Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1036


Chapter 1036 Immortal Medicine!

Long Qingchen traverses the void, one step beyond the galaxy where the eight Desolate Sect allies, the Optimus Sect, are located.

As well as the Eight Desolate Sects, the Optimus Sect is also a Peak full-star force, and its background is stronger than that of the Eight Desolate Sects. Except for the taboo-level forces, the general forces really don't dare provoke Optimus.

However, Long Qingchen was wearing starlight battle clothes at this time, and the word "invincible" was written on his face, but he was not afraid of Qingtianzong.

When! when! when!

The detection array on the edge of the Optimus Sect galaxy found Long Qingchen instantly, and a cramped bell sounded immediately. Long Qingchen did not hide the vast Power of Starlight on his body at all, and the distance was less than a space scale. , it is difficult to detect the large array without finding it.

“Who is the newcomer?”

A strong man of the Sky Sect shouted to Long Qingchen, “Your Excellency is so close to our Sky Sect, what are your plans?”

“Who is the newcomer?”


"Endless starlight, he is Long Qingchen wearing starlight battle clothes!"

"What is this evil star doing with our Qingtian Sect?"

Soon , Eight Desolate Sect's powerhouses recognized Long Qingchen's identity, and immediately became nervous, feeling a tingling in the scalp.

Long Qingchen is wearing starlight battle clothes, who can match?

Even if the Qingtian Sect's background is fully revealed, it may not be able to stop Long Qingchen!

Long Qingchen laughed, "I represent the Eight Desolate Sect and come to visit the allies of the Eight Desolate Sect, what's wrong?"

As soon as the Eight Desolate Sect was destroyed, he called In the name of the Eight Desolate Sect, it's just shameless, and the powerhouses of Optimus Sect cursed in their hearts.

The Sect Master of the Optimus Sect coldly said, "Since the moment the Eight Desolate Sects were destroyed, our ally of the Optimus Sect and the Eight Desolate Sects has been cut off, Your Excellency, please come back, we will Tianzong does not welcome you.”

“It’s not the way to treat guests by turning them away.”

Long Qingchen took a step forward and walked forward,” Then I have to come in by myself."

"you dare!"

"Long Qingchen, you Dragon Clan just destroyed the Eight Desolate Sects, and came to provoke our Qingtian Sect, Desolately destroying the Fengyuan faction alliance, what is your intention, aren't you afraid that the Great Influences will unite to destroy the Dragon Clan!"

Eight Desolate Sect powerhouses was furious.

"Don't put a hat on my head, I won't eat this set."

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, his palms condensed endless starlight, and with a gentle tear, he put the Tianzong's galaxy Defensive Great Array tore a hole and walked in, "I came to visit allies in the name of Eight Desolate Sect. Even if you report to the alliance, I have not violated the rules."

"You shameless!"

"Stinky shameless, who is your ally force!"

The powerhouses of the Optimus Sect couldn't help but yell, helpless, no one dared to fight Long Qingchen hands-on.

starlight battle clothes, nine pieces of Heaven Supreme Treasure are out, who will compete with each other.

The Supreme powerhouse of the taboo-level forces is out, and no one has starlight battle clothes.

"I heard that your Heavenly Sect has an ancient Heavenly Dao tea tree of immortal medicine grade, which is rare in the world. Drinking this tea can make the cultivator improve the cultivation speed. I am a guest, and I can get some. Try it."

Long Qingchen opened the ultimate Heavenly Eye, scanned the entire Galaxy, and soon found the location of the Heavenly Dao ancient tea tree.

I saw that the ancient tea tree was on the top of a big mountain, with luxuriant branches and leaves, like a canopy. The amazing thing is that each piece of tea is different, some are like Qilin shape, some are like a canopy. Like a True Dragon shape, some like a fairy hall shape, some fairy sword shape, and a humanoid shape, each piece is brilliant lights and vibrant colors, it is a treasure at first sight.

"Long Qingchen, don't bully intolerably!"

"The clay figurine still has three points of anger, which really pushes us to the sky, we may not be able to break the starlight battle. clothes, you are careful to die here!"

The powerhouses gnashing teeth of Qingtianzong are all clenching their fists, and they are extremely angry, they finally understand, Long Qingchen is relying on starlight battle clothes martial power blackmail.


"Can you break the starlight battle clothes?"

Long Qingchen smiled, "Then try it."

He stepped out in one step and directly reached the mountain.


Pull up the whole mountain and put it in the space ring!

The eyes of the powerhouses of the Qingtian Sect are all red. It is the only immortal medicine of the Qingtian Sect. The treasure that all the Great Influences are envious of, was robbed by Long Qingchen like this!

A youth with chaotic eyes stared at Long Qingchen coldly, "Long Qingchen, what kind of ability do you rely on starlight battle clothes, if you have the ability to take off starlight battle clothes, I will suppress it with one hand. You!"

"Who are you?"

Long Qingchen looked at the youth's chaotic eyes with a little surprise. Purple Qi Rising From The East, extremely strange.

The chaotic double pupil belongs to the legendary innate talent, cultivation to the extreme, when the rays of light of chaos come out, it can destroy all enemies, and can shine through the universe Myriad Realms, this youth's chaotic double pupil has not yet reached cultivation The ultimate, otherwise, may not be afraid of starlight battle clothes.

"He is the Holy Son of our Qingtian Sect, Ren Cang Senior Brother Ming!"

"Ren Cang Senior Brother Ming, he has entered the realm of immortality after less than a hundred years of cultivation. Not weaker than the stunning Immemorial Ning Xiaocheng when he was young, Long Qingchen, do you have the courage to fight!"

The disciples of the Qingtian Sect shouted, and when they looked towards Ren Cangming, their eyes were full of admiration.

Long Qingchen sneered, "Although I don't know what kind of strength Ning Xiaocheng was when he was young, but I can be sure that he is far worse than Ning Xiaocheng."

" Stop talking nonsense!"

A young king shouted, "If you dare to fight, give me a word, if you don't dare, you will be the chief patriarch of Dragon Clan!"

"You should be Am I stupid?"

Long Qingchen disdainfully said, "There are so many senior experts from the Optimus Sect, as well as a few Ancestor Masters hidden in the dark, once I take off starlight battle clothes, I will die. without a burial site, and starlight battle clothes will also be robbed."

The young king looked contemptuous and continued to provoke him, "You are making so many excuses, but you are actually afraid to fight!"

"brat, the stimuli method is useless to me. When I am traversing the universe, you still don't know where you are, noisy."

Long Qingchen waved it casually.


A loud slap in the face bloomed, and the young king's face was firmly slapped, and his entire body flew thousands of miles and fainted!

"Long Qingchen, we will never end with you!"

"We will definitely report your actions to the Alliance and let the Alliance deal with you, no matter how strong Dragon Clan is, I can't protect you either!"

The powerhouses of Qingtian Sect roared furiously.

Long Qingchen didn't bother to pay attention to them anymore. Ultimately, Heavenly Eye scanned the entire galaxy of the Optimus Sect and found a medicine field of longevity medicine. There are many longevity medicines in it. It has been planted for at least an era to have this scale .

He took a step forward, came to the medicine field, stretched out his hand, and the starlight surged endlessly, breaking the Defensive Great Array in the medicine field, pulling out all the longevity medicines, and putting them in the space ring. He walked away contentedly.

Everyone in the Optimus Sect almost fainted, but they could only watch his back disappear inside the Void, from start to finish, no one dared to do anything.

(end of this chapter)

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