Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 834


Chapter 834 Look at what you are doing

sou! sou! sou!

After a while, a group of "strange" undead creatures flew out from the undead Holy Land.

The Big Dipper Sect Master and the Crepe Myrtle sect master both had their complexion slightly changed, and subconsciously took a few steps back and stood behind Long Qingchen.

I see, this group of "strange" undead creatures have their own characteristics.

There is a monk who is surrounded by death, with pale eyes, no pupils, and curved, green, long and sharp nails on both hands. This is a famous acolyte among the undead creatures.

It is said that after attaining the Taoist monk's death, if the body still has obsessions and is buried in the land of Yin Fiend, it is possible to transform into an acolyte.

There is a ghost dragon with no dragon body and no dragon soul. It is composed entirely of dragon-shaped baleful aura.

The ghost dragon, strictly speaking, is not the True Dragon family, but the "Dragon Transformation class" creatures such as Flood Dragon and anaconda, which failed in the process of moving towards Dragon Clan evolution. After death, If there is still obsession, it may turn into a ghost dragon.

There is also a dead shadow, with no body or soul, just a shadow, which looks a little frightened.

There are many, many undead creatures that even Long Qingchen can't recognize.

The cultivation base of each of these undead creatures is above the emperor realm.

The strongest one is the shadow. The cultivation base has surpassed the emperor realm. Long Qingchen estimates that the shadow's strength is not weaker than Xuanyi Dragon Emperor.

The Lord Crepe Myrtle sect whispered to Long Qingchen, "This shadow is the Supreme Elder of the undead, the ghost dragon is the patriarch of the undead, the acolyte is the Great Elder, the cultivation base of the shadow It has surpassed the emperor realm, the cultivation base of Guilong has reached the peak of the emperor realm, the acolyte is also the emperor realm Peak, and the rest are high-level emperor realm." Fifteen-star Great Influence, it is normal to have such strength.

"Hahaha, what wind brought the Holy Son of Dragon Clan, rare guest, rare guest."

The shadow laughed loudly, but it felt a little gloomy, as if from Nine Nether Came from inside.

Although this is an expert beyond the realm of the emperor, Long Qingchen did not lower his posture, still looking aloof and remote, indifferently said, "I have something to do, visit the undead. ."

"Dear upper dragon, lower ghost dragon, I salute you."

The ghost dragon slowly floated to Long Qingchen, prostrate on the ground, and made a kowtow. Great gift, very respectful.

The Big Dipper Sect Master and the Crepe Myrtle sect master stared blankly at this scene. In fact, they did not know that regardless of the level of the cultivation base, the lower dragons such as Flood Dragon, Anaconda, and Lizard Dragon, In front of the superior dragon, he was born inferior and very humble.

The poet monk slightly frowned, a little dissatisfied, "Ghost Dragon, you are the patriarch of our undead, representing the face of our undead, how can you make this gift to Long Qingchen? Although Long Qingchen is Dragon Clan The total Holy Son has a distinguished status, but after all, he is only a young generation."

The ghost dragon slowly got up and glanced at the poet monk, "I am the next dragon, and I salute the upper dragon. It's the right thing to do, I'm not saluting as the patriarch of the undead."

"You are the patriarch of the undead, always remember that you represent the face of the undead!"

The acolyte was annoyed, "If you can't do it, then don't be a patriarch!"

Guilong coldly said, "I'm not a patriarch, who will be the one? Will you be the one? I know, You have long coveted the position of patriarch, and today, you can't help but say it!"

The acolyte was trembling with anger, and pointed at him with a trembling hand, "Idiot!"

"You say it again!"

Guilong was furious, "What's the crime?"

The shadow scolded, "Okay, just say a few words less. I'm not afraid of being laughed at in front of outsiders."

Long Qingchen's eyes flickered, it seems that this undead are not monolithic, this ghost dragon and acolytes are somewhat different, so this Even better.

"Holy Son, let you see a joke."

Shadow laughed, reached out, made a "please" gesture, "inside please."


Long Qingchen flew inside first.

The Crepe Myrtle sect Master and the Big Dipper Sect Master, both followed him in step.

Long Qingchen is a bit funny, when the powerhouses of the undead didn't appear, the Crepe Myrtle sect master and the Big Dipper Sect Master were very courageous, after the powerhouses of the undead appeared, the Crepe Myrtle sect master and the Big Dipper were very brave Sect Master didn't dare to kick in the air, like a mouse that saw a cat.

It's relieved to think about it. Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper have been bullied by the undead for so many years, and their fear has already penetrated deep into their bones. In a short period of time, it is difficult to eliminate the fear of the undead.

sou! sou! sou!

After flying for hundreds of miles, to the depths of the undead Holy Land, I came to a great hall made of bones, where the host and the guest were seated. .

Shadow sat on the main seat, as if not seated, he asked with a smile, "I wonder why the Dragon Clan chief Holy Son visited our undead all the way?"

The ghost dragon sat on the left side of the shadow and said, "Although Holy Son opens his mouth, as long as I can do it, I will spare no effort and die."

The acolyte sat on the right side of the shadow. The location, he couldn't help but frown at Guilong again, but he didn't say anything, so as not to quarrel again.

Long Qingchen was sitting in the guest seat, Crepe Myrtle Sect Master and Big Dipper Sect Master stood behind him, not daring to take a seat, he spoke of which indifferently.

"It's not a big deal."

"I've been in retreat for more than 500 years.>

"Many years ago, an elder of our Dragon Clan family met Ancestor Master of Crepe Myrtle sect and Ancestor Master of Big Dipper sect. They were friends. I came to Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper sect as a guest."

"I heard that Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper sect have to pay tribute to the Three Great Influences of the Undead, Saint Immortal Sect and Sword Immortal Sect every year, and donate a lot of cultivation resources, making Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper sect overwhelmed. , so I will accompany Crepe Myrtle Sect Master and Big Dipper Sect Master on a trip to the undead."

Hearing what he said, the undead powerhouses looked at each other and immediately understood what he meant. , apparently, it's coming out for Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper.

Guilong said quickly, "Since Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper are old friends of Dragon Clan, from now on, Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper's tribute will be exempted. "

"How can you avoid it!"

The acolyte couldn't help but get annoyed, "If the tributes from the Crepe Myrtle sect and the Big Dipper sect are avoided, then, What will other small and medium-sized forces think? They will definitely be dissatisfied and don't want to pay tribute."

Guilong sneered, "The Holy Son has come to intercede for Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper sect, enough is enough. We undead face, you don't be fool enough to reject a face-saving offer, if you anger the Holy Son, summon the Ancestral Dragon, how many heads do you dare to challenge the Ancestral Dragon?"

The acolyte's face was gloomy, but he was speechless. Indeed, fighting against Long Qingchen would be equivalent to fighting against Dragon Clan. Ninety-five star undead are not enough to compete with Dragon Clan.

Shadow looked deeply Big Dipper Sect Master and Crepe Myrtle sect Master, lightly said with a smile, "Since Dragon Clan's Holy Son intercedes for you, then the tribute of Big Dipper Sect and Crepe Myrtle sect, just Don't worry."

The Big Dipper Sect Master and the Crepe Myrtle sect Master looked at each other and were overjoyed, didn't expect, so easy to avoid.

The Big Dipper Sect Master bowed and saluted, "many thanks, the undead are considerate."

The Crepe Myrtle sect hurriedly saluted, "many thanks."

"Look at what you're doing."

Long Qingchen looked at the two of them indifferently, "Since I'm here in person, then it's not as simple as paying tribute, I'll help you Crepe Myrtle sect and Big Dipper for more.”

(end of this chapter)

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