Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1112


Chapter 1112 failed!

bang! bang! bang!

The six ancestors of Dragon Clan also went all out to show their stunts.

However, it couldn't be stopped at all. The six ancestors were all shaken back, coughing blood in their mouths, and they were all hit hard with just one move!

No way, there are too many super strong enemies!

The ten taboo superpowers of the Fengyuan Alliance, the eight taboo superpowers of the Open Source Alliance, and some hidden superpowers like King Heiyan, and Asura Burning Heaven. The super powerhouses in the outer universe seem to be here!

If the six ancestors of Dragon Clan are like the six tigers, then these super powers are like a huge pack of wolves. Wolves!

Long Qingchen, Xu Cangming, Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master, and Uncle Old Sovereign of the Buddha Temple did not make a move. They are a cultivation base and can't help much, just a super strong man who can never destroy Peak. can kill them.

The six ancestors of Dragon Clan could only fight and retreat, and retreated into the Defensive Great Array of the galaxy of the Red Dust Immortal Sect.



The Sect Master of the Immortal Sect, the Supreme Elders, the High Elders, the recipes, the guards, Rising up from one after another planet, everyone is holding a weapon, rushing towards the strong men with fierce and unafraid of death.

As if looking at a group of ants, all the powerhouses looked indifferent and took action one after another.


With just one blow, all the people in the Immortal Sect were flying ash annihilation, and pierced through the Defensive Great Array of the galaxy, crushed all the planets in the entire galaxy, and turned the entire galaxy into a large piece of interstellar dust !

There is only one Red Dust Fairy left, sitting alone in the interstellar dust, Long Qingchen noticed that the Red Dust Fairy at this time, the long hair has all turned into pure white, and there is no strand of black hair, look It's kind of weird up there.

The six ancestors of Dragon Clan all riddled with scars, guarding Long Qingchen, Xu Cangming, Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master, and Uncle Old Sovereign of the Buddha Temple, all the way back to the Red Dust Fairy.

"I'm sorry, Red Dust Fairy, we tried our best."

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable glanced at Red Dust Fairy with a wry smile.

Hongchen Fairy opened her beautiful eyes, feeling a little lonely, "many thanks, let's go."

The six ancestors of Dragon Clan glanced at each other, and instantly brought Long Qingchen, Xu Cang Ming, Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master, and Uncle Old Sovereign of Buddha Palace retreated a space scale and watched from a distance.

The powerhouses did not chase, they knew that they had to kill the Red Dust Fairy first, and the Red Dust Fairy was the biggest threat!

"Kill her first, and then, let's destroy Dragon Clan, Great Overflowing Sect, Buddha Temple together!"

Burning Asura grinned, "Anyway, all of you Great Influence have already And Dragon Clan, Great Overflowing Sect, and Buddha Palace have become mortal enemies, and we must avoid future troubles!"


"I plan to do the same!"

The strong men agreed.

Hongchen Fairy got up gently, his eyes calmly swept across the faces of the strong men one by one, as if to remember their appearance, "one hour, just give me another hour, I can achieve Eternity, unfortunately, interrupted by you guys, I said, if I fail and kill all the enemies in the world, you will all die."


Fentian Asura laughed wildly, "Hongchen Fairy, your eternal road was interrupted by us, have you been stimulated and gone crazy, there are so many of us, why do you kill us?"

"Just With me, I have touched eternity."

Red Dust Fairy's voice was flat, "Let's kill from you."


She flipped over in her hand, The jade ruler appeared in his hand, and with a slight wave, a burst of pink immortal strength spread out, transformed into a pink skeleton, and charged towards Asura!

Fentian Asura's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted, "Everyone, take action together, otherwise, after she kills me, she will kill you!"

All the powerhouses also know this At one point, they all shot.

bang! bang! bang!

Use your skills, spare no effort!

However, something strange happened.

Their stunt fiercely slammed into the pink skeleton, as if touching the empty air, and passed through the body of the pink skeleton. The pink skeleton was not affected at all and continued to charge forward!

Booming on the body of the Red Dust Fairy is like touching the air of nothingness, and it cannot hurt the Red Dust Fairy in the slightest!


The pink and pink skeleton had already rushed to Asura's face, and passed through Asura's huge body.

Time seemed to stop, Asura's wild laughter froze, his body was intact, but the fairy soul inside his body was flying ash annihilation, becoming a corpse without a fairy soul!


All the powerhouses stared blankly at this scene, feeling cold and shuddering. Their attacks could not stop the red pink skeleton, nor could they hurt the red dust Fairy, but the red pink skeleton could directly kill the fairy soul. , how to fight this?

Beyond a space scale, the six ancestors of Dragon Clan, Long Qingchen, Xu Cangming, Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master, and Uncle Old Sovereign of the Buddha Palace were also fascinated by this strange creature. fighting.

Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable looked thoughtful, "I understand, although Red Dust Fairy failed to promote eternity, she touched eternity, and her cultivation base has surpassed Peak in the immortal realm."


The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable also muttered to himself, "Half Step Eternal"

After listening to the two ancestors say this, Long Qingchen understood, sighed in relief in his heart, these inextinguishable Peak's super strong If you can't move the Red Dust Fairy, then Dragon Clan will be fine.

The Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master and the Old Sovereign Uncle of the Buddha Palace were also sighed in relief, and the Great Overflowing Sect and the Buddha Palace were also preserved.

In order to protect the Red Dust Fairy, Dragon Clan, Great Overflowing Sect, and Buddha Palace bet almost everything, leaving no way out. Fortunately, the bet was won.


Xu Cangming laughed and looked at the peak powerhouses in the immortal realm jokingly, "Just now, weren't you crazy? Threatened to destroy Dragon Clan, Great Overflowing Sect, Buddha Palace, are you okay?"

All the strong men were ashes, and there was a feeling of doomsday. Eternal is enough.

"Next, whose turn is it?"

Hongchen Fairy's eyes were calm, and he walked towards the strong men step by step.

All the powerhouses were body trembled, their scalps felt numb, they looked at each other, at this moment, they only had a single thought, run away!

weng! weng! weng!

They dispersed without any hesitation and fled across the void. Even if the Red Dust Fairy Half Step Eternal, it is impossible to stop them all!

"If you can run a monk, you can't run away from a temple!"

Long Qingchen yelled.

However, Hongchen Fairy didn't chase after her. She looked pale, coughed up blood, and her body was on the verge of collapse. Life Aura became weaker and weaker, as if she was about to disappear.

The six ancestors of Dragon Clan, Long Qingchen, Xu Cangming, Great Overflowing Sect Ancestor Master, and Uncle Old Sovereign of the Buddha Temple were all stunned for a moment, only then did they understand that Fairy was just bluffing, and she failed to attack eternity , suffered an extremely terrifying backlash, was seriously injured, barely supported, and scared off the powerhouses.

Long Qingchen rushed over and supported her.

The six ancestors carefully searched the surrounding void with their eyes like electricity. Fortunately, all the powerhouses were escaping for their lives, and no one dared to stay in secret, not knowing about the serious injury of Hongchen Fairy.

"Go, go back to Dragon Clan first."

Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable said solemnly, "The matter of Fairy's serious injury is a top secret, no one can tell it, otherwise, Dragon Clan, the Great Overflowing Sect, and the Buddha Palace will all be destroyed.”

Everyone understood this, so, with the Red Dust Fairy, they quietly returned to the Heavenly Dragon galaxy and placed the Red Dust Fairy in a hidden place. The place, even the five Ancestral Dragons don't know.

(end of this chapter)

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