Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1077


Chapter 1077 Hesitation will lead to defeat!

"Draw your sword!"

Duan Kongming turned over the palm, a simple war sword suddenly appeared in his palm, and a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Long Qingchen shaved off his younger sister's cultivation base for an era, and wounded his Xuanzu, which is tantamount to slapping his face, and even the face of the Solitary Sword Sect!

Only by killing Long Qingchen, can he defend his majesty and show the majesty of the Solitary Sword Sect as a taboo force that cannot be desecrated!

If the superpower of the Solitary Sword Sect shoots in person, killing Long Qingchen will naturally be with no difficulty. However, in this way, it will also lead to the Fairy of the red dust, and the crazy revenge of Dragon Clan. huge trouble.

If he shoots, it will be different. He and Long Qingchen belong to the same generation. He kills Long Qingchen. He can only blame Long Qingchen for his inferior skills. He can't blame him, let alone Solitary Sword Sect , Red Dust Fairy has nothing to say, Dragon Clan can only swallow this bitter fruit, so it is more suitable for him to shoot.

"Sword name: Han Chetian, it is one of the five famous swords in our Solitary Sword Sect!"

Duan Kongming slowly drew out his sword, the cold light on the sword Reflected on his handsome face, he looked extremely indifferent, "Length, four feet three; width, three fingers; made of Tianxuan cold iron, weighs 2.97 million catties!"

This is the swordsman duel ceremony handed down from the Ancient Times. It is necessary to tell the opponent the name, length, width, casting material, and weight of the sword, so that the opponent can understand clearly, so as to be truly fair.

All the talented and beauties held their breath and stared at the sword in his hand, knowing that it was a famous sword handed down from Ancient Times.

Nangong Xue's beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance, and she was also very concerned about this battle.

One was the top ten Supreme geniuses on the Supreme list more than 10,000 years ago. Even today, more than 10,000 years later, there are many shocking and stunning characters among the contemporary juniors, but no one can Shake Duan Kongming's position!

And, Long Qingchen, needless to say, there has been an eternal stealer, there is no weak, weak, it is impossible for an eternal stealer!


Long Qingchen looked indifferent, the immortal strength of pink floated in his palm, spread out, turned into a pink sword, "The sword in my hand, by immortal It is derived from strength, so there should be no need to introduce it?"

Duan Kongming was furious, "During a duel with me, you dare to use the sword transformed from immortal strength, you are courting death!"

"If you can force me to use a real sword, I will naturally use it."

Long Qingchen raised the pink sword in his hand flatly, he didn't think his immortal strength sword would be better than the sword. A real war sword.

"Competing with a top Supreme genius like Duan Kongming senior, Long Qingchen senior also uses the sword transformed from immortal strength, which is a bit overbearing"

"I was very optimistic about Long Qingchen senior, after all, he has the eternal stealing machine, which one is not shocking and stunning, he is almost invincible in the same generation, but he is so lighthearted, the so-called arrogant soldier will lose, I have to change My own opinion, in this battle, I think Duan Kongming senior has a better chance of winning."

All the talented and beauties looked strange and whispered.

"If that's the case, then I'll fulfill you!"

Duan Kongming sneered, he completely drew his sword and pointed at Long Qingchen.


As the sword was completely unsheathed, the temperature in the space with a radius of one million li was instantly cold and biting, worthy of the name of "Cold Sky", it was really cold enough.

All the talented and beauties shuddered, feeling that the immortal strength in their bodies was about to freeze, and they all raised up their immortal strength to protect their bodies.


Duan Kongming shot, the war sword in his palm shook slightly, a cold star appeared on the tip of the sword, the cold star flashed, and he disappeared with the war sword in an instant !

When it appeared again, it was already on the left side of Long Qingchen, fiercely pierced towards Long Qingchen's neck!

What he performed was the First Style of the nine styles of sword dao, the sword-drawing style!


Too fast!

The pupils of the talented and beauties all contracted violently, and in the depths of their eyes, the shadow of the tip of the sword was reflected!

They couldn't help asking themselves, if they were in Long Qingchen's position, would they be able to avoid this sword?

The answer they came to was, there is no way to avoid it!

Because this sword is too fast, it has reached the extreme speed of the sword-drawing style, I am afraid they can't even react, and they will be cut off by this sword!

