

Just as the divine ancestor envoy was thinking this way, his eyes were vacant and considerate, and he actually began to give birth to some protoss elements.

For example... a flowing protoss energy hair, automatic without wind, and with its own light and shadow special effects.

Xu Qijing has been very moved since seeing the divine ancestor's messenger and seeing this kind of flowing hair. At this time, I have the opportunity to adjust my state, how can I miss such a beautiful hair?

However, one of the beholders had a Protoss hairstyle on his head, which looked like the beholder was on fire.

But Xu Qijin didn't care. He liked it, but it didn't matter what others thought.

The'Fighting Dharma King Ceremony' continued, and Xu Qijing, who was transformed into an energy body, was pushed to the next step.

The last link is the awakening of [Battle Talent].

This is the only part of the awakening ceremony of the "Fighting King".

And this is also the link that the divine ancestors care about most.

"What kind of talent is Xu Ba Ba Awakening?" The divine envoy gently tapped his finger on the armrest.

The stronger the will, the sharper the spirit, and the higher the battle, the stronger the awakening talent will be!

Everyone's awakened fighting talent is different.

This is also the reason why the divine envoy would take "Xu Ba Ba" so much.


When the automatic car wash entered the final stage, Xu Qijing felt that he was pushed into an abyss...the body seemed to fall infinitely toward the bottom, but could never touch the bottom.

In the process of falling continuously, he found that his ‘eye demon clone’ was constantly consolidating, and was no longer an ordinary ‘hair clone’, firmly integrated with the scabbard.

In the end, the scabbard and the beholder clone became a two-sided existence, becoming Xu Qiji's new complete trumpet, and there was no need to worry about disappearing.

This was unexpected by Xu Qijing, and it was an unexpected gain.

After the beholder clone was successfully built, the "Awakening Talent Ceremony" began to tap the clone's potential.

Dig deep and get to the root cause!

Gradually, Xu Qiji's beholder clone arrived at its root. A dazzling star sea replaced the bottomless abyss and contained the beholder clone.

"This is the star of my body!" Xu Qiji's mouth twitched.

Digging out my talents, how did you dig out my Xinghai? This is the source of pass-through?

So, what fighting talent can Xinghai bring to me?


In the eyes of the members of the Protoss watching the ceremony, they saw a dazzling sea of ​​stars, appearing out of thin air, and even shrouded the crystal door.

"Does this starry light represent the potential of the fighting magic king? What a terrifying potential!" The members of the Protoss looked at Xu Qiji in the star sea in shock.

Then he looked admiringly at the ancestor envoy-worthy of the ancestral envoy, and saw the potential of this beholder at a glance, and got him from the beholder and became the **** of the gods.

"This star is so warm. Seeing it, I can feel countless compatriots, and even more as if they have blended into this star sea." Some members of the Protoss race closer, stretched out their hands, as if wanting to embrace and plunge into the star sea In, become part of Xinghai.

When the desire to'integrate into the star sea' emerged in their hearts, the star sea gave some kind of feedback to their wishes.

A kind of ‘sentiment’ emerged from the hearts of all the members of the Protoss.

Of course, this kind of perception is only very shallow, and will not arouse the vigilance of the Protoss, plant a seed to lay the foundation for the future.

The divine ancestor envoy also became curious, and he looked at Xinghai with his cheek in his hand: "What kind of talent will be born with such a huge vision?"

Really look forward to it.

As his inner mood fluctuated + staring at the sea for a certain amount of time, the divine ancestor envoy seemed to have a piece of inspiration in his heart.

These trivial inspirations have been accumulated over the course of time. At this time, these pieces of inspiration are slowly being sorted out.

[Perhaps, I have to create a brand new exercise method that is suitable for my protoss cultivation and enhances my protoss fighting spirit. 】The messenger of the ancestor thought about it.

He didn't think much about the inspiration that was born in his own heart-the existence of his kind of realm, inspiration will always appear at any time.

Sometimes big inspirations can make him realize powerful exercises or spells at once, while small inspirations will accumulate and be recorded deep in the mind, and extracted when useful.

This kind of thing is very normal.


Among the stars, Xu Qijing seemed to be tapping his talent.

But in fact... he was already wandering into the sky at this time, passive.

He was looking forward to what kind of talent he would dig out, but shortly after Xinghai appeared, his consciousness began to soar, constantly soaring.

This feeling of ascension is always familiar to him.

Next, are you going to see Mr. Mo again?

When he soared last time, he soared to Mr. Mo who was fishing.

Consciousness didn't know how long it took to fly, and finally arrived at the destination.

What appeared in front of him was a huge circle of fire—the kind of burning circle of fire in a circus.

When Xu Qijing appeared on the stage, she almost hit the circle of fire and was burned to death.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, a backflip, and successfully avoided the terrible circle of fire.

"Huh?" At this moment, a gentle voice of surprise came.

Xu Qijing turned around and saw a huge puppet staring at him-the puppet looked a bit cartoonish, but it was not the image in any cartoon animation Xu Qijing had seen.

