Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1143


Chapter 1143 Raising the Soul of the Soldier!
Long Qingchen crossed the void and left directly.

He performed a secret technique again, changing his face, body shape, breath and other characteristics, turning into a young man with star eyes and sword eyebrows, and he changed into Immortal Cloth dressed in sky blue.

Because he couldn't trust Yao Xi and Wu Yu, he was worried that they would spread his news and would attract the pursuit of the Great Influence elder powerhouses, so it was better to change it.

He came to Wanqi Celestial Grotto, his eyelids jumped, because he saw a familiar person, the gatekeeper of Wanqi Celestial Grotto and the gatekeeper of Feixian Blessed Land. It's exactly the same, even the breath is the same, it's obviously the same person, but, I don't know which is the real body?
"Your face and breath are very unfamiliar. It must be the first time you have come to Wanqi Celestial Grotto, right?"

The old man opened his eyes and questioned.

Long Qingchen felt strange, this old man couldn't see through his hidden secret technique.
There are two possibilities.

first maybe, this old man is just an incarnation, not a real body, the cultivation base is not as strong as the old man in Feixian Blessed Land, so he can't see through his hidden secrets
second maybe, his cultivation base reaches The Perfection of the Imperishable Realm intermediate level is stronger than before, and the hidden secrets he casts naturally become stronger, making the old man unable to see through.

"Yes, this is the first time I come to Wanqi Celestial Grotto."

Long Qingchen laughed without saying anything.

The old man said, "You should have heard the rules of the Celestial Grotto of Wanqi. You need to pay for an Undead Realm weapon to enter. After entering, can you take away the weapons in the Celestial Grotto of Wanqi? , what kind of weapon you can take depends on your own ability."

Long Qingchen took out an Undead Realm weapon and handed it to the old man, "I've heard the rules of Celestial Grotto of Ten Thousand Weapons, However, I have two doubts in my heart, please senior to answer."

The old man took the weapon of Undead Realm, "If you have any doubts, ask."

Long Qingchen said, "First One doubt, every young generation who comes to Celestial Grotto, needs to pay for an Undead Realm weapon, then, who took these weapons in the end? Is it senior you, or the Great Influence? The second doubt, Wanqi Celestial Is there really an eternal weapon in Grotto, and if so, why are the Great Influences not fighting for it?"

"Good question."

The old man smiled lightly, "This is the same as the ten thousand weapons. Celestial Grotto's origin."

Long Qingchen said, "All ears are listening."

The old man slowly speaking of which.

"In the early days of Ancient Times, the ancient universe perished, and an eternal weapon passed through the Space-Time Crack, fell from the sky, and fell to the Tianyuan universe. The Great Influences of the Tianyuan universe were jealous at that time, and the strong were exhausted. They want to snatch this eternal weapon.”

“However, this eternal weapon is incredible. It contains a soldier’s soul with high spiritual wisdom. In the absence of a master, the soldier’s soul will be Can control the eternal weapon, exert a part of the formidable power of the eternal weapon, kill seventeen peerless powerhouses in a row, kill the Great Influence, all are scared away, three epochs have passed, and no one can take this eternal Weapons."

"And, this place is where the eternal weapons fell from the beginning, and it settled here. The eternal weapons are like magnets, attracting countless pieces of unowned weapons in the entire universe to fly over. , followed it and settled here, forming the Celestial Grotto."

"So many weapons gathered here, which attracted many cultivators to come here, hoping to get a weapon."

"So, the soul of the eternal weapon has set three rules."

"The first rule is that only the younger generation is allowed to come here to ask for weapons, and the older generation and the strong cannot come;"

"Article 2, everyone who asks for weapons must pay an Undead Realm weapon before they can enter Celestial Grotto;"

"Article 3, Those who have entered the Celestial Grotto of Wanqi, what kind of weapons can take away, depends entirely on their own ability.”

Long Qingchen suddenly realized that he finally understood the origin of the Celestial Grotto of Wanqi. Listen quietly.

"So, do you understand?"

Speaking of this, the old man lowered his voice, "Everyone who comes here, pays Undead Realm weapons, not for me The gatekeeper, not for the Great Influence, but for the eternal weapon in the Celestial Grotto."


Long Qingchen's eyes narrowed, Note that the word "filial piety" is a bit special.

The old man said, "That's right, it's filial piety. The soul of this eternal weapon will eat an Undead Realm weapon every once in a while to maintain its spiritual wisdom. Honor it, and it won't let people take away the weapons in Celestial Grotto, it's fair."

"This eternal weapon is really strange."

Long Qingchen muttered to himself.

