Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 835


Chapter 835 Does this work too?

More benefits?

Listening to what Long Qingchen said, the powerhouses of the undead are all complexions slightly changed, which is a bit hard to look at. Obviously, Long Qingchen has a great appetite and doesn't intend to settle things like this.

The Crepe Myrtle sect Master and Big Dipper Sect Master stayed for a while, more interest?

Asking for more benefits from the undead, isn't that pulling teeth?

This is something they can't even imagine.

The Crepe Myrtle sect looked at the faces of the undead powerhouses cautiously, and said in a low voice, "Holy Son, the undead can avoid the tribute of our Crepe Myrtle sect, we Crepe Myrtle sect are very satisfied. , I dare not ask for anything else."

The Big Dipper Sect Master also said, "The Holy Son, our Big Dipper Sect is also very satisfied."

"I'm not satisfied!"

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "My appearance fee is very expensive, how can I go on an errand for nothing?"

Crepe Myrtle Sect Master and Big Dipper Sect Master are both bitter They looked at Long Qingchen pleadingly, they really didn't want to offend the undead.

Shadow pondered for a moment, then said, "Dragon Clan's Holy Son, for your sake, we undead have spared Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper's tribute, which has already given you a lot of face, I hope Don't go too far, so as not to hurt the peace."

"Am I going too far?"

Long Qingchen sneered and stood up slowly.

“Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper sect are not subordinates of your undead. Is it not too much for you to let Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper sect tribute for so many years?”

“ Also, Ancestor Master of Crepe Myrtle sect and Ancestor Master of Big Dipper sect are old friends of our Dragon Clan clan, you undead let our Dragon Clan friends pay tribute, are you despising our Dragon Clan?”

His voice was loud, echoing in the great hall.

The Crepe Myrtle sect Master and the Big Dipper Sect Master are both stunned for a while, which is too much to say? Casually put the charge on the head of the undead.

The powerhouses of the undead are all complexion ashens, faintly angry, but dare not attack.

The acolyte also stood up and stared at Long Qingchen condescendingly.

"Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper sect belong to small and medium forces. Our undead are the Great Influence. Small and medium forces pay tribute to the Great Influence. This is a common phenomenon in the entire universe!"

"As for the fact that Crepe Myrtle sect's Ancestor Master and Big Dipper's Ancestor Master are old friends of the Dragon Clan, we undead didn't know about it before, but now that we know it, these two sects are eliminated. The tribute paid to Dragon Clan has given enough face to Dragon Clan, and it does not mean to despise Dragon Clan.”

“Holy Son, it is not appropriate for you to impose a crime on our undead like this?”

"If you spread it out, I'm afraid it will damage the prestige of your Holy Son, and also damage the face of Dragon Clan!"

Long Qingchen sneered, "You undead, that is, ninety-five stars, you are the Great Influence, we Dragon Clan are the real Super Great Influence, according to the universality of the universe. Phenomenon, shouldn't you undead pay tribute to our Dragon Clan?"

"You're making excuses!"

The acolyte said angrily, "If your Dragon Clan's territory is in the galaxy , we undead should naturally pay tribute to you Dragon Clan, but your Dragon Clan's territory is not in the Milky Way!"

"This is easy to handle."

Long Qingchen looked towards Crepe Myrtle Sect Master and Big Dipper Sect Master, "I intend to set up a branch for Dragon Clan within the Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper sect's territory, do you have any opinions?"

Is that okay?

The Crepe Myrtle Sect Master and Big Dipper Sect Master are both stared wide-eyed, I really admire the thickness of Long Qingchen's face

If Dragon Clan branch is really set up in Crepe Myrtle In the territory of the sect and the Big Dipper clan, who would dare to bully the Crepe Myrtle sect and the Big Dipper clan in the future?

Thinking of this, the Big Dipper Sect Master quickly agreed, "No problem!"

The Crepe Myrtle sect Master's mouth was almost crooked, "Welcome Dragon Clan to our Crepe Myrtle sect territory. Set up a branch in the galaxy!"

Long Qingchen looked towards the acolyte indifferently, "Did you hear, we Dragon Clan have a branch in the galaxy, in the future, you undead have to pay tribute to our Dragon Clan, no need to Too much, just one hundred trillion Immortal Spirit stones per year."

One hundred trillion?

The Crepe Myrtle sect Master and the Big Dipper Sect Master are both tongue-tied, this is no way for the undead to survive

It won't take many years to extract all the undead's cultivation resources Do!

"Long Qingchen, don't bully intolerably!"

"We give you face, do you think our undead are easy to bully?"

undead The powerhouses were all furious, unable to bear it any longer, they stood up one after another and surrounded Long Qingchen.


"Is this going to use force?"

Long Qingchen glanced at them flatly, then turned over and took out the last Ancestral Dragon Lin, "We Dragon Clan, the most fearless thing is to use force, come and come, let me see the true strength of your undead, an Ancestral Dragon Lin may not be able to destroy your undead, but protect me from the undead, Returning to Dragon Clan, it's no problem, when I return to Dragon Clan, the disaster of your undead will come."

The Supreme Dragon's Might emitted by the Ancestral Dragon will make the powerhouses of the undead all overwhelmed. Subconsciously took a few steps back.

The whole Bone great hall was quiet and the atmosphere was a little depressed.


Shadow suddenly laughed, "Dragon Clan's Holy Son, worthy of the young king of the entire universe, came alone to our undead Holy Land, but... Don't be afraid, I'll be admiring it, I have something to say, there's no need to go to war and hurt peace."

Guilong looked at Long Qingchen pleadingly, "Holy Son, our undead and Dragon Clan lacking hatred and enmity, there's no need for that."

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "Then we need the sincerity of your undead."

"Let's take a step back, "

Shadow said, "Let us undead give Dragon Clan one hundred trillion Immortal Spirit stones every year, this is too much, change the conditions."

"Okay, I'm not unreasonable either."

Long Qingchen didn't push the undead to a dead end. After all, he didn't know if the undead had other experts. If the undead had two powers beyond the emperor realm , his Ancestral Dragon Lin is difficult to protect him, so he also scare the undead.

He thought for a moment, "I have three conditions, the first condition, as you have just said, exempt the Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper from the tribute; the second condition, the Crepe Myrtle sect All the cultivation resources that the Big Dipper sect has contributed to the undead for so many years will be refunded; the third condition is that the undead will compensate me with 10 trillion Immortal Spirit stones, and I cannot go on an errand for nothing.”

After listening to these three conditions, the powerhouses of the undead can't help being sighed in relief. Although these three conditions are a bit excessive, they are within the acceptable range of the undead.


Shadow agreed directly, "We undead agree to all these three conditions."

He took out two space The ring, sent to Long Qingchen from a distance, "The two space rings, each containing 10 trillion Immortal Spirit stones, are considered as a refund for the tributes of Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper over the years, as well as compensation for delaying the total Holy Son time. ."

Long Qingchen checked it with induction, and there was no problem. He handed one of the space rings to the Crepe Myrtle Sect Master and the Big Dipper Sect Master, and put away the other one by himself.

The Crepe Myrtle sect master just wanted to reach out to take it, but the Big Dipper Sect Master glared at it and kept winking.

The Lord Crepe Myrtle sect hurriedly retracted his hand and said with a smile, "Holy Son helped us to get ahead, and these cultivation resources should be considered as a reward for Holy Son."

Long Qingchen put it away with satisfaction, that's about it!

The Big Dipper Sect Master asks the undead powerhouses, "Should we let go of our Saintess?"


undead powerhouses They glanced at each other, and they all looked strange, a little embarrassed.

(end of this chapter)

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