At this moment, the puppet was carrying a long whip in his hand, and seemed to be taming the beast.

Behind Xu Qijing, there was a black brain axe, which was big in the true sense, and it was like a hill lying there.

In contrast, the burning ring of fire was only the size of a tiger's nose.

At this time, the big tiger held his head in his hands, his eyes filled with grievances.

Xu Qiji: "..."

He even understood what the big tiger was saying. The big tiger seemed to say: How can I get in such a small circle of fire? Master, concubines can't do it!

"Papa~" The puppet threw away the whip in his hand and beckoned to Xu Qijing happily.

"Mr. Mo, if you don't fish this time, why do you play with beasts?" Xu Qiji couldn't laugh or cry, trotting to the puppet's side.

This puppet's voice is gentle, this unique voice, coupled with the familiar breath of Xu Qiji's body, is definitely Mr. Mo.

"Fishing? Well, I don't want to catch it for the time being. Beast Taming also suddenly appeared today." Muppet said, but the voice sounded directly in Xu Qiji's mind.

Transmit into secret?

After seeing Xu Qijing coming to him, the puppet stretched out his chubby arm and pressed it on Xu Qijing's head-the mask faithfully performed its function.

After a while.

"That's it, it is indeed something I am interested in." The puppet's voice resounded in Xu Qijing's mind again: "This method of transforming the physical body into a pure energy body is great."

As he said, the puppet shifted his gaze to the huge black tiger who was unworthy.

The black tiger almost cried.

"With this technology that converts the physical body into a pure energy body without damage, my animal training skills will definitely be improved by three levels. Fire drill is no longer a problem for Heizi. So... trade it." I even patted Xu Qijing.

Xu Qiji: "???"

"You find a way to get that technique, and hand it to me when we meet next time." Muppet said, unzipping the zipper on his stomach, revealing a small pocket on his stomach.

He stretched out his hand in his stomach pocket, took out a pair of glasses, and handed them to Xu Qiji: "The glasses that disguise the breath are the same series as the mask on your head. This is an advance payment, waiting for you to use the technology. After I get it, I will pay you the follow-up payment. The sooner I get the technology, the more generous the reward will be."

Xu Qiji: "!!!"

Wait, this is not Mr. Mo!

"Dare to ask senior, ah~ahh~" Before Xu Qijing finished speaking, the senior muppet took a picture of it.

Xu Qijing's head was blown up.

Real headshot kill.

After the dog's head was blown out, Xu Qiji was forced to disappear from this world, and his wandering consciousness returned.

Ceremony in the sea of ​​stars.

Xu Qijin felt a splitting headache. This headshot feeling was too cruel. He feels nauseous and feels a little concussion.

He lowered his head again and looked at the glasses in his hand.

If it weren't for the glasses in his hand, he would think he had hallucinations this time.

Almost at the same time... his ‘talent’ was also unearthed.

Moreover, two talent abilities appeared in one breath!

[Golden Hoop: You have awakened your powerful fighting talent in great pain. From then on, pain can no longer defeat you. The more painful you are, the stronger you are. In extreme pain, you can enter the taboo field. Ten times the combat power. Moreover, the pain caused by the head increases combat power 2.5 times that of other areas. 】

Xu Qiji: "..."

This looks like a must-have skill for every villain's magic gate character-the demon disintegration explosive skill. Bringing huge harm to myself, in exchange for a short-term powerful outbreak.

However, the more painful the stronger this looks more like a ‘Berker’ skill, the more injured the stronger, the more powerful it is when the blood is about to be red?

In general, this talent is very strong!

Ten times the combat power is no joke, it is almost a realm gap-and if this pain is placed on the head, it seems that it can reach 25 times the combat power?

[This talent, won’t I have a headshot by the puppet, right? Xu Qijing doubted that this terrifying talent ability was born after she had a headache at this time.

As for the second talent, it's much more normal. Moreover, it has a certain relationship with his "Xinghai".

[Unnamed escape method, the escape method that can shuttle through the real reality starry sky, when performing the escape method, it can increase its speed to the limit. When used with scabbard, the effect is doubled. 】

This escape method is something Xu Qijing needs urgently.

He just lacks this kind of long-distance escape technique, whether it is used to chase the enemy or escape. The next time he encounters an assassin who is good at escape techniques like the silver human race, Xu Qiji will not need to mobilize the starship again, and directly use the escape technique to catch up with the opponent's dog head.

The talent awakened successfully, Xu Qiji thought: "Close!"

Immediately, all the stars in the sky were gathered on the cloak inside and behind.

With Xu Qiji's thoughts, the cloak behind it expanded, and countless stars gathered on the cloak...Finally, the cloak turned into a pair of wings, and the stars were shining, making the pair of wings look like cast by stars.

This is the form of the scabbard that assists Xu Qiji in performing the escape technique.

Such a handsome model, when transferred to the body, will definitely be able to fascinate the wife.

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