I don't know if the hand of heaven is stronger, or this eternal weapon is stronger.
He looked deeply at the old man and asked, "I still have a doubt, why senior is the gatekeeper of Feixian Blessed Land. People, also the gatekeeper of Celestial Grotto?"

"Apart from this, I'm still the gatekeeper of the strange land, the ferryman of the island of heaven and sea."

Old man laughed, "Because the Great Influences are suspicious of each other and are not at ease with each other, so just invite me, the loose cultivator, to be responsible for guarding these Heavenly Paradise."

"so that's how it is ."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, and then asked another question, "So, which one is the senior's true body?"

The old man laughed, " Guess."

"I can't guess."

Long Qingchen gave a salute and walked inside.

Entering the Celestial Grotto, he was immediately shocked by the sight in front of him. He saw that this was an incomparably vast cave, with all kinds of weapons, densely packed, and he couldn't see the edge at a glance. , all crawling on the ground, moved towards the innermost pilgrimage of the cave.

He couldn't help reaching out, pointing like a sword, brushing between his eyebrows, opening the ultimate Heavenly Eye, moved towards the innermost part of the cave, and found that the innermost part of the cave was shrouded in chaotic fog.

You can vaguely see that inside the chaotic fog, there is a square-shaped tripod, which is probably the eternal weapon.

ka-cha! .
Suddenly, he felt a stinging pain between his brows, and a wisp of blood oozes out. He quickly closed the ultimate Heavenly Eye. Obviously, the eternal weapon found him spying and warned him.


A chuckle caught Long Qingchen's attention.

Looking slowly along the voice, I saw a woman wearing a pure white training suit, a pure black tie bound her slender waist, a simple black and white match. The amazing feeling shows the perfect figure undoubtedly, and then looks at the appearance, oval face, white and flawless, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

However, Long Qingchen sensed this woman's Life Aura. She is definitely not only sixteen or seventeen years old, but similar to him, she is also over ten thousand years old. aged look.

The overall feeling of this woman is the perfect fusion of pure and charming, both, Top Grade.

"Is this your first time to Celestial Grotto?"

The woman chuckled, "Use Heavenly Eye to spy on the eternal weapon, thank you for being able to figure it out, fortunately the eternal weapon Don't get angry, otherwise, your Heavenly Eye will be useless."

Long Qingchen noticed that this woman's cultivation base reached the Intermediate level of Imperial Realm, which surprised him a little, this woman is definitely not An unknown person, "Who are you?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, and her beautiful eyes became strange, "You don't even know me? Really don't know, or fake don't know, I am in the whole universe but Small reputation."

Long Qingchen shook his head, "I don't know."


The woman smiled, "I am Tiannvgong. The contemporary goddess, Xu Mengyan!"

This time, it was replaced by Long Qingchen's strange expression, he remembered that more than a hundred years ago, the Eldest Prince, the Holy Son of the Universal Palace, and the goddess of the Tiannv Palace I challenged him many times, didn't expect, the woman in front of me was the goddess of the goddess palace.

Seeing his reaction was a little unusual, Xu Mengyan asked, "Am I not like the goddess of the Tiannv Palace?"

Long Qingchen cupped his hands and said, "Forgive my clumsiness, I don't recognize it, It turned out to be the contemporary goddess of the Renowned Tiannv Palace, disrespectful, disrespectful."

Xu Mengyan rolled her eyes, "Hypocritical!"

Long Qingchen touched her nose a little embarrassedly, it seemed , This Xu Mengyan is a man of temperament and doesn't like these "scenario words".

Xu Mengyan looked at him suspiciously, "What is your cultivation base? Why can't I sense your cultivation base? Could it be that you have a hidden secret spell on you?"

Long Qingchen She explained, "It's better to keep a low profile when you go out."

Xu Mengyan said with a smile, "Aren't you that azure clothes boy?"

". "Long Qingchen was a little speechless, but Xu Mengyan really guessed it right, he could only play said with a smile, "If it is, then fine."

Xu Mengyan shook her head slightly, "That boy in azure clothes has disappeared for more than a hundred years. I don't know where to hide. I suspect that he is not from our universe at all. He may have returned to other universes."

Long Qingchen heart startled, but her face remained indifferent, "No way, people from outside the universe, dare to be so arrogant in our universe?"

Xu Mengyan said, "Just think about it, is there such a possibility? It is precisely because he is a person from outside the universe that he dares to be unscrupulous in our universe and does not need to consider the consequences."

Long Qingchen nodded, "The goddess's speculation is reasonable."

I have to admit, this Xu Mengyan is really smart, and she even guessed that "azure clothes boy" is a person from the outer universe.

