Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1020


Chapter 1020 A sword!

“Come out for a fight!”

Long Qingchen stood up and strode to the open space in the middle of the venue.

"Defeated, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

Yang Luan sneered and jumped out, "If I can beat you once, I can beat you the second time and the third time. Times, fourth times, and countless times, you will live in my shadow for the rest of your life!"

weng! weng!

Golden Ancestral Dragon and Bahuang Sect Master shot together , made a Formation, like a transparent cover, covering the open space in the middle of the venue, so as to prevent the energy from shocking out when Long Qingchen and Yang Chao were fighting.

Obviously, Dragon Clan is very confident in Long Qingchen, and the Eight Desolate Sect is also very confident in Yang Luan. Neither side opposes this showdown, and it means connivance. , can be described as a rivalry!

The powerhouses of Great Influence watched all this with great interest, and the originally heavy atmosphere became lively.

"Dragon Clan's little fellow, old man supports you!"

"Count me in!"

Some forces that have a good relationship with Dragon Clan, they They all shouted and cheered Long Qingchen.

Gold Ancestral Dragon and Blood Ancestral Dragon smiled and nodded their thanks.

"Yang Luan, you represent the Peak Desolate Sect, while Dragon Clan is only a High Level full star force. I hope you can crush Long Qingchen and let everyone present know that High The gap between Level and Peak!"

"That's right, the Supreme genius of Peak's star power is definitely not comparable to the Supreme genius of High Level's star power, fiercely teach this not knowing the immensity of Long Qingchen of Heaven and Earth, what is the consequence, we seniors will bear it for you!"

There are also many forces that have a good relationship with the Eight Desolate Sect, and they are also not showing weakness, sneering at Yang Messy support.

Yang Luan handed over his hands, "Don't worry, seniors, if I can't win the Desolate Sect Ranked 3rd Desolate Sect Ranked 3rd Supreme genius in this battle, I might as well wipe my neck and break it by myself!"


Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "That's what you said."

"Yes, I said it!"

Yang Luan was confident.

weng! weng! weng!

tone barely fell , he took the lead, all kinds of natural phenomena emerged, as many as 130 kinds, directly rolling forward Out, the whole space is shaking, as if it can't bear such a powerful natural phenomenon force!

"I've never been afraid of anyone other than natural phenomena."

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, his thoughts moved, and all kinds of natural phenomena emerged, press forward!

No more, no less, exactly 260 kinds of natural phenomena, twice as many as Yang Chao!

It is worth mentioning that when the cultivation base is in the Emperor Realm, because the upper limit of the Emperor Realm is not high, the nine natural phenomena will reach the limit, and it is useless if there are too many, and the upper limit of the Longevity Realm It is very high, no matter how many kinds of natural phenomena, it is impossible to reach the limit of long-lived habitat, so there are many natural phenomena, which are still useful.


One hundred and thirty kinds of natural phenomena and two hundred and sixty kinds of natural phenomena, fiercely collide, as if one after another the sun shatters and bursts of dazzling rays of light, although the venue is underground Arranged with a powerful Formation, still trembling, as if the Earth Dragon turned over!

Two hundred and sixty kinds of natural phenomena occupy an absolute advantage in number, easily penetrated one hundred and thirty kinds of natural phenomenon, and the terrifying natural phenomenon energy is crushed towards Yangran!

Yang Luan's expression changed, and he hurriedly stepped back. At the same time, he released his own way and turned into strands of fairy light. Each strand was only as thin as a strand of hair, but it contained majestic energy. block.


The terrifying energy of the natural phenomenon, fiercely slammed into these fairy lights, erupted again in bursts of dazzling rays of light, and finally, canceled each other out.

The Eight Desolate Sect Masters and the ten Supreme Elders all had bad looks on their faces. Although Yang Luan successfully blocked it, Yang Luan made two moves and Long Qingchen only made one move. Obviously, Long Qingchen has the absolute upper hand.

Some forces that have a good relationship with Ba Desolate Sect, their cheers to Yang Luan stopped abruptly, as if they were strangled by the neck, their faces were hot, and they were embarrassed. They continued to apologize to Yang. Luan shouted and cheered, because, judging from the situation of reckless fighting, Long Qingchen's strength is obviously stronger, Yang Luan has no chance of winning, if they continue to shout and cheer, Yang Luan loses, then they are equivalent to being defeated by Long Qingchen" Slap in the face" will definitely lose face and become a laughing stock.

"Hahaha, Dragon Clan's little fellow, good work, old man didn't see you wrong!"

"Chasing after the victory, cleanly defeated the boy Hachi Desolate Sect, let the presence of Everyone knows that Dragon Clan's Holy Son is no worse than the Supreme genius of Peak's star power!"

Seeing that Long Qingchen has the upper hand and has a good relationship with Dragon Clan, they are naturally happy and feel very Have face, just like their own family's juniors and Yang Chao duel, cool!

"Fellow Daoists, don't worry, if Chen'er can't even win a little eight Desolate Sect Supreme genius, I won't break his fifth leg!"

