Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1063


Chapter 1063 Legendary on the Border!

The universe is boundless.

No one counts how many galaxies there are.

No one knows how many planets there are.

There are some galaxies, Spiritual Qi is rich, culture resources are rich, in the whole universe, small reputation, for example, the four galaxies in Dragon Clan territory, Heavenly Dragon galaxy, Tianque galaxy, Tiansha galaxy, Tianque galaxy, Shark tooth galaxy of Zhu Star Sect, Bahuang galaxy of Eight Desolate Sect, golden sun galaxy of Golden Crow Clan and so on.

There are some planets, too, such as the West Emperor Star of the Pu family, the Tianyao Star where the Ancient Dragon domain is located, and so on.

However, most galaxies and planets are only numbered.

Even, many, many galaxies and planets do not even have numbers, they are unknown and forgotten by cultivators.

In an unremarkable corner of the universe, there is an unremarkable small galaxy, among which, there is an unremarkable small planet.

This small planet has only two kingdoms, the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Sovereign.

The two countries both want to destroy each other and unite the planet, so they have been fighting for years, but unfortunately, countless years have passed, and generations have been consumed, but they have never been able to destroy each other.

The names of the two kingdoms are also very domineering, with a word "immortal", and, in fact, both kingdoms are mortal kingdoms, not to mention immortal, not even a cultivator.

In this small planet, Spiritual Qi is extremely scarce, there are almost no cultivation resources, and there is no basic condition for the emergence of cultivator.

In fact, the planets in the entire small galaxy are in similar conditions. Occasionally, a few people with slightly stronger physique and stronger fists and feet can be called Grandmasters.

On the border of two kingdoms, there is a city.

When the Fei Immortal Emperor's national power was relatively strong, the city was occupied by the Fei Immortal Emperor.

When the upper Immortal Sovereign dynasty was stronger, the city was under the control of the Immortal Sovereign dynasty.

After countless years of fighting, this city has long been in tatters. Sometimes it will be repaired, and it will be smashed again soon, so the whole city seems to have received countless patches.

Moreover, the ordinary persons in this city have long since died, or they have run away, leaving only the soldiers stationed there.

For several decades recently, this city has been under the control of the Immortal Emperor, but the national power of the Immortal Sovereign is slowly rising, and it has been attacking this city, and it is also occupied by the Immortal Sovereign. Sooner or later.

In the recent several decades, a Legendary character, Wu Chen, was born in this city.

Wu Chen was born in a small mountain village in the country of the Immortal Emperor. Due to years of wars, males were scarce. He was drafted into the army at the age of fourteen, and because he offended Shangguan, he was sent to the border city. stationed there.

Twenty-one years have passed, and the soldiers defending the city have died one after another, but this Wu Chen has been able to climb out of the dead pile every time and miraculously survive. down.

So, Wu Chen has become the oldest veteran in the city. This year, Wu Chen is thirty-five years old.

In the years of years of war, a man lived to thirty-five, which was considered a long life.

In the past 21 years, Wu Chen has killed an unknown number of soldiers and even commanders of the Immortal Sovereign Dynasty, and made countless military exploits. Unfortunately, the Shangguan who once offended him is now in charge of the border. As a result, he will never be promoted, and his only fate is to die in this city.

"Wu Chen uncle, why do you survive every time? If you have any tricks, please tell us."

Above the city, a thirteen-year-old recruit was curious Looking at Wu Chen, the recruit was full of freckles, thin and small, and everyone liked to call him Xiao Qiao'er.

The other recruits also looked at Wu Chen eagerly, hoping that this "Legendary" veteran could teach them a little life-saving experience so that they could survive the brutal war.

Wu Chen, holding a pot of wine in his hand, leaned on the city tower drunkenly, looking at the sunset with drunken eyes, "It's getting dark."

"No need. Q, we have asked countless times, there is no trick, just kill the enemy and you can survive."

It was the Captain who was patrolling the city and slapped Xiao Qiao'er on the back of the head with a smile. A slap in the face.

The army has regulations that drinking alcohol is not allowed when defending the city. However, this Wu Chen is an exception. Once the enemy attacked, he would always be able to fight the enemy bravely and not miss any trouble. The officers of this city They are all pity Wu Chen's fate, so he turns a blind eye to Wu Chen's drinking, which is a tacit approval.


Suddenly, the whole city trembled.

Captain suddenly changed color and shouted, "The enemy is coming!"

The lazy soldiers above the city suddenly became vigilant, and the recruits even sweated on their foreheads and were very nervous .

The soldiers in the city were also dispatched quickly, ready to support the city head at any time.

"I don't know if I can survive this time."

Wu Chen laughed at himself, pinned the jug to his waistband, stood up straight, and pulled out his long knife , staring into the distance like a wolf.

Sometimes, he would fantasize that he might be a fairy Reincarnation Body, but after so many years, he is still just a mortal, being slashed by an enemy will hurt, bleed, and Injured, he also dispelled this unrealistic idea.

"You must be able, we don't know."

Captain smiled bitterly, this Wu Chen has almost become the faith of this city, Wu Chen is not dead, this city is not will be lost.


The tremors became more and more violent, and I saw dust flying in the distance.

Wu Chen's eyes narrowed, "From the tremors of the earth and the raised dust, it is estimated that the enemy's vanguard is at least 50,000."

With Wu Chen's experience, there has never been a The estimation was wrong, which made Captain's expression solemn. "We have only 30,000 people in total, and the enemy's vanguard has 50,000 people. We don't know how many people will follow. It seems that this time, the enemy is determined to win this city."

Wu Chen laughed, "Not necessarily, we belong to the defending side of the city and take advantage of the geographical advantage. Even if the enemy is ten times more than us, it may not be able to capture the city."


"I hope so."

Captain sighed, his eyes still full of worry, because more than half of the 30,000 soldiers were recruits with low battle strength.

After another hour or so, I saw that in the dust and mist in the distance, black soldiers appeared, and it was impossible to see the edge, as if dark clouds were spreading on the ground.

Each soldier is wearing a black Battle Armor, a black long knife in the right hand, and a small black round shield in the left hand, which is the standard configuration of the upper Immortal Sovereign.

wu wu wu !

When these soldiers were 300 paces away from the city wall, a horn sounded from behind, they stopped immediately, and began to line up, uniform.

"Rest in place for one hour, after one hour, attack the city!"

A burly General riding a black warhorse looked coldly towards the city head, and finally, fell on On Wu Chen's body, the long spear in his hand pointed, "Who can kill that Wu Chen veteran, and he will be promoted to Level 8, and the treatment is the same as the General!" , It should be easy to capture this city, but the evil sect is very evil, no matter how many troops are sent over, they will eventually die here.

Especially the veteran named Wu Chen, who has been here for 21 years and survived every time. For the dynasty, it is simply extraordinary shame and humiliation!

Therefore, killing Wu Chen is more rewarding than killing the commander-in-chief!

This time, the dynasty sent 800,000 troops, determined to capture this city!

Because, this city is just on the border, like a thorn, if you don't capture this city, there is no way to dispatch a large army to attack the hinterland of the Immortal Emperor.

More because the veteran named Wu Chen has become a nightmare for every soldier in the Dynasty. If Wu Chen is not killed, the morale of the Dynasty can't be boosted.

So, the city must be taken!

Wu Chen, must die.

(PS: Happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival to all book friends!)

(end of this chapter)

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