Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1144


Chapter 1144 is not difficult at all!

Facing the frigid irony and scorching satire of Chen Dao, Xue Yiren, and Su Yunxi, Long Qingchen looked indifferent from start to finish. If he put it in the past, he would get angry on the spot. The so-called identity determines vision and strength. To decide the pattern, with his current status and strength, only the top Supreme geniuses and older generation powerhouses can be regarded by him. These three people are like stinky-dog-shit on the side of the road, and he is too lazy to step on them.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Chen Dao, Xue Yiren, and Su Yunxi looked at each other, and the playfulness in their eyes became more intense.

Chen Dao said with a smile, "Brother Wuyan, this Celestial Grotto, you need an Undead Realm weapon to enter the door. For you loose cultivators, an Undead Realm weapon is not a small thing. The number, you are gambling with your entire net worth."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "Rich and noble, seek at risk, I have always been lucky."

"hahaha, Then we will wait and see."

Chen Dao laughed.

Su Yunxi said, "Loose cultivator has no cultivation resources to support, and there is no backing behind it. It's hard to get together an Undead Realm weapon with thrifty and thrifty. The courage to use Celestial Grotto to gamble is commendable, but I don't advocate this kind of gambler's psychology."

Xue Yiren lightly said with a smile, "I don't advocate this kind of practice, we Great Influencers The dísciple is different from the loose cultivator, an Undead Realm weapon, for us Great Influence dísciple, it doesn't matter, so we are here to play casually, but, for the loose cultivator, a Undead Realm weapons, almost all the net worth, come here with all the net worth, slap the swollen face as a fatty, not very good."

The words of the three people are getting more and more ugly, and Xu Mengyan can't listen to it. "Everyone has their own way of life, and the same is true for cultivators. There is no need to point fingers at others."

Hearing this, Chen Dao, Su Yunxi, and Xue Yi can only laugh, not So much to say.

Xu Mengyan looked towards Long Qingchen, "This is the first time you have come to Wanqi Celestial Grotto, you are not familiar with this place, may I tell you something?"

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "Okay."

Mengyan pointed to the weapons that covered the entire cave, "First of all, everyone who comes in has three chances to shoot, if they can't pick up weapons after three chances. , then, we can only return empty-handed; secondly, the closer to the weapon in the cave, the higher the rank, of course, the more difficult it is to pick up, it depends on your personal choice."

Long Qingchen asked. Said, "Just now, I heard from the gatekeeper that I can only take one weapon from here. What if I take three shots and pick up three weapons?"

Maybe this question is a bit of a problem. It's funny, Xue Yiren couldn't help laughing, "Since ancient times, there are countless young geniuses who have come here and can only pick up two weapons at most, and no one has ever picked up three weapons. Do you think that you have Is this kind of ability?"

Xu Mengyan ignored her and explained to Long Qingchen, "If you shoot three times and pick up three weapons, then you can choose to take the best one with you."

“so that's how it is.”

Long Qingchen got it.

Xu Mengyan said, "You can first see how we choose weapons, and then you will learn."

So, Long Qingchen watched from the side.

Chen Dao walked straight towards a golden sword, confidently saying with a smile, "same name as me, I major in Blade Technique, I lack a handy knife, This golden sword is an Imperishable Realm weapon. I have been interested in it for a long time. Unfortunately, the last few times I came here, my cultivation base has not reached the realm of immortality, so I cannot afford this sword. My cultivation base has finally broken through to the realm of immortality, and I should be able to pick it up."

"Get up!"

He slumped and took the hilt of the sword with both hands, loudly shouted , suddenly lifted up!

The golden sword trembled, shining golden light, shaking his palms apart, causing his palms to crack and seeping out a large amount of blood!

This made Chen Dao's face a little ugly. He gritted his teeth tightly, rubbed the blood on his hands, and held the handle of the knife again, "I still can't believe it!"

The cultivation base of his immortal realm broke out completely, all his immortal strength and power, acting on his palms, suddenly lifted up again.

However, the golden sword erupted with brilliant golden rays of light, shattering both his palms and arms, becoming a blood mist!
Chen Dao's whole body was like being drunk, he stumbled and fell back, sitting on the ground, coughing up blood, and was seriously injured!
Looking at Chen Dao's battered and exhausted appearance, Xue Yi and Su Yunxi were a little speechless.

Xu Mengyan said, "Brother Chen, you've already used your chances twice, and you've been seriously injured, so come back next time to get this golden sword."

Chen Dao stood up helplessly, "Maybe I just broke through the Indestructible Realm not long ago, and it's not stable yet, so I can't get the recognition of this golden sword. Next time, it should be fine."

"I still have a chance to shoot, take an Undead Realm weapon, save the money."

He walked to the area of the Undead Realm weapon, grasped the hilt of a war sword in both hands, and slammed towards He lifted it up, his face flushed red, and with great strength, he finally picked it up and put it into the space ring, sighed in relief.

Long Qingchen was a little surprised, "Are the weapons here so hard to get?"

Xu Mengyan explained, "The weapons here are suppressed by the eternal weapons and want to take them away, It's not that easy."

Chen Dao lightly glanced at Long Qingchen, "It doesn't hurt to stand and talk, just try it and you'll know."

Long Qingchen pointed at the golden sword. He walked over, grabbed the handle of the knife with one hand, and lifted it up without much effort.

Chen Dao, Su Yunxi, and Xue Yi all stared blankly at this scene.

Xu Mengyan was also dazed. That golden sword was an indestructible low-grade weapon. With her Imperishable Realm medium-grade cultivation base, she could also pick it up, but it was absolutely impossible to do so easily.

"I don't think it's very difficult."

Long Qingchen held the golden blade in his right hand and trimmed the nails of his left hand. He found that the golden blade was not very sharp, so he was not interested. , put it back on the ground.

Chen Dao complexion ashen, has a feeling of wanting to vomit blood, he can't pick it up with all his strength, but this loose cultivator picks it up so easily, which makes him incomprehensible.

Su Yunxi and Xue Yiren frowned tightly, not understanding.

Xu Mengyan looked at Long Qingchen deeply, "Since you can pick up an indestructible low-grade weapon so easily, you can try to see if you can pick up a higher-grade weapon."

Long Qingchen has the hand of the sky, the reverse scale, the spear of destruction and the weapons of the Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son. In fact, he does not lack weapons at all. He is here mainly for the eternal weapons.

Unfortunately, the eternal weapon here seems to be not to be trifled with, so he can only give it up and settle for the next best thing. It is not bad to take a high-grade inextinguishable weapon from here.

He skipped the area of indestructible intermediate weapons and walked directly to the area of indestructible high-level weapons. He mentioned it easily, which made him a little confused, what's the situation?
Chen Dao, Su Yunxi, and Xue Yiren are even more dumbfounded. It is an inextinguishable high-level weapon. Even if the top ten Supreme geniuses come, they may not be able to pick it up. In his hands, it is like picking up A straw so easy.

Xu Mengyan was also a little speechless, this loose cultivator seems a little evil.

"Is it because I have the eternal weapon of Heaven Supreme Treasure in my hand, so when I hold the weapon, I am not suppressed by the eternal weapon of this cave?"

Long Qingchen's heart moved, and he could only think like this.

(end of this chapter)

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