The blood Ancestral Dragon also laughed and said harsh words.

The golden Ancestral Dragon was speechless for a while, shouldn't it be so cruel?

Long Qingchen, who was fighting against Yang Luan, felt chills all over his body. Fortunately, he was sure of defeating Yang Luan, otherwise, it would be miserable.

Can't even a little eight Desolate Sect Supreme genius win?

What does this mean?

This goddamn contempt!

The Eight Wilderness Sect Master was trembling with anger, his face was flushed, and he was furious, and shouted at Yang Luan, "Yang Luan, give me a fiercely hit, if even a small Dragon Clan will always be holy. Son can't win, you don't have to go back to Ba Desolate Sect!"

The powerhouses of Great Influence all look weird, blood Ancestral Dragon and Bahuang Sect Master are already on the top, such words are said in public Come out and leave no room at all.


Bean-sized beads of sweat appeared on Yang Ran's forehead. He was originally confident, but only through the fight just now did he know that the last time he fought with Long Qingchen During the duel, Long Qingchen did retain his strength and deliberately let him win. Now he has no idea whether he can win or not. However, the Sect Master has already given a death order, and he can only agree with oneself.

bang! bang! bang!

He clenched his teeth suddenly, and displayed all the eight Desolate Sects and more than ten top-level martial skills that he had mastered, as if flowing water, in one go, The strongest blow, can you beat Long Qingchen, let's fight here!

"martial skill is fine, not too much. It is enough to specialize in one, or specialize in several. Too much is not good, but superfluous."

Long Qingchen can see that, Yang Chao was already impatient and wanted to defeat him in one fell swoop.


The immortal strength of the dragon in his palm spread out and turned into a dragon-shaped war sword, the dragon head is the hilt, the dragon tail is the sword edge, the dragon The body is the body of the sword, and it emits the sound of dragon roar.


He slowly swung the dragon-shaped sword, and cut out a shallow sword glow.

Seems slow, but fast as lightning.

It seems light and fluffy, like a straw, but it is as thick as a mountain and as vast as the sea.

It doesn't seem to have formidable power, but it implies the true meaning of sword dao, which can kill all enemies in the world.

What he performed was the ultimate sword dao style that combined all the advantages of the nine styles of sword dao!


It didn't disappoint him, the shallow sword glow easily tore apart more than ten kinds of martial skills of Yang Chao, and then, split Yang Chao in half, the immortal soul died, and even reunited. The body has no chance!


Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience shrank their eyes sharply and was stunned.

Although, I have seen Long Qingchen's natural phenomenon more than Yang Chao, I feel that Long Qingchen may win, but, absolutely did not expect that Yang Chao would lose so quickly and completely!

Although Yang Luan only has the cultivation base of Long Habitat First Rank Peak, which is only a little higher than Long Qingchen, Yang Luan has continuously displayed more than ten top-level martial skills in eight Desolate Sects, and his formidable power is unparalleled. The battle strength displayed is definitely not weaker than the sixth rank of the Long Habitat, however, it was cut by Long Qingchen's sword!

Long Qingchen, what is this battle strength?

Long Qingchen, what kind of sword pose is he performing?

Among the seniors of Great Influence present, there are many with a higher cultivation base than Long Qingchen. The cultivation time is countless times longer than that of Long Qingchen. Qingchen's sword made them incomprehensible, beyond their cognition range!

The people in the eight Desolate Sects are all complexion ashens. The death of a Supreme genius really hurts. However, Long Qingchen's sword made them feel suffocated and overwhelmed.

In the future, if Long Qingchen's cultivation base advances a few steps, then who can stop Long Qingchen's sword in the entire eight Desolate Sects?

Long Qingchen will surely become the biggest hidden danger of the Eight Desolate Sect in the future!

This is the most worrying thought for everyone in the Eight Desolate Sects at this moment.

The forces that have a good relationship with the Eight Desolate Sect, they are all absolute silence, I regret that I just cheered for Yang Luan, which is equal to offending a great enemy like Long Qingchen who has peerless potential in the future, this is a very headache matter.

Even the golden Ancestral Dragon and the blood Ancestral Dragon are a little stunned, although they know that Long Qingchen has mastered the ultimate Profound Truth of the Dongfang Family, and their strength has improved greatly, but they also didn't expect, this kid's battle strength has been fierce to this point.

"Ai, boss, we are all old."

The blood Ancestral Dragon sighed, "Boy, this is forcing us Ancestral Dragon to retire early."

"Isn't that true?"

Golden Ancestral Dragon was helpless, "This kid, in a few years, he will be able to carry the Dragon Clan banner and support Dragon Clan. We Ancestral Dragons, what else can we do but retire?"

Ah~ Bah!

The eyes of the powerhouses of the Great Influence are all red, these two Old Guys are really shameless, the Dragon Clan young generation has grown up to this point, and they are still pretending to talk nonsense!

(end of this chapter)

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