Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1113


Chapter 1113 Panic!

The Heavenly Dragon galaxy.

The six ancestors of Dragon Clan sat cross-legged, adjusted their breath, and repaired their injuries.

Long Qingchen, Xu Cangming, Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master, and Uncle Old Sovereign of Buddha Temple gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

The Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master said, "The Red Dust Fairy did not hunt down those super powerhouses, nor did they destroy the families and sects of those super powerhouses. After a long time, those super powerhouses will definitely doubt the Red Dust Fairy. If something goes wrong, when the time comes, the situation of the three of us will be in danger."

Uncle Old Sovereign frowned and also had this concern.

Long Qingchen laughed, "Don't be so pessimistic."

"Even if they have doubts, so what?"

"They want to To prevent the red dust Fairy from becoming eternity, can they work with a common purpose once, and now, they have been frightened, how can it be so easy to work with a common purpose again?"

"Also, they I haven't seen what happened to the Red Dust Fairy with my own eyes, and even if they doubted it, they wouldn't dare to fight back easily."

Xu Cangming also smiled, "Outside the Red Dust Immortal Sect, who do they take first for? They can quarrel for a long time, and as a result, Fentian Asura who shot first was killed by Hongchen Fairy, now, even if they have doubts, no one dares to take the lead in fighting back.”

Long Qingchen took out the chief patriarch The token, placed on the table, said, "I have asked the Dragon Soul Temple to closely monitor the movements of the Great Influences, and I will soon know what the Great Influences are doing."



After waiting for a while, the total patriarch token on the table trembled and received the sound transmission from Long Zidig.

Long Qingchen made a secret seal, connected to the sound transmission, and asked, "What are the major taboo forces doing now?"

Long Zijie quickly reported.

"The Dongfang Family has closed the entrance to the small universe, and moved the entrance to the small universe somewhere, so that the outside world cannot find it."

"Reincarnation ancient Palace, I have withdrawn from the territory, I don't know where I went, I guess I returned to the lair at the end of Yellow Springs."

"primordial Primal Chaos Race, also withdrawn from the territory, went to the edge of the universe. The sea of chaos has disappeared."

"The Creation Religion has put all the clansman into the bronze ancient mirror. However, the bronze ancient mirror has disappeared, and I don't know where to hide it."

"Tai Solitary Sword Sect"

"Qing Family"


After hearing Long Zijie's report, Xu Cangming couldn't bear it Zhu laughed, "Sure enough, the major taboo forces have been frightened, and now, they are all escaping for their lives, how can they have the courage to deal with the three of us."

Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master and the Old Buddha Palace Uncle Sovereign glanced at each other, completely relieved.

Long Zidig asked, "Frightened the Great Influences into such a state, has the Red Dust Fairy become eternal?"

"The Red Dust Fairy failed, but her cultivation The base has reached Half Step Eternal, and in this universe, it is basically invincible."

Long Qingchen just said it casually, and did not tell Long Zidig about the serious injury of Fairy in the red dust, although he trusted Long Zidig However, there is no need to say that the less people know about this kind of top secret, the better.

Long Zijiu exclaimed, "Half Step Eternal, that's enough."

He asked another question, "Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, Kaitianzong, Ten Thousand Buddhas Why didn't these three taboo forces escape?"

Long Qingchen said, "Because, the ancestor of the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, the Ancestor Master of the Heavenly Sect, and the first Buddha of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, Without taking action against Hongchen Fairy, of course these three taboo forces do not have to escape."

Long Zi dug, "Understood."

"Let the Dragon Soul Palace continue to monitor and find abnormality. , report it to me immediately."

Long Qingchen finally said, and turned off the sound transmission of the total patriarch token, he looked towards the Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master and the Old Sovereign Uncle of the Buddha Palace, said with a smile, "Our chance to make a fortune has come."

The Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master and Uncle Old Sovereign of the Buddha Palace were stunned. The Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master asked, "Why do you say that?"


Long Qingchen said, "The major taboo forces have fled in a hurry, and all the cultivation resources in the territory are impossible to take away."

The Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master understood, his eyes widened. Liang, "We can take over the territories of the major taboo forces"

"No need to take over."

Long Qingchen shook his head, "There are so many vast territories, we can't control them, we only need Just send an army over there to plunder the cultivation resources in the territories of the major taboo forces."


Xu Cangming laughed, "In the future, wait for the major The taboo forces know the status of the Red Dust Fairy, return to the universe, return to the territory, and as a result, find that the cultivation resources in the territory have been plundered and empty hahaha, when the time comes, their faces must be very wonderful!"

Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master and Uncle Old Sovereign of the Buddha Palace were also unable to help but laugh.

Long Qingchen immediately called Xuanyi Dragon Emperor and asked him to send 50 billion battleships to the territories of the major taboo forces to plunder the cultivation resources!

Uncle Old Sovereign of the Buddha Palace, took out the ultra-long-distance sound transmission talisman, sent the sound transmission to Liuxishui, and let Liuxishui send 10 billion battleships.

“Our Great Overflowing Sect also has a share of the pie!”

Seeing that Dragon Clan and the Buddha Temple had already started to move, Xu Cangming left in a hurry like his butt was on fire, he was The sect master of the Great Overflowing Sect, he has to go back and arrange this.

A few days later.

The Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, Kaitian Sect, and Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect all sent messengers over to ask Long Qingchen if they could send fleets to plunder the cultivation resources of the major taboo forces?

Obviously, these three taboo forces are greedy and want to take advantage.

Long Qingchen agreed, because the territory of the major taboo forces is too vast, and the fleets of Dragon Clan, Great Overflowing Sect, and Buddha Palace are too busy.

However, he put forward a condition that 30% of the cultivation resources plundered by the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, Kaitian Sect, and Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect should be handed over to Dragon Clan, Dayanmen and Buddha Palace.

After all, the major taboo forces were frightened away by the Red Dust Fairy. Dragon Clan, Dayan, and the Buddha Palace all contributed, while the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, Kaitian Sect, and Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect. If you don't do anything, how can you be cheap?

In the past few days, the six ancestors of Dragon Clan and Long Qingchen everyday all will visit the Red Dust Fairy once.

The Red Dust Fairy was seriously injured. This is an eternal Dao injury, which is difficult to recover. Moreover, even if it recovers, I am afraid that there will be no chance to be promoted to eternity.

Hongchen Fairy seems to have changed a person. Every time the six ancestors of Dragon Clan and Long Qingchen visit her, she will thank her, but her attitude is very indifferent, like a stranger.

Tantai Nianchen asked about Hongchen Fairy several times, but Long Qingchen didn't tell her, only that Hongchen Fairy was secluded cultivation.

“I am going to retreat.”

Long Qingchen talked about this with the six ancestors of Dragon Clan.

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable said with a smile, "After the incident of the Red Dust Fairy, the major taboo forces hid and fled, and in a short period of time, they dared not appear again. Now, the entire universe calms down. and tranquil, it is the real peace period, it is indeed a good time for secluded cultivation."

Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable said with deep eyes, "I don't know how long this kind of peace can last, and the future is still full of variables. , you take the time to start the cultivation progress and prepare for the future."

(end of this chapter)

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