Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 108: Artificial God Eye Technology

Looking back, I have to ask Brother Miao, is there any omnipotent translator in this world, one that can translate in any language?

Or is there a way of spiritual communication that directly transcends language and uses thinking to communicate?

On the opposite side, the black smoker with only the upper body saw Xu Qijing's expression, thoughtfully--he seemed to have read some information from Xu Qijing's facial expression.

The half-length Smoky Clan became a little nervous, holding the chair firmly with both hands, staring at Xu Qiji.

Above its head, strands of black smoke turned into hair wafting in the wind. Even if it only has the upper body, the smoky hair on this end makes it look elegant and elegant.

Xu Qijing glanced at the other's half-length, then at his hair-is the rumors true? If a man wants not to lose his hair, the best way is to treat himself a little bit harder and treat him forever.

Because it is said that men's hair loss is mostly ‘androgen alopecia.’ According to the treatment plan to eliminate the root cause of the hair loss from the source, as long as you be a little harder, long hair is not a dream.

The black smoker in front of him seemed to prove this point.

In addition... this guy looks like a very advanced researcher?

"It's a pity, if you and I can communicate, I should find a way to save your life." Xu Qiji carried the big sword forward.

Unfortunately, language barriers are the biggest obstacle to communication.

And this smoky tribe was heavily protected, and he knew it was a very important object of protection for the smoky tribe, a national treasure-level researcher.

Xu Qijin was not sure to kidnap the other party.

That being the case, if this precious researcher can't be taken away... of course it will be killed.

Otherwise, do you still keep it to continue to enhance the strength of the Smoky Race?

"Let's go, let's go~" Seeing Xu Qiji approaching with a big sword in stride, the half-length smoky tribe man waved his hand vigorously and yelled hurriedly, as if to warn Xu Qiji not to approach.

Sensing the killing intent in Xu Qiji's eyes, the half-length smoky tribe man propped up his body with both hands and crawled far away quickly, trying to avoid Xu Qiji.


at the same time.

The Smoky Clan was at the 713 World Headquarters Base Conference, the conference chief hammered the table hard and roared loudly.

They received emergency information and the experimental base was invaded again.

That's fine, but the most heavily guarded research room was also invaded!

The No.1 level one, the largest national treasure of the Elemental Empire, is facing life threat.

Xu Qijing did not expect that the guy who fled in embarrassment in front of him was the biggest national treasure of the Smoky Clan. If this was stabbed to death, the Smoky Clan would not fast for seven or eight days and would be sorry for this Spirit in Heaven.

After fasting, the whole country has to cry for more than half a year.

In the future, the level of drink offerings will be pulled out every year.

This is a truly rare national treasure in a thousand years-this time, this big man came to this world from the empire all the way, in order to carry out a study that might bring the entire strength of the Smoky Clan to a higher level.

They invaded the world of 713, first to collect energy, second to cast more black pillars with the creatures of this world, and third to cooperate with the research of this big man.

The speaker was roaring, and the members of the council below were all frowning-this world human race, who could not hurt him at all in the past, now has more than two hundred slaughter guards like dog slaughter masters.

The human races in this world have mastered the means to harm elemental lives, and also secretly cultivated such an elite?

However, this kind of elite that is extremely difficult to cultivate is all invested in their experimental base. Is this trying to hurt both sides?

Or is it that Human Race has been able to mass produce such elite fighters?

The world originally thought to be under their control, now everything is out of control.

"Contact that guy and find a way to negotiate with him, as long as he doesn't hurt the senator..." the speaker finally said bitterly.

Some members replied: "It's useless, that guy can't understand our language and cannot communicate."

"Then use the language of this world to communicate with them!" The speaker has already let go of his pride. If he can't keep the elders, he will wipe his neck.

"These guys don't understand the language of this world..." a member said.

These human races are like all illiterate, knowing nothing.

It's like sacrificing IQ in exchange for powerful combat power.


In the lava space, even if the half-length black smoke researcher climbed fast, how could he compare with Xu Qijing's speed?

What's more, the big sword in Xu Qijing's hand is stretchable.

"Punch through it, wishful stick~sword!" He snorted softly, and ‘swish~’ the big sword in his hand directly nailed the flying researcher to the ground.

"Ahhhhhh~" The black smoke researcher screamed.

Regardless of the race, the tone of the scream is the same, and the voice of pain is a common and understandable vocabulary in the world.

After being nailed to the ground, the black smoke researcher seemed desperate, knowing that he could not escape.

It turned its head to stare at Xu Qijing, and its eye sockets turned red, and it seemed that there were a lot of weird words circulating in its eyes.

It is a technique, like a programming language, in a crazy combination and arrangement, forming a certain kind of attack.

This reminded Xu Qijing of space warping methods, so the avatar retracted the sword without hesitation, dodged, and flashed out of the opponent's sight.

"Hey~~" But the opponent's pupil technique failed.

A pair of red eye sockets burst open, and a mixed liquid similar to "blood" and "tears" fell from its eye sockets, and it was painful.


"Haha, ooh...ha." When he fell into the lava pool, the black smoke researcher let out a laugh.

Humans may never think that this is his escape route!

Lava pools that are deadly to humans do not cause harm to them. They can escape into lava pools and avoid human attacks.

What's even better is that at the juncture of life and death, it broke through its own limits. The formula that had been pondered for many years and had not been completed has finally worked out today.

[Artificial God Eye Surgery] Equation, perfect! This is an unexpected gain.

It fell into the lava in an embarrassing posture...but its mood was very bright.

Wow! Deep in the lava there is a pair of golden lens-like objects sinking and floating.

This is the baby that black smoke researchers have kept in the lava pool for many years, and is the result of its research artificial **** eye surgery shell. Combined with the complete equation, the Smoky Race can evolve their eyes into "God Eyes".

Although the eyeballs burst, it doesn't matter. For their race, the eyeballs are reproducible organs.

Bah~ The black smoke researcher snapped his fingers, and completely calculated the completed ‘artificial **** eye’ technique, which was input into the pair of lenses.

The lens is upgraded, and the complex equation is converted into a complete text within two interest periods.

It's done!

The form is reversed, as long as it is equipped with God Eyes, it can come back through the topography of lava!



Good night, everyone~ Shun ask for the next monthly pass, now it is a double monthly pass~

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