Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 121: I have a bold idea

   At this time, the other side.

   Qi Yishan didn't care about taking a bath after receiving Xu Qiji's news. She came out of the bathroom as quickly as possible and ran to the 616 studio.

   No. 616 is taking care of her head at this time-she has removed her head and is carefully applying oil to her neck.

   When Qi Yishan rushed in wrapped in a bath towel, she was taken aback, almost poking the tip of the nursing oil bottle into her eye socket.

   "What are you doing, 713. You scared me." Mechanical Ji 616 put his head back and asked in confusion.

  Looking at the rush of 713, she knew that 713 must be looking for her in a hurry.

   "I need an accurate map, and then mark the location of Heizhulin Prison... and give me the coordinates of a ‘safe area’ near Heizhulin Prison.” Qi Yishan quickly replied.

   "You are going to Heizhulin Prison? No, it is too dangerous. Even if you are now very strong in No. 713, I can't let you go there alone to risk it." No. 616 refused.

   713 is the hope for them and mankind now, they will never allow the 713 accident.

  Heizhulin Prison, although there are many human beings waiting to be rescued, but not now...they have not yet gone there to rescue human power.

   "My man is there. He rescued many companions and is about to send them to a safe area. Therefore, he needs coordinates." The corner of Qi Yishan's mouth under the helmet smiled.

   No. 616 was silent. She reached out and pressed her hand on the helmet of 713, which showed temperature data [36.5].

   "The body temperature is normal, and there is no fever. 713, do you want to add some brain oil?" 616 asked carefully.

   Qi Yishan could not laugh or cry: "I mean it."

"I'm serious too, where are you man from?" No. 616 looked up at the sky: "Don't be so stressed. I know you look forward to having a hero who can save the world and you. But... reality It's reality. Heroes in delusions will never appear."

   Having said that, the body of No. 616 began to pull out a detailed map of the Black Pillar Forest for Qi Yishan, and also marked a safe area nearby.

   "Although I can give you this map and coordinates... but I will stare at you, and I will not let you go to that dangerous place." No. 616 said solemnly.

   I hope the map I gave can alleviate the delusion of No. 713.

  Heroes or something, they also looked forward to the apocalyptic scene when this world was just invaded. But the heroes in the film and television works did not appear.

  How beautiful the fantasy is, the reality can tear the fantasy more cruel.

   "Don't worry, I won't go. And, my man, it's not a delusion." Qi Yishan raised her head, and her consciousness entered the'Qiji Group Tuition Space' to communicate with Xu Qiji.

   When she communicated with Xu Qiji's consciousness, Xu Qiji's avatar directly opened the small "Miracle Gate", connecting Qi Yishan's position.

   One is to receive the'map', and the other is...just to present a beautiful firework to 713 Lehe Lehe.

   The little miracle door is like a peeping window through which you can see the scene of Xu Qijing's avatar at this time.

   No. 616 looks at Qi Yishan's chest with his mouth open.

   Not far from her chest, that little the door of space?

   And on the other side of the door of space, is the Heizhulin prison area?

   "Look, the sky." Xu Qijing's voice rang out through the little miracle door: "Countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1~~"

  616 and Qi Yishan looked at the sky opposite the Miracle Gate.

   There are three huge starships ups and downs, which brings a huge sense of oppression to people-this starship is also the source of disaster for all creatures in the 713 world.

   That year, it was this kind of starship that suddenly descended from the sky, appeared over many cities in the 713 world, and landed a devastating attack.

   That scene still appears in the nightmare of many people.

   No. 616 slammed her mouth tightly and almost lifted her head.


  At this time, thousands of figures suddenly ejected from the starship-all crew members of the Smoky Race.

   There are the captain sitting on the throne, the crew with the operation control system, the personnel in charge of the combat, the logistics members... and even some members who were in the toilet were also ejected to the sky, desperate to forget to discharge.

   For a time, the screams were endless.

In fact, from the visual angle of 616 and Qi Yishan, the screams of the members of the Smoky Clan cannot be heard... but seeing this picture, they seem to be able to hear the screams, which can make up for the brain. come out.

   So cool!

  This kind of picture can only be seen in a dream.

   But this is just the beginning.

   When thousands of Smoky Clan crew members ascended to the sky, the artillery fire of the three starships had started, and the locked light locked each Smoky Clan member firmly.

   Countless beam attacks blasted in all directions-these weapons, all unlocked the ‘attack authority’, the damage mode was converted to indiscriminate mode + space tearing attribute, which can cause fatal blows to members of the Smoky Clan.

   Everyone can clearly see the desperate look on the faces of the Smoky Clan crew members who lifted off.

   Their despair at this time is just like the 713 human beings attacked by them.

  Causal cycle, good and evil are rewarded.

  616 patted his face hard and made a mechanical noise: "I'm not dreaming, I'm not watching a phantom? Is all this true?"

   If she hadn't been transformed into a mechanical girl, she might have been crying out...Even now, she really wants to cry. How good would it be if she could make her cry?

   When she turned around, she installed two lacrimal gland devices for herself, specifically for running oil!

   "This is my strange loneliness." Qi Yishan gently touched a small ball-as if this small ball was Xu Qijing's head. She couldn't help it, and wanted to touch her head with love to Xu Qiji.

   Xu Qijing is not a delusional existence.

   616 is about to crash at this time, she still has the thought to think about how 713 hooked up with such a man.

   Anyway, so happy.

  This happiness, she can’t wait to share it with more companions.

At this time, Xu Qijing’s voice came from the miracle door again: "Three starships, let me see if there is any way can bring them to you. If not, I will They burst. Anyway, do you like this meeting ceremony?"

   "I like it." Qi Yishan replied: "At that time, next Saturday...I will depend on you for everything!"

   Xu Qiji: "~"

   Don't just treat me as an LSP!

   "I have received the map. I will send the black pillars in batches now. You will receive the survivors at that time."

   "However, you must also pay attention to safety next. This time I am more serious than stabbing a hornet's nest... When the time comes, the counterattack of the Black Smoky Empire will definitely be stronger than ever." Xu Qijing reminded.

   After the explanation, Xu Qiji looked at the thickest black pillar again.

  ——This black pillar is of extraordinary significance.

   It is the place where the human qi, blood and luck of the 713 world are gathered, Xu Qiji guessed that this is the place where the human race mentioned by the Nine Ancestors was sacrificed. For humans, this is a place of evil.

   At this time, if you stare at the black pillar through the ‘artificial god’s eye’, you can see that there is a progress bar on the black pillar, which is almost full.

   Looking at the progress bar, Xu Qiji frowned in thought.

   For some reason, a ridiculous thought emerged in his mind: If I throw my avatar in, how will I react?


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