Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1193


Chapter 1193 is big!
"The Xumi Realm of the Sect of Ten Thousand Buddhas was created by my Master."

The young Forging Master only had this sentence.

Long Qingchen's eyes lit up, "Are you sure you can create a top-level Small World like the Sumeru world?"

The young Forging Master shook his head slightly, "My casting skills are not as good as Master's. , but I can give it a try, even if it is not as good as the Sumeru Realm, it will not be much worse."

Long Qingchen asked, "Where is your Master, can you please come over, don't worry. , the remuneration will definitely satisfy your master and disciple."

The young Forging Master's expression darkened, "Master, he is an old man, he has already passed away."

Immortal, that is, dead Meaning.Long Qingchen can't say anything more.

The middle-aged woman Forging Master asked, "Let's build the top Small World, do you know what materials Dragon Clan has prepared?"

"Yes, the materials that carry the top Small World , must have the highest material, if the material does not meet the standard, no matter how strong our casting ability is, it is useless, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.”

The old Forging Master is also concerned about this issue.

Long Qingchen laughed, "Don't worry, the material is definitely the highest."

With a wave of his hand, he moved out the space ring and put it on the ground, the whole great hall trembled.

"This is the black flame gold crystal!"

The young Forging Master exclaimed, he recognized it at a glance, "didn't expect, I can see this kind of thing again in my lifetime. Top-quality materials, when I followed the Master before, I saw a piece the size of a palm in the Master's treasure chest. The Master hid it like a treasure and seldom took it out. However, the piece in front of me was as big as a hill. ”

Looking at the black flame gold crystal as big as a hill, the old man Forging Master and the middle-aged woman Forging Master are also sucked in a cold breath, a top material such as black flame gold crystal, any small piece is priceless, This piece of black flame gold crystal as big as a hill is immeasurable in value!
The old man Forging Master said with emotion, "As expected of Dragon Clan, it's really rich and imposing."

The middle-aged woman Forging Master said excitedly, "With such top materials, I can create a top Small World I can increase my confidence by at least 10%!"

The old man Forging Master said with a smile, "I am also more confident."

Long Qingchen said, "The three still need What accessories, you can write me a list."

"I need these accessories."

"Here are the accessories I need.".
Three Forging Masters He took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and worked hard to write. Soon, he wrote the list and handed it to him.

Long Qingchen took over the list written by the three of them, looked at them, and found that the lists written by the three of them were exactly the same, which further proves that the three of them are all capable people and know how to create a top-level Small World. Otherwise, the list would not be the same.

"Okay, I'll go get you the accessories."

Long Qingchen took one step, crossed the void, and came directly to the gate of Dragon Clan's treasury.

It's quite fun to find the guards guarding the vaults getting together to play dice and bet on Immortal Spirit stones.

"It's my turn to be the banker, hurry up and bet!"

"place your bets and hands off the table!".
Library owner Elder holds both hands Hold the sieve cup, shake it up and down, left and right, and the dice make an "oh la la" sound in the sieve cup.

Long Qingchen slightly frowned, strode over, took out the total patriarch token, bet on the word "big", "I buy big."

"Okay, place your bets and hands off the table."

The treasure house Elder stared at the total patriarch token, his eyes brightened, "What material is this made of, based on my experience in guarding the treasure house for many years, This is definitely a treasure!"

"Brother, you even gamble with this kind of treasure, you are not afraid that your parents will kill you."

"Yes, A small bet on happiness, a big bet on your health.”.
The guards looked curiously towards this young man in azure clothes, and when they saw it, they all almost urinated, face deathly pale, with cold sweat on their foreheads, and hurriedly knelt down , lowered his head and dared not lift it up.

"Why don't you bet yet, what are you doing on your knees?"

The treasure elder looked at the guards strangely, "Didn't I tell you already, At the gaming table, there are no relatives, no friends, and there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates, so there is no need to give me such a big gift."

The guards slowly lifted the head, all blushing. Turned into the liver color, his eyes extended the hand strangely, and pointed to the youth with azure clothes.

