Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 122: Ancient Sage

   Xu Qijing didn't know why he suddenly had such a sudden idea.

   But now that he has such an idea, he wants to try it.

   After the three starships were dealt with, they bought some retreat time for them, and was able to evacuate all the remaining humans in World 713.

   During this retreat time, Xu Qijing can test it a bit.

   The door of miracle communicates with the main body... There is a lot of hair coming from the main body. Looking at this amount of hair, you can imagine that the main body is already bald at this time.

   Fortunately, Brother Miao said that he would provide ‘hair growth products’, so don’t worry about the amount of hair.

   And in this large amount of hair, there are some slightly longer hair mixed, which is the length of Shen Shumei's hair.

   "Try it." Xu Qijing grabbed these hairs, held the big sword in one hand, and activated the blessing rune of'Pulling Hair Incarnation'.

   Xu Qijing and the tall thrushes in it appeared one after another...

Due to the large number of avatars manifested in one breath, Xu Qijing had a state of'energy shortage' during the cast... But when his energy was insufficient, the'black energy stone' stored in the big sword space was activated. Activate, flow out to replace Xu Qijing's own consumption, manifesting clones one by one.

   This is all money!

   [However, the energy stone can be so easily converted into the consumption of a great sword. ] Xu Qijing can feel that when the black energy stone is transformed into a clone, there is almost no consumption of energy conversion, and the energy utilization rate is extremely high.

  If I store enough black energy stones in the big sword space... wouldn't my ability to continue navigation in battle rise?

   As long as my money is not spent, I will not stop!

  氪金 makes me strong!

   "Let's go~" After consuming several energy stones and manifesting nearly four hundred new incarnations of "Xu Qijing", Xu Qijing thought, and the newly born clone jumped to the space at the bottom of the thickest black pillar.

   These clones entered the black pillar space without resistance, and even took the initiative to cooperate with the absorption of the black pillar space.

   Under such active cooperation, it didn't take long for these four hundred avatars to have bursts of ‘feeling of weakness’, and their bodies became weakened.

Not long after   , the clones collapsed one by one and disappeared-after all, they weren't real flesh and blood, they were transformed by spells, so they dissipated very quickly compared to real flesh and blood humans.

   "It works." Xu Qijin could sense that the black pillar's ‘progress bar’ rose slightly.

   But the progress of the improvement is very small, it is pitiful.

   Four hundred avatars, still too empty.

"The quality is not good... Then it is okay to use the quantity to make up. Even if the four hundred clones can only be one hundred, but I sacrifice all the hair, and I can create tens of thousands of clones. Then the hair will regenerate and be remanufactured. A batch of clones. As long as you stick to it and fill up the progress bar of the black pillar, you can do it?" Xu Qijing pondered.

   As soon as his voice fell, the special rune on the great sword [May every hair of yours be transformed into a clone] seemed to be resonated, deeply activated, and brilliant.

   At the same time, the ‘memory’ of the 400 avatar being sacrificed is slightly synchronized with Xu Qiji’s body.

   Xu Qiji only feels a slight tingling in his brain, sharing the feeling of weakness of being hollowed out...

   One by one avatar, after being hollowed out, the blood was drawn away, and finally collapsed into a light spot dissipated.

   Before Xu Qiji's eyes, he saw countless light spots flying in the dark.

   A little bit, feel a bit of sadness?

  Somehow want to cry?

   [Strange? 】Xu Qijing is a little puzzled. He is not the kind of person who likes to squeeze out sadness inexplicably. He is optimistic and cheerful in his daily life, and he is always sad inexplicably--even if he uses the "tear cell technique" on the enemy, he shed tears. There is no sad feeling in the tears of the crocodile.

   But now, his emotions seem to be infected by the outside world.

   Forced to be sad?

   Xu Qiji's body, in his room, slowly stretched out his hand-it felt like he had come to that dark space in person, surrounded by countless light spots.

   Suddenly, the picture in front of him looked like a ‘cassette’, and the picture trembled... The scene switched, he seemed to see a human figure standing in a dark space, doing the same actions as him.

   is also flying with stars beside him.

   But the number of stars is more, vast as the stars in the sky, turning into a sea of ​​stars.

   That was a man with long white hair. This kind of white hair was not the silvery white that Daxia people liked, but the gray hair color of real old age, with the taste of the vicissitudes of life.

   The white-haired man wore a black sci-fi style armor, full cover. The helmet was taken off and held in his hand.

   [The style of this armor...] Xu Qiji was taken aback

   The armor of the white-haired man was obviously the same style as the ‘Ancestral Envoy’ he had seen in the ‘Nine Ancestor Envoy Space’.

   But the ancestor messenger is a female model, and this one is a male model.

   Is this standard equipment?

   [Does it come from the same world as the human ancestor? Or is the human ancestor not just a person? 】

   The white-haired man stretched out his hand, with long white hair flying out of his hand... These long white hair fell to the ground and turned into the same white incarnations as him.

   Then, it was the same as Xu Qijing experienced.

   The white-haired man’s ‘Clone’ was drained of blood and blood, and finally turned into a part of the sky full of stars.

   He seems to be persisting like this for a long time.

   Finally, the hand of the white-haired man fell down.

   His lips moved slightly, as if to say something.

   Xu Qijing learned the movement of his lips and simulated a voice: "Can't you?"

   is Daxia?

   As he simulated these words, a huge despair inexplicably descended, continuously pouring from his heart.

The suffocating despair-is the kind of hard work for a lifetime, even ten lifetimes, doing everything, experiencing countless failures, seeing that it is about to reach the edge of success, but find that there is still no contact between myself and success One palm to reach.

   This palm distance is like an abyss.

   In complete despair, the white-haired man's body began to collapse and dissipate... His body was plunged into the darkness like a clone.

   Xu Qiji: "!!!"

   Wait, what's the situation?

   If I use too much avatar, the main body will collapse?

  【No, no. His body collapsed, it looked more like he gave up hope after being completely desperate? 】

   Xu Qiji looked towards the sea of ​​starlight, watching them gradually disappear into bubbles.

   faintly, he has an insight.

   The blessing of ‘let the hair into a clone’, the prototype spell of this blessing... was created with the goal of ‘replacement of human sacrifice’?

   The white-haired man wanted to use his clone to replace the human race and sacrifice instead of the human race.

   Judging by the number of light spots transformed by that vast sea of ​​stars, he might have created one billion, tens of billions or even more clones in batches to replace the human race.

   This may be the existence of the ‘Ancestor of Human Ancestor’. He is fighting against the general trend of the end of the era, or... simply wants to reduce the sacrifice of the people.

   Xu Qiji reached out and touched the blessing rune on the big sword, thoughtfully.


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