Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1194


Chapter 1194 Little Half Step Eternal

“Have you got the accessories?”

Seeing Long Qingchen coming back, the middle-aged woman Forging Master hurriedly asked, the black flame golden crystal as big as a hill was in front of her, no Forging Master could be indifferent, she couldn't wait.

"I personally went out and got it."

Long Qingchen laughed, his eyes flickered, he deliberately left Heiyan Jinjing here, in fact, he wanted to test Let's take a look at these three Forging Masters. If anyone dares to run away with the black flame gold crystal, they will never get out of the Heavenly Dragon galaxy.
He took out three accessories and distributed them to the three Forging Masters, "You can start casting."

"It's not suitable to cast here, right?"

The old Forging Master looked around, "To build such a top-level Small World, the temperature is very high, it is easy to cast this fairy. The temple is destroyed."

"It's okay, just destroy it."

Long Qingchen smiled lightly, "Anyway, we Dragon Clan have decided to move, these fairy temples It's too big to move."

Hearing this, the three Forging Masters looked at each other and said nothing more. It's no secret that Dragon Clan is going to migrate. The entire universe is no secret. all know.

Three Forging Masters take out forging tools such as furnaces, hammers, sandboxes, templates, shovels and more.

"The three are worthy of being Forging Masters, and each forging tool is a Treasure of High Level."

Looking at these forging tools, Long Qingchen's eyes lit up, he With the memory of Dragon Emperor Jiu Ni, and know how to forge, you can see the extraordinaryness of these refining tools at a glance.

Of course, the casting skill of Dragon Emperor Jiu Ni is very difficult to deal with in the Emperor Realm, but, compared with these real Forging Masters, that is the difference between Heaven and Earth, simply not one level.

The young Forging Master stretched out his fair and slender hand and slowly stroked the refining tools, like the closest lover, he finally picked up the forging hammer, said with a smile, "Among my refining tools, my favorite is this hammer, which was passed on to me by my master. Back then, my master used this hammer to help the Sect of Ten Thousand Buddhas to create a name that has been passed down through the ages. The Sumeru Realm.”

“My favorite refining tool is this furnace.”

The old Forging Master was a little excited, “I tell you, my The furnace is incredible. I dug it out of an ancient tomb. That ancient tomb was the burial place of a super Forging Master from the Ancient Times. I dug his tomb, which is equivalent to his half disciple. ."

The middle-aged woman Forging Master said with a sad expression, "I'm different from you, I like every piece of my refining tool, these are the relics of my Dao Companion, my Dao Companion Although he is not well-known, he is really talented. He dedicated his life to casting, and sacrificed his own life in order to make these refining tools appear."

Long Qingchen Somewhat surprised, this is a ruthless na.

The young Forging Master and the old Forging Master are also smacking their tongues, and they are in awe of her Dao Companion. Obviously, her Dao Companion is a Forging Master with faith, who regards casting as more than life. more important.

"Okay, let's not talk about these sad past events."

The middle-aged woman Forging Master laughed, but her smile was a bit bleak.

Long Qingchen's thoughts moved, the reverse scale turned into a sword, and he swung it twice.



The black flame golden crystal as big as a hill was immediately cut into three pieces.

"What kind of weapon is this, it's so sharp."

"Is it the legendary eternal weapon?".
The three Forging Masters all looked at it in surprise The war sword in his hand, you must know, the black flame gold crystal is extremely hard, comparable to the indestructible Peak weapon, while the war sword in Long Qingchen's hand can easily cut the black flame gold crystal, you can see how sharp it is.

Long Qingchen didn't explain, the reverse scale is one of his killing moves, of course, the less people know about it, the better, he said with a smile, "To build a top-level Small World, I will trouble the three of you. Now."

"Dragon Clan patriarch is very kind. We are honored to be able to use top-grade materials such as black flame gold crystal. Even if you don't pay us, we don't want to leave."

"Hahaha, that's right, if I had known that there was such a material as Black Flame Gold Crystal, I would have come without payment.".
The three Forging Masters bowed their hands in return and laughed.

Long Qingchen didn't say anything more and left.

"Send an order to designate this immortal palace as a forbidden area. Without my order, no one is allowed to disturb the three Forging Masters."

When he reached the door, Long Qingchen Orders were given to the guards of this immortal temple.

He wanted to stay and watch, but each Forging Master has his own unique skills. If he stayed to watch, it would be stealing other people's unique skills, or it would be better to avoid suspicion.

The entire Dragon Clan has been very busy in preparation for the migration.

Busy mining Spirit Stone Ore Vein.

Busy collecting Immortal Medicine.

In a word, it is a sentence: in the Dragon Clan territory, if you can move anything of value, try to move it away!

"The Gu Family has sent me news that the five Ancestor Masters of our Gu Family are ready to come to this universe."

Gu Xiaojun found Long Qingchen, talking about this matter.

Long Qingchen was shocked, "When?"

Gu Xiaojun said, "It's estimated to be within this or two hours."

Long Qingchen said with a smile, "Then we Dragon Clan can greet you."

Gu Xiaojun waved his hand slightly, "You don't need to be so solemn."

"I personally greet you, That will give you enough face as Ancestor Master."

Zhan Qingmian stepped out from inside the Void, she hands behind back, posing as an expert outside the world.

Gu Xiaojun rolled his eyes.

Long Qingchen's eyes were also different. Obviously, her old problem had relapsed and she was gone.

“Hey hey hey, what kind of eyes do you guys look at.”

Zhan Qingmian put his hands on his hips, “The five Ancestor Masters of the Gu Family are also Half Step Eternal, as if I am not a Half Step The same as Eternal."

Gu Xiaojun corrected with a smile, "You are the weakest Half Step Eternal, and should be called the Little Half Step Eternal."

Zhan Qingmian disdainfully, "Little Half Step Eternal is also stronger than you, an inextinguishable high-level ant."

Gu Xiaojun's face suddenly darkened. Over the years, he was really depressed. The super genius of each universe, One after another, he broke through to the Inextinguishable Peak, but he still stayed at the Inextinguishable High Rank, which has already opened a huge gap.

Long Qingchen informed the six ancestors and five Ancestral Dragons of the upcoming arrival of the five Ancestor Masters in the Gu Family.

The six ancestors and the five Ancestral Dragons are very serious and are ready to greet them with a grand welcome.

You must know that Gu Xiaojun's family is a super Great Family, and the five Ancestor Masters are peerless powerhouses in the Half Step Eternal realm.

With the friendship between Gu Xiaojun and Long Qingchen, the five Ancestor Masters of the Gu Family will naturally become Dragon Clan's allies after they come to this universe.

The five more allies of the Half Step Eternal, the six Progenitors and the five Ancestral Dragons are of course delighted.

(end of this chapter)

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