Treasure Elder looked towards azure clothes The young man was stunned when he saw it, his mouth widened, his face deathly pale, his body was shaking, his hands were shaking. The sieve cup fell to the ground.

Two dice rolled.

Both show "six o'clock".

Long Qingchen looked at the two dice indifferently, "I won."

Treasure Elder's knees went soft, and he fell to his knees, trembling and his voice trembling, "Please be kind to patriarch!"

Long Qingchen said with a flat gaze, "I won, you Banker, should I pay me a total patriarch token?"

bang bang bang!
Treasure Elder was about to cry, kept kowtowing, and screamed like a pig, "Bang bang bang! The next crime deserving ten thousand deaths, please be kind to the patriarch!"

Long Qingchen picked up the total patriarch token on the gaming table and threw it into the space ring, his voice was cold, "Treasure house, It is one of the most important places in Dragon Clan. I don’t need to say more about its importance. You should also understand that as a treasure trove Elder, you take the lead in gambling, neglect your duties, and go to Law Enforcement Hall to collect the penalty yourself.”

Treasure Elder really cried, old tears were muddy, "Law Enforcement Hall has always been strict, this subordinate went to Law Enforcement Hall, I am afraid that the place of Treasure Elder will be gone, and I will definitely be punished to go to the desolate planet to open up wasteland, please For the sake of his subordinates who have guarded the treasury for more than 100,000 years, the general patriarch has no credit or hard work, so please spare this time."

"Please be kind to the general patriarch, and take it lightly."

"The children and grandchildren of the Treasure Elder are disappointing, and they all count on his monthly salary. Without this monthly salary, it will be difficult for everyone in the Treasure Elder.".
The guards couldn't bear it. They all pleaded.

Long Qingchen glanced at them, "Are you still too embarrassed to ask for mercy?"

"Subordinates are willing to be punished."

"Subordinates are also willing to be punished, but only Lord patriarch please take light on the Vault Elder.".
The guards were all ashamed.

"You guys are quite loyal."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "Have you ever thought that if the entire Dragon Clan is as derelict as you are, then Dragon Clan Clan has long been wiped out by other Super Influences."

The guards and Elder Fang bowed their heads and dared not speak.

"Go to the Law Enforcement Hall by yourselves."

Long Qingchen looked at them, "Treasury Elder, collar, one hundred floggings; guard, collar, ten floggings. "

"many thanks patriarch!"

"patriarch benevolent!".
Elder Fang and the guards were overjoyed and kept kowtowing, although they still wanted to Go to the Law Enforcement Hall, but the patriarch has already set a punishment for them, and even if the Law Enforcement Hall is severe, they will not dare to impose a heavier punishment on them.

"I'll spare you this time. Next time, if you dare to neglect your duties again, you will be punished severely."

Long Qingchen put the three lists on the gambling table, "Get up, all the accessories I need for these refining tools."

The treasure trove Elder Elder and the guards got up quickly, took the three lists, and eagerly went to find the accessories for the refining tools.

After a while, all the accessories for the refining tool were found, and the treasure trove Elder held it in both hands and handed it to Long Qingchen respectfully.

Long Qingchen took these refining accessories and left.

Treasure Elder Long sighed in relief, there is a sense of relief.

A guard said suspiciously, "According to our Dragon Clan's regulations, no one can take cultivation resources from the treasury without authorization. Approval, the chief patriarch did not have the approval of the dispatching hall, and directly took so many refining accessories from the treasure house. It seems that it is not in line with the rules."

"Yeah, even if he is the chief patriarch, he cannot use it without authorization. Taking the cultivation resources from the treasure house is really not in line with the regulations."

"When the dispatching hall took stock of the treasure house, it found that so many refining accessories were missing, and it would definitely be held accountable, what should I do?".
The other guards were also a little confused.

Treasure Vault Elder said ill-humoredly, "You know the shit, the rules are dead, the dragon is alive, when the dispatch hall takes inventory of the treasure house, we only need to say that the chief patriarch took it away, dispatch hall Don't you dare to go to the chief patriarch to settle the account? The dispatch hall will definitely issue a new approval order obediently, that's all."

(end of this chapter)

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