Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1019


Chapter 1019 Long Qingchen, you impudent!

In ten days, the golden Ancestral Dragon, the blood Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen went to the Fengyuan Power Gathering Conference together.

Blue Ancestral Dragon, Time Ancestral Dragon, Space Ancestral Dragon, Fire Ancestral Dragon, Frost Ancestral Dragon stay in the Tianlu galaxy to prevent the attack of open source forces, while the black Ancestral Dragon is still in the dark The source of the guard, did not come back.

Of course, during these ten days, Long Qingchen was not idle. He used the second half of Ultimate Profound Truth to improve the cultivation technique of Dao Fa Nature, and then he found some more The exercises of Dual Cultivation were integrated into it and renamed "The Ultimate Extreme Dao Law Nature".

After cultivation, the cultivation bases of Long Jingxuan'er and Long Kongli have made rapid progress, Long Jingxuan'er has reached the eighth rank of the emperor realm, and Long Kongli has reached the sixth rank of the emperor realm. Beyond the Dragon Clan Supreme geniuses such as Long Jin Beiming, Long Shi Xiaoning and Long Qing Baizheng.

Dragon Clan All young Supreme geniuses, if you have to rank them in order, then the cultivation base of Long Qingchen is definitely a unique grade, and no one can compare.

The second is Long Jingxuan'er and Long Kongli, who have entered the high-level emperor realm.

Again, it is Long Jin Beiming, Long Shi Xiaoning, and Long Qing Baizheng. These three are the Golden Dragon Family Holy Son, Time Dragon Clan Holy Son, Azure Dragon Clan Holy Son, Of course, there is still a missing space, Dragon Clan, the younger generation, Eldest Senior Brother, Longkong Lane. Unfortunately, after so many years, Emperor Xuanyi has not brought back Longkongxiang. Lane's cultivation base has reached what level.

Next, that is Long Jinyuelan, Long Shiqianqian, Long Shibai, and Long Qingmiao.

Finally, it is Long Jinzi, Long Jinbo, Long Shixiu, Long Shiyuan, Long Qingxuan, and Long Qingyu.

As for Long Jinfeishuang, it is said to be the first-generation Ancestral Dragon's direct daughter. She has a special status and is not included in the ranking. In fact, she has rarely appeared in these years, either in retreat or out. Traveling, what kind of cultivation base has been reached now, Long Qingchen is not quite clear.

"What are you thinking about?"

The battleship shuttles quickly inside the Void. Because the distance is too long, it will take some time to reach the center of the universe. Seeing Long Qingchen, he has been silent all the time. , asked the Golden Ancestral Dragon.

Long Qingchen came back to his senses, laughed, "I heard that there have been many good seedlings in the younger generation than us in recent years?"

Golden Ancestral Dragon smiled slightly and nodded, "Now, in this era, Spiritual Qi is strong, culture resources are abundant, Universe Principle is loose, and it can be called the prosperity of culture. Naturally, there will be many geniuses. Yes, there are indeed many innates in the younger generation than you. You have to work harder, or you will be surpassed by the younger generation, and you will not look good."

Long Qingchen's eyes were different, "Senior Long, you have been cultivated for several epochs, and have been I'm about to catch up with you, and you have to work harder."

"Smelly brat, but instead taught us."

Golden Ancestral Dragon scolded sullenly, "We were born In that era, that is, the early days of the Ancient Times, all ethnic groups lived a primordial life, the cultivation environment of the entire universe was still in its infancy, and there was not even a decent exercise, how can it be compared with today?”

"That's true."

Long Qingchen agrees, "From the birth of the universe, to the evolution of life, to the emergence of Qi Refiner, the cultivation method is indeed relatively backward, and has been improved by generations of sages. The cultivation method and the correction of the misunderstandings of cultivation have brought Cultivation World to its peak. This generation of us all stand on the shoulders of the seniors, start higher, and achieve higher achievements in the future.”

“ It's good to know."

Gold Ancestral Dragon patted his shoulders and said with a smile, "Your shoulders will become the starting point for the younger generation sooner or later."

Blood Ancestral Dragon said with a smile, "Why did you suddenly ask about the juniors and worry about the juniors surpassing you?"

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, "Also Dragon Clan, if the juniors can surpass us, naturally Good thing, description Drago n Clan has a brighter future, nothing to worry about, I'm just asking casually. "

Blood Ancestral Dragon sighed with emotion, "I am worried for the younger generation of the next generation. "

Long Qingchen was slightly startled, "Why do you say that? ”

“Nowadays, although it is a prosperous age of cultivation, it is also a period of war and chaos. The cultivation environment is not stable, and there is not much time left for the next generation of juniors to grow up. "

Speaking of this, the blood Ancestral Dragon looked strange, "The most important thing is that Dragon Clan has reached this generation of you, a freak like you, with the innate talent and Dongfang of Dragon Clan pinnacle. The innate talent of the family pinnacle, the next generation of juniors want to surpass you, I am afraid it is difficult, you are like a mountain, it is estimated that they will live in your shadow all their lives, they are such good seedlings, with you In an era, this is their sorrow. "

