Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1078


Chapter 1078 true strength?

Long Qingchen flipped his palms and dragged pink's immortal strength sword behind him, also performing the dragging sword pose.

However, instead of rushing forward, he stood on the spot and rotated extremely fast!


With the rotation, the sword intent on his body rapidly soared, and when the sword intent reached its peak, he slashed and cut out a million li pink sword glow!


"Drag sword, can you still use it like this?"

All the talented and beauties were stunned, let's not talk about how it was performed like this What about the formidable power of the sword dao? Long Qingchen's unique sword technique alone completely compares Duan Kongming.

Rumor has it that Duan Kongming has evolved the sword dao nine-style to 18 moves, but Duan Kongming has not yet Shi Zhan, Long Qingchen played "tricks" first. If anyone who doesn't know is watching the game here, they would think that Long Qingchen is the one who developed 18 moves. The junior who was born only a hundred years ago has a very high innate talent. Although he has not mastered all of the nine sword dao styles, he has mastered several of them. He knows the Profound Truth of the sword dragging style. During dragging, the sword intent is superimposed. However, Long Qingchen superimposed the sword intent in the rotation, which has the same effect.

Tantai Nianchen's eyes are full of admiration, "Father is so handsome when he uses a sword, no wonder mother is fascinated."

Nangong Xue smiled brightly, "Indeed, Your father was really high-spirited and vigorous back then, which made many great Influence female Supreme genius heartfelt promises, but unfortunately, your father got married too early, they have no chance."

Tantai Nianchen rolled his eyes. , "Including the Queen?"

Nangong Xue Xin smiled, "Of course not me."


Tantai Nianchen asked curiously.

Nangong Xue Xin said with a smile, "Because, I've already been engaged."

"Is it better than my father to be engaged to the Queen, who is the other party? "

Tantai Nianchen was a little unconvinced, a little bit like breaking the casserole and asking to the end.

Nangong Xue Xin doesn't seem to want to say, "I wasn't the Queen at that time, just the Crown Princess."

Tantai Nianchen didn't plan to let her go so easily. with a smile, "The Crown Princess of the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, that is also a very respected identity, who is the other party?" The Buddha’s son, Gu Ran, is the current Sect Master of the Sect of Ten Thousand Buddhas.”


Tantai Nianchen’s eyes widened, “A monk can also marry Daughter-in-law?"

Nangong Xue gave her a white look, "The School of Ten Thousand Buddhas has been living in seclusion in the world of Sumeru, and it is very low-key. It is normal for you not to know. There are two sects, the vulgar sect and the monk sect, the monk sect does not marry a daughter-in-law, and the vulgar sect is the same as a normal cultivator, and will get married."

Tantai Nianchen wondered, "Buddha, no Does it belong to the Sangha?"

Nangong Xue shook his head, "The Buddhist son of the Ten Thousand Buddhas is actually equivalent to the Holy Son of our Great Influence, conducted by all the younger generations of the Sangha and the layman. In the grand competition more than 10,000 years ago, Gu Ran of the vulgar school won the first place, so Gu Ran also became the son of Buddha."

Nianchen from Taiwan Slightly elected, I finally understand, but my eyes are still a bit weird. Thinking of a beautiful woman like Nangong Xue Xin marrying into a Buddhist sect full of monks, it feels a little out of place.


The two sword glows with a length of a million li collided fiercely, bursting out innumerable rays of light, causing a huge collapse in the space of hundreds of millions of li, and the space fragments fell like a waterfall. Destruction scene!

Fortunately, the Nine Heavenly Sovereign has a galaxy Defensive Great Array toward it, blocking Yu Wei, otherwise, at least half of the galaxy would have to be destroyed.


Duan Kongming was shocked and flew upside down, coughing up blood in his mouth, and his face became even paler.

On the other hand, Long Qingchen is completely motionless and stable as a mountain.

Obviously, Long Qingchen gained the upper hand with this blow!

"With Duan Kongming senior's strength, he could have competed with Long Qingchen senior, but unfortunately, his strength was damaged due to the shock of his immortal soul, which affected the subsequent battles."

"The duel between the powerhouses is like this. One wrong move and the whole game is lost. It's a pity." Excellent, it can be seen that Duan Kongming basically lost, and Long Qingchen has the chance to win.

