Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 107: National Treasure of the Smoky Race NO.1

Of course, even if he used his body to test the attack power, the brown bear would not be so reckless... But today is different, today he is projected over, and he can wave casually.

Even if the wave is dead today, as long as you bring back enough data, you will not be punished by the island owner, but will be rewarded.

Moreover, regardless of the size of the brown bear, he knew very well that the island owner brought them into this world this time to let them experience the impact of the ‘life and death’ so that they could break through.

"For ordinary people, this kind of attack is almost incomprehensible, it is simply a direct destruction of the spirit...Unless the natural mental power is particularly strong, you can survive this kind of attack." The brown bear handsomely threw his nosebleed away and analyzed: "Moreover, it also comes with the side effects of heating body temperature, which is really cruel!"

At the same time as the brown bear resisted the attack, the black widow had quietly appeared behind a guard. She palms into a sword, and cuts one palm to the guard's neck.

Whoosh~ The palm of the sword has been cut, but there is no physical touch.

"Huh?" The Black Widow whispered, but her body has quickly escaped. She is a standard assassin-type warrior, and quickly escapes from a miss.

Unlike the original scene where Xu Qijing's stool was worn three times, the black widow's sword didn't hurt the guard, but it seemed to have chopped through a cloud of fog.

Looking around, the body part of the guard's neck at this time changed into a black smoke appearance, with no real physical feeling.

"Elemental life? A special life form." The Java Tiger narrowed his eyes, his eyes filled with dangerous sheen.

Xu Qijing asked, "Is there a way to deal with them?"

"Nature, our world has a similar existence, but in our world, this kind of natural element life is very rare, although it is only for appreciation and pets." The Java Tiger thought for a while and made a metaphor: "Everyone Elemental life can easily sell for a high price of more than 80 million yuan. If there is a suitable seller, it is not a problem to sell it into energy stones."

"There will be opportunities in the future, and these black smoke element races have their own energy stones in their bodies." Xu Qijing looked at these guards as if he saw the Miao brother who was hollowed out by him.

While talking, the black widow flashed again.

This time, a layer of blue sword light was attached to her palm. It is also cutting the neck of the black smoke guard again...

With a swish, the entire head of the black smoke guard who was attacked this time flew to the ground, and the body fell softly. In addition to the armor, a black crystal was condensed.

The companion was attacked and killed, and the guard on the side did not panic at all.

"Tooth!" At the moment when the black widow flashed again, a guard beside him seized the opportunity and pressed a button on his wrist.

Beside the black widow's body, the space was suddenly distorted. In this space attack, her body was twisted like noodles...exploded.

"Is this the space attack ability? As expected, I can't feel the trace of the attack at all. It just appeared like this suddenly." The Java Tiger clasped his arms and collected information.

In the void, the twisted body of the black widow suddenly turned into a piece of clothing...but her body was no longer visible.

"How did this happen?" Xu Qiji was curious.

Java Tiger immediately explained: "It's just a simple way of blindfolding... But for the time being, the Black Widow won't appear in front of us. She has to find a dress to change."

Xu Qiji: "..."

Is it so real?

"Young Island Master, I'll take action next." The Java Tiger squeezed his fist, showing a bloodthirsty smile.

"Don't worry about me, go all out." Xu Qijiping raised his big sword: "Poke through it, Ruyi sword!"

The place where the big sword is aimed is exactly the closed door.

Blessing: May you be able to bend and stretch, large or small, flexible and active.

The original two-meter big sword instantly turned into a two-hundred-meter ship-cutting sword.

Boom~ Rumble~

Everything in front of the big sword was pierced by violence!

The closed door was also blasted open by a sword.

Brown bear: ?Д??Д?)

What kind of attack is this?

Isn’t the Young Island Master the same as them, a third-level existence? What happened to the two hundred meters long machete?

Can warriors of the third realm achieve this level?

Don't coax me! How can this be done in the third realm?

The Java Tiger, who was still preparing to make a full shot, showed his hand in front of the young island master, silently retracted his fist.

This is not the power of the third realm at all.

In fact, they didn't guess wrong... The orangutan king who broke out this rune was an ultra-standard star beast, who suppressed his realm and descended to this world.

The gate was violently stabbed through, and the guards from all directions suddenly gathered here like locusts.

"Little Island Master, you go in ~ we will block it for you." The Java Tiger finally found his own value.

The closed beta activities of the three of them can end here.

With so many guards, plus the weird weapons in their hands, and the space destruction methods, the three of them can use their methods as much as possible...and then pursue the first-line understanding between life and death.

"Okay." Xu Qiji was also polite.

As long as the smoky intruder does not master the means of ‘crossing the clone to directly attack the ontology’, the big deal is to consume one clone. At most, the ontology will be painful and not fatal.

The big sword in Xu Qijing's hand was recovered, and his figure shrank suddenly...

Before leaving, he glanced at the guards in the front for the last time, the tiger's eyes were full of tears, and the man's tears fell, and he directly sealed the guards in front of him in his tears.

Then his figure flew into the heavily guarded gate.

Xu Qijing, who has shrunk to the size of a mosquito, is difficult to lock.

As soon as his figure escaped into the gate, the gate that had been pierced by violence had actually repaired itself...In just a few breaths, the metal of the gate recovered as if it were in memory and merged again.

And inside the gate, there is a long narrow passage... the passage is full of organs. In the middle of the passage, the space seems to be twisted.

Without certain means, it is impossible to pass through this passage.

This is the last defense...

The sirens outside has been replaced by the most urgent scream. That is the highest level of alarm.

At this time, the entire headquarters of the black smoke invaders fell into a state of panic.

They didn't expect that the heavily guarded experimental base would be injured again, and this time a whole 200 invaders were mixed in unconsciously.

These intruders aimlessly destroy, squeeze experimental data, create chaos and kill.

This is simply a stabbing at the heart of the black smoke race.

"This passage is not easy to pass." Xu Qijing looked at the passage full of traps.

A sense of sacrifice must be made.

He stretched out his hand to protect the two last body hairs.

Then he held the big sword.

Activate, blessings of flexibility!


The originally shrunken body instantly skyrocketed to its limit, Xu Qiji's clone, the body skyrocketed, forcibly filling the entire passage.

The quality of this channel is also leveraged. After being fully supported by Xu Qiji, it did not explode.

In an instant, all the attacks fell on Xu Qiji's avatar, which filled the passage, directly exploding the avatar.

But Xu Qiji's two precious hairs had been sent to the other side, together with Dajian.

The sword and hair are all safe and sacrifice!

May every hair of yours be transformed into a clone~

One of the hairs turned into a new avatar of Xu Qiji, picked up the big sword and the last hair, and walked across the passage without looking back.

The reason why he didn't look back was because he didn't want to see his tragic situation exploded.

The passage is the last defense... after passing, there is no obstacle.

Xu Qijing's figure entered the final laboratory.

It was a place where magma was boiling. On the edge of the magma pool, sat a black smoker with only his upper body left.

The other party sensed the fluctuations behind him and turned his head to look at Xu Qijing.

Then, he showed a look of surprise: "Pala pala~"

The opening is the language Xu Qijing can't understand at all.

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