Long Qingchen didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "Am I so terrifying." "

"Don't you know it yourself?" "

Blood Ancestral Dragon's eyes widened, "In our era, the cultivation base reached the long-living state, do you know how long it took? An entire era, hundreds of millions of years! And you, the cultivation base is less than a thousand years old, and the cultivation base has entered the realm of immortality. Looking at the young generation of the entire universe, including the young generation of the taboo-level Peak full-star force and the ordinary Peak full-star force, within a thousand years, you will reach the immortality realm. Supreme genius, estimated to be no more than a thousand! Moreover, among the thousand Supreme geniuses who are cream of the crop, there are absolutely not many people who can compare with you in terms of potential. You can count them with both hands and feet! ”

One thousand

In other words, his current ranking among the young generation in the entire universe is about one thousand

Long Qingchen is speechless, he I don't think there's anything to be happy about.

"Okay, okay, don't praise him any more, if you continue to praise him, his dragon tail will be lifted to the sky. ”

The golden Ancestral Dragon is a little helpless.


After a while, the battleship pierced from inside the Void and reached the very center of the universe.

This time, the family entered Heaven Beyond the Heaven, which is the small universe owned by Dongfang Family.

However, this time Long Qingchen's mood changed a lot Change, last time he was very kind to the Dongfang Family, this time he had a feeling of indifference.

This time the place where the Fengyuan forces gathered together was held in the small continent last time.

The powerhouses sent by the Great Influence came one after another, all of them were very quiet, very quiet, very quiet, and very quiet sitting in their seats, waiting for the start of the conference, No one greeted each other, no one laughed and talked to each other, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing. Obviously, the great losses suffered during this period of time made all Great Influences feel heavy.


Golden Ancestral Dragon, Blood Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen sensed a trace of cold killing intent, and looked in the direction of the killing intent. Among the seats of Peak's star-filled forces, they saw the Eight Desolate Sect Master and the ten Supreme Elders. and three Supreme geniuses.

"You guys didn't die? ”

Long Qingchen looked surprised.

Hearing this, the Eighth Sect Master, the ten Supreme Elders and the three Supreme geniuses all had ugly expressions on their faces.


Bahuang Sect Master coldly said, "You are not dead, how can we die? "

Long Qingchen patted his forehead, "Ai, look at my memory, I almost forgot, it was your two Ancestor Masters who died, and the two Ancestor Masters who transcended the immortal realm died. , After the Eight Desolate Sects, stop claiming to be a Peak full star power, you can downgrade, and in the future, like our Dragon Clan, High Level full star power. "

"Long Qingchen, you impudent!" "

The Eight Desolate Sect Master was furious and trembled with anger.

Li Ziyaqing coldly said, "Long Qingchen, a frog in well, our Eight Desolate Sects have a stronger one." Master Ancestor is in retreat, how can you guess the background of Peak's star power? ridiculous! "

"And a stronger Ancestor Master?" "

Long Qingchen was a little surprised, and then laughed, "That's fine, next time, we'll go to attack the dark soul clan, call your strongest Ancestor Master, and let him follow him." The other two Ancestor Masters go with them. "

"You! "

Li Ziya gritted her teeth tightly, wishing she could slap his smiling face.

"Senior Sister doesn't have to explain to an ant." "

Yang Luan sneered, "Defeated, and dare to speak madly, among the three Supreme geniuses in the Eight Desolate Sect, Mo Xing Senior Brother and Li Ziya Senior Sister all of them are stronger than mine." , he can't even match me. It can be seen that he is not qualified to be the chief Holy Son of Dragon Clan at all. Dragon Clan should quickly change to a chief Holy Son. "

Mo Xing said contemptuously, "Even if Dragon Clan wants to change the chief Holy Son, there is no need to change it. The younger generation of Dragon Clan are all general, and whoever is the chief Holy Son is a joke. "

"Hahaha." "

Yang Luan laughed, "Mo Xing Senior Brother is right, this Long Qingchen is already the strongest among Dragon Clan's younger generation, the taller one among the shorter ones. "

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "Last time, I had a discussion with you eight Desolate Sects, both of you Sect Master and the First Lady were defeated by the golden Ancestral Dragon and the blood Ancestral Dragon. The rules of winning, Dragon Clan has already won, and I'm sorry to win again, deliberately making you, fool, proud of it? "

"Impossible! "

Yang Luan was annoyed, "If you lose, you will lose, don't make any excuses!" "

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "How about one more match? "

"Just compare, I don't mind stomping on you in public!" "

Yang Luan stood up suddenly and glared at him.

The powerhouses of the Great Influence all looked at the Eight Desolate Sect and the Dragon Clan with strange eyes, and the Eight Desolate Sect They joined forces with Dragon Clan to attack the Dark Souls. As a result, the Eight Desolate Sect suffered heavy losses and Dragon Clan retreated completely. They heard about this, but they didn't know much about it. This is against each other.

(End of this chapter)

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