Before, Duan Kongming was injured by Long Qingchen. Although the injury to the body recovered quickly, the injury of Xianhun was difficult to recover. After all, it still affected Duan Kongming's strength, which led to the reckless attack. downwind.

"I don't take advantage of you either."

Long Qingchen's expression was indifferent, "You go back first, heal up your injuries, and then fight with me, I will accompany you at any time."

Duan Kongming coldly said, "No need!"

Long Qingchen frowned, "You have been injured by your immortal soul before, and your strength has been damaged. You are not my opponent, you should be very clear about this. "

"I've evolved the sword dao nine-style to 18 moves. The nine-style I derived has not been used yet, the one to emerge victorious is not necessarily!"

Duan Kongming sneered .

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "Then you can show it, if you don't show it again, you will have no chance."

"As you wish!"

Duan Kongming swayed and suddenly turned into ten Duan Kongming, each of which raised the sword in his hand and pointed at Long Qingchen, "This is my derived sword dao Tenth Style, called Tenth Sword Style, Each Avatar has the same battle strength as its body, which is equal to ten times the battle strength!"

Nangong Xue's beautiful eyes flashed, lightly said with a smile, "The reason for Brother Kongming's listing, That is, the nine-style sword dao has evolved to 18 moves, but few people have seen you use it, and now, I finally saw it, and it was an eye-opener."

Ten Duan Kongming said together, "Because , I rarely meet someone who is worthy of me to perform the latter nine styles, Long Qingchen is one of them."

Tantai Nianchen coldly snorted and said, "Even if you perform the latter nine styles together, it is not My father's opponent."


The ten Duan Kongming moved together, the movements were exactly the same, and they performed the blind sword pose together!

bang! bang! bang!

The swords in the hands of the ten Duan Kongming slashed as lightly as straw, and ten boundless sword intents erupted!

"Interesting is just Interesting."

A trace of disappointment appeared in Long Qingchen's eyes, "I thought, what Profound Truth is there in the latter nine styles you derived, didn't you? 't expect, it just adds some battle strength. You should know that the sword dao nine styles are summed up by generations of sword dao seniors after countless years, and each style has its unique Profound Truth, but you have derived it The Tenth Style doesn't have any Profound Truth at all, it just adds some battle strength. This is neglect the root and pursue the tip, putting the cart before the horse. You are even in the wrong direction of evolution, and there is no way to compare it with the Profound Truth of the previous nine styles."

Long Qingchen no longer wants to see the 11th move and the 18th move of the Twelfth move, because, there is no need for this, the immortal strength sword in his hand is slowly cut out, and he directly performs the ultimate sword dao move, cutting out a move. Shallow sword glow.


The shallow sword glow is like a ghost, it seems to be very slow, but it is fast as lightning, it seems that it has no formidable power, but it integrates the nine of the sword dao. A unique Profound Truth!

ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha!

crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, ten sword intents were instantly chopped by the shallow sword glow!


Immediately after, the blood flower bloomed, Duan Kongming's body was split in half, and the nine Avatars collapsed like a bubble!


Too strong!

The talented and beauties are completely stunned, is this the true strength of Long Qingchen?

Nangong Xue Xin was also lost for a while. Duan Kongming, who had improved to ten times the battle strength, still couldn't defeat Long Qingchen, and even was completely crushed by Long Qingchen.

Only Tantai Nianchen was not surprised. She knew that the father, Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian Ultimate Profound Truth, and Profound Truth of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra were not used. Otherwise, Duan Kong would have been defeated a long time ago!

Even, the father also has the killing move of reverse scale. You must know that the cultivation base of the father has surpassed the original Ancestral Dragon, and the reverse scale is more terrifying than the reverse scale of the original Ancestral Dragon.

"Let's go."

Long Qingchen took Tantai Nianchen across the void and left.

He didn't kill Duan Kongming. If he killed Duan Kongming, it would be equivalent to fighting the Solitary Sword Sect.

"How could this be."

Duan Kongming reorganized his body and looked at the direction Long Qingchen left in a lost spirit.

The Tenth Style he was proud of was defeated by Long Qingchen, which was a huge blow to him.

Even, he lost before he even had time to perform the last eight moves. He lost so thoroughly.

"Am I really going in the wrong direction?"

This made him doubt the latter nine styles that he derived.

(end of this chapter)

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