Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1062


Chapter 1062 The Chosen One?

"Dragon Clan total patriarch Long Qingchen needs secluded cultivation for a long time, the position of total patriarch is represented by the space Dragon Clan original patriarch Long Qingchen!"

Soon, Dragon Clan will announce it internally and externally this news.

This news did not arouse much response from the Great Influences. After all, as a young Supreme genius, it is normal for Long Qingchen to retreat.

Long Qingchen stayed in the Snow Mountain Immortal Hall for a few days, and after coaxing Xuan'er and Li Senior Sister, he quietly left the Tianlu galaxy, crossed the void, and came to the Red Dust Immortal Sect. The valley where Fairy lives

cultivation of the Red Dust Immortal Sect, of course, the best place is the Red Dust Immortal Sect. After all, the Red Dust Fairy was created by the Red Dust Fairy, and the Red Dust Fairy knows the characteristics of the Red Dust Fairy the most.

“I am preparing for the cultivation Red Dust Fairy Sutra. Before the cultivation, do you have any advice?”

Long Qingchen laughed.

Red Dust Fairy Li Mou is indifferent, "There is nothing to point out, the only thing you need to pay attention to is, don't lose yourself in the rolling red dust."

"If I lose myself, What will happen?"

Long Qingchen asked.

Red Dust Fairy pointed to the Holy Land of the Red Dust Immortal Sect, indifferently said, "Then it will be the same as them, and will never be separated from the Red Dust Immortal Sect."

Long Qingchen felt straight. Cool air, "If I lose myself, can't you remind me?"

Hongchen Fairy said, "You can't remind me, you can only rely on yourself."

"Okay ."

Long Qingchen took a deep breath, walked into the wood house, took a last look at the little fellow, followed the Red Dust Fairy into the deepest part of the valley, and saw that the deepest part of the valley was a black bamboo forest, Every bamboo is pitch black as ink, and it is definitely a rare alien species.

Hongchen Fairy pointed to the ink bamboo forest, "You can cultivate here, it's very quiet here, no one bothers you."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Long Qingchen walked into the bamboo forest and sat cross-legged on a rock. He stopped the "Ultimate Heavenly Art" that was running in his body, and let himself relax. "Xianjing", Red Dust Fairy's I World Red Dust experience flashed like lightning, getting faster and faster, becoming blurry.

During the experience of the mortal world, the silhouette of the mortal Fairy also became blurred, and finally, it became his appearance, as if all this was his own experience.


Suddenly, a strange cool breeze appeared in the black bamboo forest, and the black bamboo leaves fell one after another.

When the cool breeze stopped and the black bamboo leaves stopped falling, the rock above was already empty, and Long Qingchen, who was sitting cross-legged on it, had disappeared, or maybe he never came here .

Within the valley, the Red Dust Fairy who was walking by the lake seemed to have a feeling, looked back at the ink bamboo forest deep in the valley, and muttered to himself, "Except me, all cultivation People in the Red Dust Immortal Sutra have lost themselves in the rolling red dust. Either they can't find the way back, or they come back and become a walking corpse. I hope you are special and can penetrate the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, otherwise, there will be no Qualify to be my Dao Protector."

Time flies, thirty-five years later.

In the wood house, the light cocoon gradually disappeared, and the little fellow woke up in a daze.

I kicked the quilt, jumped off the wooden bed, and ran out of the wood house. I saw Fairy who was sitting cross-legged cultivating by the lake. Her big eyes immediately stared even bigger, incredible. The ground shouted, "Mother, how come your hair is half white!"

Indeed, at this time, Fairy's beauty is still the same, and the youth is eternal, however, the originally black long hair has become half Jet black, half pure white, extremely eerie.

Red Dust Fairy opened her beautiful eyes, in one eye, there is a natural phenomenon of splitting heaven and earth apart, deriving all things; in the other eye, there is a natural phenomenon of the destruction of the universe and the withering of all things , she smiled lightly, "Nianchen, my Little Darling finally woke up." Looking at her, "Mother, I feel like you have changed."

Hongchen Fairy's smile stagnated slightly, "except for the hair, where has it changed?"

Tantai Nianchen thought for a while, "I can't tell, anyway, the feeling has changed, and it has become a lot more unfamiliar." Nianchen, your innate talent has perfectly inherited me and your father, your intuition is very sharp, and sometimes the intuition may not be accurate, and the intuition is often more reliable, I have a word, you must keep it in your heart.”

Tantai Nianchen said curiously, "Mother, what are you talking about."

Hongchen Fairy picked up her long pure white hair and said slowly, "If one day, the other half of my hair will also change. Become pure white, then, I am not your mother, when that time comes, don't believe me."

Tantai Nianchen turned pale in fright, "Why is mother not mother? "

Hongchen Fairy said, "Don't ask too much, you are still young, you won't understand, in the future, when your cultivation base level is high, you will understand naturally."

Dan Tai Nianchen grimaced, "Then I don't have a mother anymore?"

Hongchen Fairy picked her up and kissed her face, "You still have a father."

Tantai Nianchen pouted, "No, the father also wants, the mother also wants, our family of three, one cannot be missing!"

"Nianchen, be obedient."


Hongchen Fairy stared at her earnestly, "Remember what I said!"

Tantai Nianchen's big eyes were red, and she cried, "Mother, are you right? There is a problem with cultivation, the Red Dust Immortal Sutra is too bad, please don’t cultivate it.”

Red Dust Fairy said, “If I don’t continue the cultivation of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, my cultivation base will stop. Moreover, the Mantras once cultivat ed , there's no way to stop it, it's beyond my control. "

Having said this, she paused and smiled again, "Of course, I will try not to make all my hair pure white. "

Tantai Nianchen frowned, "Isn't the Red Dust Immortal Sutra created by my mother, why can't my mother control it?" "

Hongchen Fairy's eyes looked deep into the distance, she seemed to answer Tantai Nianchen, and she seemed to be murmuring to herself, "How can a mortal woman be able to create something like the Red Dust Immortal Sutra?" As for the extraordinary power, why can it be directly promoted to the immortal realm, and why can it quickly set foot in the realm of immortality, and go higher and higher in the realm of immortality, as if you can see the last eternity at any time. "

Tantai Nianchen's face was blank, and she couldn't understand her words at all.

Hongchen Fairy touched her little head dotingly and continued speaking of which.

"This mortal woman is getting stronger and stronger. Looking at the universe, she can no longer find an opponent. She begins to be complacent, thinking that she is the one chosen by heaven. "

"But, God, why choose her?" "

"Perhaps, she's just the world of the world. In the end, she can't avoid the tragic fate of being a mere wedding dress." "

Speaking of the end, a cold cold light floated in the eyes of Hongchen Fairy, "Unfortunately, I am not Tantai Qian'er, I will not surrender to fate, let me be a wedding dress, I have to Ask me if I promise or not. "

"Isn't Tantai Qian'er Mother's name? Why isn't the mother Tantai Qian'er? Who is this mortal woman? Who is God? "

Tantai Nianchen frowned, and she became more and more confused.

Hongchen Fairy laughed dumbly, and she didn't say much, she got up and led Holding the hand of little fellow, walk out of the valley and patrol the Holy Land of the Red Dust Immortal Sect, as if the queen is patrolling her own country with Little Princess.

(End of this chapter)

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