Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1035


Chapter 1035 The Dynasty is over!

"Ask you one last time, acknowledge allegiance, or die."

Long Qingchen was a little irritable and had lost patience.

The overall situation of this war has been settled, but he is not happy. It is a pity to kill Ning Xiaocheng, the Supreme genius who amazes Immemorial. However, there is no mercy in the war between Super Great Influences!

The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to Dragon Clan. If Ning Xiaocheng is let go, Ning Xiaocheng will become a hidden danger for Dragon Clan in the future. Therefore, if you don't acknowledge allegiance, you will die. Ning Xiaocheng's innate talent changed something.


Ning Xiaocheng didn't answer, reorganized his body, released his own way, containing boundless formidable power, and rushed over again.

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "Then die."


Simply punched out, this time, he used 20% of the starlight, grandiose, boundless, imitating the ocean of Buddha's radiance!


Ning Xiaocheng's Dao shattered instantly, his body became a blood mist, and the blood mist was also burned by endless starlight, flying ash annihilation!

“Holy Son!”

“Laughing Senior Brother Cheng!”

Eight Desolate Sect Everyone was crying, tears of blood in their eyes.

The powerhouses of the Great Influence are all silent. If they stay in the Holy Land and learn the news of the destruction of the Eight Desolate Sects from a distance, they may be secretly happy. After all, there is one less Peak full. Star forces compete for the cultivation resources of the universe, which is a good thing.

However, at this moment, they were on the edge of the battlefield and witnessed the end of the Eight Desolate Sect dynasty, but they had a different feeling in their hearts. If one day, their sect was destroyed, it is estimated that As bleak as the Eight Desolate Sect.

This war is nothing compared to the Immemorial space war. However, this war is destined to be recorded in the annals of Cultivation World, leaving a strong legacy!

Because of grandiose's Dragon Clan fleet, the Great Influences have to re-examine the strength of Dragon Clan, even the Peak full star power can be easily destroyed, what kind of High Level full star power is Dragon Clan?

Because, the strongest defense in the universe, the birth of starlight battle clothes, all weapons have public enemies, all peerless powerhouses have nightmares, when a Long Qingchen wearing starlight battle clothes appears, they can't be killed. What to do, this is a serious question!

It is also because of Ning Xiaocheng, a Supreme genius who amazes Immemorial, a person who buried all honors and silently guards the Eight Desolate Sects, his death has become a lament for the end of the dynasty.

"The strongest Ancestor Master, gone!"


"The strongest Ancestor Master escaped?"

"He also took away other trump card things, all top-level exercises, martial skills, movement methods, and all the cultivation resources in the treasury, and emptied all the good things in our eight Desolate Sects."

Another bad news came from the Eight Desolate Sect. Everyone in the Eight Desolate Sect broke out into laughter caused by anger, and the tears of laughter came out.

Ning Xiaocheng, don't surrender in a deadly battle, sacrifice your ancestors with your own death!

The strongest Ancestor Master escaped!

How sad is this?

The powerhouses of the Great Influence are all jaw-dropping.

The five Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen were also speechless for a while, and they really felt worthless for Ning Xiaocheng.

Long Qingchen looked towards the powerhouses of each Great Influence, and slightly bowed his hands, "Senior, on behalf of Dragon Clan and the Eight Desolate Sects, I issue a universe arrest warrant, who can find the strongest Ancestor Master of the Eight Desolate Sects? Trace, the ten top martial skills of the Eight Desolate Sects, plus, one item of the Eight Desolate Sect trump card!"

No one dares to question the Eight Desolate Sects, because the entire Eight Desolate Sects are Become Dragon Clan's spills of war, he has the right to do anything.

"This kind of Ancestor Master who is greedy for life and fears death, loses the Lower Sect and absconds, is not worthy of being an Ancestor Master, the universe arrest warrant, I accept it!"

"I accept it too, if Find him, without Dragon Clan's shot, our family will kill him and give his head!"