However, Long Qingchen is obviously different from them, Long Qingchen cultivation base is not weaker than Duan Kongming, and he is also proficient in sword dao nine styles, and he knows too much about sword drawing style.


As if he knew that Duan Kongming would appear on his left, the pink sword in his hand suddenly turned over and pointed at Duan Kongming's neck in advance!

Slow, fast!

All the talented and beauties have their eyes wide open, and there is a feeling of suddenly enlightened that they can still fight like this.

You don't have to be faster than the enemy, as long as you predict where the enemy will appear in advance, even if you shoot slowly, you can still counter the enemy!

They have to admit that although Long Qingchen is a bit conceited, he also has the strength to be conceited.


Duan Kongming frowned, if he insists on piercing Long Qingchen's neck, then his own neck will also be pierced by Long Qingchen, and both sides will suffer.

This annoys him, Long Qingchen's style of play is so rogue!

Although he is a rogue, he is very useful. He is here to kill Long Qingchen, not to perish with Long Qingchen, but he has no choice but to retire.


Long Qingchen immediately followed up, slapping him on the chest, as if he knew he would retreat!


The majestic pink immortal strength instantly pierced through his entire chest and burst out a large piece of blood!

His entire body was like a broken sack, and after a few hundreds of thousands of li fluttered, he stabilized his figure, his face was pale, and he was coughing up blood.

For the cultivation bases above Undead Realm, the physical injury is secondary, the main thing is that the immortal strength of this pink has damaged his immortal soul and caused him to be seriously injured!

The talented and beauties were all stunned. Three moves, just three moves, Duan Kongming senior was injured by Long Qingchen senior, which was something they never thought of.

"You're so despicable!"

Duan Kongming was furious, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was hit so hard just after the fight, his strength would be damaged, and he would lose his strength to the next one. Combat is bad.

"Hesitating will lead to defeat."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "Anyway, he is a Supreme genius from more than 10,000 years ago, but your combat experience is too poor, just now , that sword, you should pierce my neck, and I will pierce your neck, first fight both sides suffer, you can continue to fight on an equal footing with me, but you hesitated, you chose to step back, step back I will catch the weak spot and lead to this result."


All the talented and beauties slammed their tongues. In this battle, regardless of the final victory or defeat, they all remembered Long Qingchen's battle method, which is simply the way of a madman. Don't make enemies of "madmen" like Long Qingchen.

"Hey, hey, if you can't afford to lose, get out!"

Tantai Nianchen was not happy, "You dare not suffer both sides of my father, you chose to retreat, Being caught by my father as a weak spot, who can I blame?"

Nangong Xue smiled sweetly, her cultivation base was at a higher level, and she could see farther, "Actually, even if Brother Kongming chooses to follow Brother Chen suffers from both sides, and it is the same result, because Brother Chen is Azure Dragon Clan, Azure Dragon Clan is famous for its resilience, and the most feared thing is injury, and Brother Chen also masters the principle of wood, and the recovery ability is too strong I'm done."

Tantai Nianchen couldn't help but look at her a few more times, "The queen really knows my father."

Nangong Xue's eyes flashed, very Hurry up and hide the past, lightly said with a smile, "Naturally pay more attention to the famous Supreme like Brother Chen."

Tantai Nianchen did not continue to ask, she is not stupid, She knows that Peak Supreme geniuses like Nangong Xue Xin definitely want to be "the first of the same generation". Of course, they will pay attention to all the famous Supreme geniuses of the same generation, and they will not only pay attention to such simple things, but also investigate them in detail.

"I take my words back, there is really no despicable statement in the battle."

Duan Kongming is also worthy of being too Solitary Sword Sect as Sect Master, Peak Supreme in the top ten of the Supreme list, I quickly adjusted my mind.


His body trembled slightly, the fairy light on his chest shone, lightning flashed and thundered, as if the scene of splitting heaven and earth apart, quickly repaired the hole wound on his chest.

"This is just an appetizer. Next, I won't give you another chance to hurt me!"

His eyes were full of fighting intent, he dragged the sword behind him, speeding up. Toward Long Qingchen.


Under the action of dragging the word, the sword intent on his body kept soaring. When the sword intent reached Peak, he suddenly swung the sword behind him, as if he was swinging a mountain range , slashed out a sword glow as long as a million li, containing boundless formidable power!

sword dao nine styles, Second Style, drag sword style!

(end of this chapter)

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