Xu Mengyan asked, "Which force are you, the geniuses of the Great Influence, I know most of them, but I have never met you."

Long Qingchen said, "I'm a loose cultivator. I used to follow the Master's hidden cultivation, but I only recently came out for a walk."

"so that's how it is."

Xu Mengyan understood, and then said, said with a smile, "Are you interested in joining our Tiannv Palace?"

Long Qingchen said, "Aren't your Tiannv Palaces all women? Why do you still accept men?"

" Who told you that our Tiannv Palace is all women?"

Xu Mengyan rubbed her white forehead, and seemed to have nodded pain, "I can now be absolutely sure that you are really a hidden person, even I don’t know this at all, our Tiannv Palace is divided into an inner palace and an outer palace, the inner one is all women, and the outer one is both male and female, this is something that the whole universe knows about.”

Long Qingchen I understand, "I really don't pay much attention to the outside world."

Xu Mengyan said, "Our Tiannv Palace recruits people from the outside world, and they will be arranged in the outer palace to be worshipped as the Elder and worship each Elder. Yue can receive a generous monthly salary, if you have good luck, you can also marry a female disciple from the inner palace, how about you, think about it?"

Long Qingchen said with a smile, "Can you marry a goddess?"

Xu Mengyan blinked, "It depends on your ability, I once let go, whoever can beat that azure clothes boy, I will marry whoever."

"Then I have no hope. That azure clothes boy is amazing. He killed the Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son, captured the Ancient Heaven Sect Saintess, and captured the upper sect Holy Son. He is simply the nemesis of Supreme's genius. I have this ability. How could it be possible to beat him."

Long Qingchen boasted of himself without blushing and heartbeat.

Xu Mengyan continued to win over her, "In the inner palace of the Heavenly Maiden Palace, except for me, every female disciple is one of the best beauties in a thousand miles, and it is a blessing to marry any one."


Long Qingchen smiled lightly, "Let me think about it."


Xu Mengyan took out a jade talisman and handed it to him, "If After thinking about it, come directly to our Tiannv Palace to find me with this token, and I will naturally recommend you to enter the outer palace."

The two of them chatted while strolling inside.

Long Qingchen noticed that not many people came to Wanqi Celestial Grotto, so he was relieved when he thought about it. The "ticket" of Wanqi Celestial Grotto was an Undead Realm weapon. How many young people took it? come out?
He sighed, "At least one weapon above Undead Realm must be taken away from here, so as not to lose money."

Xu Mengyan lightly said with a smile, "My luck is not bad, Every time I come, I will not lose money, so I come often. Among all Heavenly Paradise, the one that I come to the most is Wanqi Celestial Grotto."

"The Goddess."

"Miss Mengyan.".
Seeing her coming, a Toshihiko and two beauties who were picking out weapons greeted her one after another, greeted her with a smile, all the stars cup themselves around the moon and surrounded her.

"These three are Chen Dao, Xue Yiren and Su Yunxi."

Xu Mengyan introduced Long Qingchen.

Long Qingchen bowed his hands slightly, "I have admired the three famous names for a long time, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Seeing him being so polite, Chen Dao hurriedly bowed his hands in return, Xue Yiren and Su Yunxi It's a courtesy.

Xu Mengyan couldn't help rolling her eyes again, "Don't worry about it, he just likes chatting so much."

Chen Dao, Xue Yiren, and Su Yunxi couldn't bear it. Live laughed.

Xu Mengyan asked, "I don't know your name, why don't you introduce yourself?"

Long Qingchen picked one for herself at will, "Feng Wuyan, loose cultivator. "

Hearing the loose cultivator, the smiles of Chen Dao, Xue Yiren, and Su Yunxi all weakened a bit. When they saw him walking with Xu Mengyan, they thought he was the Supreme of the Super Great Influence. Genius turns out to be just a loose cultivator.

Chen Dao deliberately sighed, "Loose cultivator, it's really not easy. There is no support from cultivation resources, and there is no backing behind it. Everything can only be done by yourself."

Xue Yiren said indifferently, "Some time ago, on behalf of the sect, when I was patrolling the territory, there was a badly injured old loose cultivator with a medicine pill that didn't heal his wounds and fell on the side of the road. It was pitiful, so I gave him one. "

Su Yunxi lightly said with a smile, "Yiren is so kind, if it were me, I might not be so kind. There are so many poor loose cultivators in the world, where can they come?"

Listening to the three people's words was a little out of place, Xu Mengyan frowned slightly, but she didn't say much.

(PS: 2 in 1)

(end of this chapter)

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