The powerhouses of the Great Influence are also dissatisfied with the behavior of the strongest Ancestor Master of the Eight Desolate Sects. Shame, they are not good men and women. However, they also have the bottom line of cultivators. The behavior of the strongest Ancestor Master of the eight Desolate Sects has touched the bottom line of cultivators.

What is an Ancestor Master?

Ancestor Master is establishing the sect.

The Ancestor Master, the Guardian of the sect, coexists and perishes with the sect!

This is worthy of being called Ancestor Master!


Long Qingchen waved his hand, and the endless starlight turned into a galaxy Defensive Great Array, covering the entire eight Desolate Sect galaxies.

The powerhouses of the Great Influence can see that Long Qingchen's move, on the surface, is to protect the Eight Desolate Sect, but in fact it is to ban the Eight Desolate Sect to prevent people from absconding again.

"Let's go."

"It's time to go back."

The powerhouses of the Great Influence glanced at each other, and they all fled inside the Void and disappeared. .

They know that it's time for Dragon Clan to take over the eight Desolate Sects and harvest "spoils of war", all the resource stars of the eight Desolate Sects, all the Spirit Stone Ore Vein, all the Immortal Medicine growing places, Even all of them are dragon Clan's spills of war, take it or take it.

If Dragon Clan and Ba Desolate Sect suffer both sides of the fight, they can take the opportunity to get a bargain, but starlight battle clothes are too strong, completely crushing Ba Desolate Sect, Dragon Clan's strength is not damaged in the slightest , if they seizing food from the tiger's mouth, that's courting death.

Therefore, they might as well leave early and show that they have no intention of picking up bargains with their actions, leaving a good impression on Dragon Clan.

"The four major fleets obey orders!"

Long Qingchen uses the total patriarch token to sound transmission to all battleship captains, "Enter the eight Desolate Sect systems!"


All captains responded with a bang, their voices full of excitement and ecstasy, this war, Dragon Clan won, and, beautifully, won!

A part of the spills of war in the eight Desolate Sects will definitely become "welfare", which will be distributed to reward the four fleets. War is such a huge profit!


The four major fleets poured into the eight Desolate Sect galaxies grandiosely. Everyone in the eight Desolate Sects was silent. From this moment on, their fate has been pinched in the hands of Dragon Clan. To see Dragon Clan's face, I can only pray that Dragon Clan is not too cruel.

All elders, all stewards, all warriors, all guards and dísciples of the planets of the eight Desolate Sect galaxies put down their weapons and crawl to the ground.

Actually, Long Qingchen is a little thankful to the strongest Ancestor Master in the Eight Desolate Sects, because the "backbone" of the Eight Desolate Sects was all broken when the strongest Ancestor Master absconded, lost his backbone, and no one Dare to resist, making the takeover very smooth.

"Only one Ning Xiaocheng died, and there are hundreds of planets."

The Spear of Destruction absorbed baleful aura crazily, successfully breaking through to the battle strength of Undead Realm, But foul-mouthed, very dissatisfied, "This baleful aura is much less than expected!"

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "You can be content, Ning Xiaocheng has at least reached the Undead Realm intermediate level, The baleful aura produced by his fall is of extremely high quality, but it's not good enough for you?"

"Boy, what are you talking about!"

The Spear of Destruction was annoyed, "Say okay. To destroy the entire Eight Desolate Sect!"

Golden Ancestral Dragon smiled lightly, "If the Eight Desolate Sect resists violently, of course we will destroy the Eight Desolate Sect, but the Eight Desolate Sect is very docile, then There's no need to destroy it, it's better to keep it for us to mine, or, when there is a big war in the future, let the army of the Eight Desolate Sect rush in front and consume the enemy's firepower."

Destroyed The spear angrily said, "I don't care about your Dragon Clan's strategy. In short, Long Qingchen, the base and shameless villain, has not kept his promise to me!"

"You're afraid you forgot what I was wearing. What, dare to yell at me?"

Long Qingchen stretched out a hand, endless starlight surged, and immediately suppressed the Spear of Destruction, and it was useless to let the Spear of Destruction struggle.

He sealed the Spear of Destruction and threw it into the Time Dragon Ring.

"Boy, I'm not finished with you!"

The Spear of Destruction roared inside the Time Dragon Ring.

Long Qingchen directly closed the time dragon ring, preventing the sound from coming out, he couldn't help but want to laugh, the Spear of Destruction returned to his hand, and another powerful weapon.

However, now that he has starlight battle clothes, the Spear of Destruction is not much use, at best, it is the icing on the cake.

Gold Ancestral Dragon glanced at Long Qingchen, "Take off the starlight battle clothes, it is too strong, if you use it for a long time, you will become dependent on it, which is not conducive to cultivation."

"I keep the self-protection."

Long Qingchen firmly disagreed. If he can return what he has, then he is not Long Qingchen.

Of course, except for Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian, there is no way, it was forcibly taken away by Dongfang Family.

The golden Ancestral Dragon's face darkened, "You have too many things for self-protection. Two pieces of Supreme Treasure are enough to dominate the universe."

"No, I The cultivation base is not enough, and I can't exert all the formidable power of the two pieces of Heaven's Supreme Treasure. When I meet the peerless powerhouse, I still feel insecure."

Long Qingchen's face is not red or heartbeat, "This starlight battle clothes It's very good, you can use it without a cultivation base, and I have a fate."

Any relationship?

The golden Ancestral Dragon was disgusted by his shameless, said ill-humoredly, "smelly brat, I order you, return the starlight battle clothes!"

"sorry, I am now The chief patriarch is also the supreme commander of the four major fleets, and Ancestral Dragon is only on the same level as me, you can't order me."

Long Qingchen laughed, "Also, I am leading the army now, and the generals are outside, Junling I'm not going to get it"

Gold Ancestral Dragon Qi is not light.

The other four Ancestral Dragons all laughed without saying a word. In fact, they had long expected that once the starlight battle clothes were taken out, Long Qingchen would definitely occupy them, and Long Qingchen had been spoiled by them for a long time. Now, all the good things of Dragon Clan are no different from Long Qingchen's private items. There is no way. Long Qingchen's innate talent is too high, which represents the future of Dragon Clan, and is also their favorite.

In the end, the golden Ancestral Dragon could only give up reluctantly. He warned Long Qingchen not to use too many starlight battle clothes. Long Qingchen agreed to this condition, and he also knew that cultivation lies in himself, not Supreme. Treasure.

"I will go to the ally forces of the Eight Desolate Sect and the Dongfang Family to have a heart-to-heart talk with them!"

Long Qingchen suddenly remembered.

The five Ancestral Dragons looked at each other, and the blood Ancestral Dragon said with a smile, "Alright, but don't go to the Dongfang Family."


Long Qingchen was suddenly startled, thinking of the two terrifying Guardians of the Dongfang Family, who were already beyond the world, and I'm afraid that Undead Realm is not enough to measure.

Blood Ancestral Dragon pointed to the patch on starlight battle clothes, "How do you think the patch on this came from?"

Long Qingchen clicked his tongue, "It won't be Dongfang. The two Guardians of the Family family broke through, right?"

The blood Ancestral Dragon looked solemnly nodded, "So, starlight battle clothes can't deter the Taboo-level Peak full-star forces, strictly speaking, the Taboo-level The power has gone beyond the reach of Peak's full star power."

Golden Ancestral Dragon sighed, "The Dongfang Family forcibly took back Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian, but we didn't give you a head start, that's the reason, we Dragon Clan trump Card things can't deal with Dongfang Family, unless you use the last background."

"What is the last background? Does our Dragon Clan also have that level of existence?"

Long Qingchen is puzzled.

The golden Ancestral Dragon was silent.

The other four Ancestral Dragons were also silent.

Long Qingchen is depressed and can't ask more questions.


He used the endless starlight, directly tore the void, and moved towards the ally forces of the Eight Desolate Sect.

Crossing the void faster than shuttling through the void, no time required!

(end of this chapter)

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